He ignored my words and looked at Fu Shenyan taking care of Lu Xinran. He said with envy, "Mr. Fu, you are so close to sister Lu. You are really the one who cares about you!"

Lu Xinran laughed for a moment. He could see that he was happy. Fu Shenyan frowned slightly and looked at me with black eyes.

In the next few days, my reaction to pregnancy and vomiting was a little serious. In order to avoid Fu Shenyan, I went to Yuntong apartment. Muzi planned to settle down in Jiangcheng. In order to take care of us in the future, she and I bought two apartments in Yuntong apartment, one for each.

"Hey, I didn't even say the address, so I'm not on my way..." His noise drifted away from his voice.

Then I got on the car and started it.

Glanced at him, I directly spit out a few words, "no way!"

"I didn't drive here today. Give me a ride!" He has a kind of ruffian mouth.

I stopped and looked back at him. "What's the matter?"

Behind him, Chen Xing is not anxious or slow to follow up.

Go straight back to your seat, take your bag and leave.

"You..." She blushed with anger and tried to explain to me that I was not interested in getting involved with her too much.

To get rid of Fu Shenyan's opponent, I looked at her, looked at her red face, and said with a smile, "why? Because Fu Shenyan doesn't want to divorce me, because I'm still his right wife, because he can't let me go! "

"Shen Shu, why do you come here to decide my life?" Lu Xinran didn't know where he came from and roared at me.

I sneered, looked at him and said, "of course, you can also stay away from Lu Xinran and give her enough money to let her completely leave your life!"

"No way!" He opened his mouth, and his eyebrows were cold.

I Leng Leng, opening a way, "and I divorce, we do not have two wide, their lives!"

"What do you want me to do?" Half ring, he suddenly opened his mouth, tone in the participation of helpless.

His face was livid, and the corners of his lips pursed a sharp curve. I knew he was angry, but what I said was the truth. It was just a little more straightforward, but I had to face it in the end, wasn't it?

I sneered, "of course I know!" Looking at him coldly, I want to smile, "Fu Shenyan, while giving Lu Xinran meticulous care, while entangled with me, do you particularly enjoy the feeling of entanglement between two women?"

His eyes color gradually deep up, "Shen Shu, do you know what you are doing?"

After a pause, I continued, "in addition, if your memory is OK, I think I told you last night that I hope we can divorce as soon as possible. I don't know how you think about it!"

The wrist was caught by him, I was a little emotional, looked back at him coldly and said, "Fu Shenyan, I remember I said, let you stay away from me!"

"No!" Staggering him, I went out of the bathroom.

"Shen Shu, let's go to the hospital!" He spoke in a low, cold voice. He could not hear much emotion, but he was absolutely unfriendly.

But I didn't have time to think about it. I had to run into the bathroom and retch for a long time. I finally calmed down and looked back at Fu Shenyan coldly.

His words surprised me in a cold sweat.

He a Leng, reaction come over I want to vomit, then got up to get out of the way, mouth anxious way, "how to eat fish will vomit, pregnant?"

After eating a bite of the dish Chen Xing gave me, before I could chew it, my stomach suddenly rolled. I covered my mouth and motioned Chen Xing to let me out.

As long as you don't put it in your heart, your heart won't hurt!

My face was expressionless, I bowed my head slightly and turned a blind eye to everything.

Later, after Fu Shenyan and I got married, I lived in a villa all the time, so I didn't come here much. Fortunately, there are woods here all the time, and it's more comfortable.

Looking at me, Muzi poured me a cup of hot water and said, "Shen Shu, tell me honestly, didn't you beat the child?"

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