This matter, I didn't want to hide from her from the beginning. After drinking hot water, I nodded, "Hmm!"

She paused for a few seconds, then looked at me and said, "what are you going to do?"

Han Shuang looked at me and said, "Mr. Shen, you and Mr. Fu?"

The elevator door opened, and the four entered the elevator together. The atmosphere was a little cold, but no one wanted to say the right thing until they got out of the elevator.

Fu Shenyan's face is gloomy, and I can't see any emotion. I can't figure out his temper all the time, and I can't figure out what kind of feelings he has for me.

I was worried that Fu Shenyan would doubt it. When he said this, I was relieved. I looked at him and said, "thank you!"

When I met Fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu at the elevator entrance, Cheng Junyu handed me the lunch box in his hand and said, "the soup that chef Liu made for you is good for your recovery. Listen to Shenyan, you've vomited a lot recently. It should be the pseudo pregnancy after miscarriage. Just take care of it for a while."

I nodded, mentioned information and computer, and Han Shuang out of the office together.

After arriving at the company in a hurry, Han Shuang handed me the information and said, "let's go directly to the bidding site!"

But I'm busy these two days, so I have to get up early every day.

It's getting hotter and hotter in Jiangcheng. At eight o'clock, the sun turns over the wall and starts to shine. Muzi is a night owl, so he never gets up early.

The next day.

I don't know exactly what it is.

Originally thought that that night's middle-aged man will appear again, do not want to a few days later, there is no movement.

Cut off her voice and went back to the bedroom, I began to keep busy with the audit of this case, and I will bid tomorrow.

"Ah, Shen Shu..."

Pushing her curious face away from her head, I got up and went back to the bedroom, "sleep well, don't gossip!"

He nodded. Muzi looked at me and said, "do you have anything to do with doctor Cheng?"

"You're welcome!"

"OK, thank you, Dr. Cheng!"

I didn't answer her, but I listened quietly to Cheng Junyu's words on the other end of the phone, "there are drugs, but the drugs are three parts toxic. I don't recommend you to use them. I'll ask chef Liu for advice tomorrow to see what food can reduce pregnancy vomiting without affecting the fetus."

Muzi cat leaned against my ear and whispered, "what's the matter with doctor Cheng? How could he help you? "

After Fu Shenyan answered the phone last time, this time I waited for Cheng Junyu to speak, and then I said, "doctor Cheng, do you have any way to inhibit or reduce pregnancy and vomiting?"

After thinking about it, I called Cheng Junyu. In a few seconds, he got through.

Fu Shenyan is sure to doubt that he has not dealt with these matters properly.

I know, but I really can't leave now. I can't leave everything in my hand. Let's go!

She gave me a white look and said in silence, "I mean, during this period of time, when you vomit like this, I can find that you are wandering under Fu Shenyan's eyes every day. Do you think he is an idiot and can't find it?"

"Divorce Fu Shenyan, and then go to Jingcheng to raise a baby!" That's what I planned at the beginning!

"It's getting late. Hurry to the bidding site!" I don't want to say more. Fu Shenyan and I haven't seen each other or said anything since the last restaurant.

When I came to the bidding site, I met Chen Xing, who was a headache. When I saw him step forward, the young man looked at me full of vigor and sunshine and said, "sister, you're here!"

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