I don't like his familiarity. I nodded a little and went directly to the bidding site. Today, there are many people who want to fight for Fu's audit.

When the bidding was held for most of the time, I felt a slight headache and didn't know what it was. Han Shuang saw something wrong with me, helped me to the rest room and poured me a cup of water. "Mr. Shen, there are still several companies participating in the bidding behind, or you can't go to the hospital."

Stopped by him, "Fu's audit is related to Fu's future. Have you ever thought about why Fu Shenyan chose me instead of AC who has cooperated with him for many years?"

Too lazy to pay attention to him, I picked up my bag and prepared to leave.

Seeing that I was so straightforward, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Shen Shu, it's not a good thing that girls are too smart!"

He can't appear for no reason, for a long time without talking about the theme, no one has time to spend with him.

After Han Shuang left, I looked at Chen Xingdao and said, "if you continue to make a detour, I don't mind continuing to drag on!"

Han Shuang looks at me and asks me what I mean. He takes a look at Chen Xing and I say, "go and do something!"

"Assistant Han, get busy! I'll take her back later! " Chen Xing made a speech in advance.

After receiving the information, Han Shuang nodded, looked at Chen Xing, hesitated for a moment, and said to me, "Mr. Shen, do I send you back now, or?"

I picked out a few suitable candidates, looked at her and said, "you go to make a report, compare the audit and contact of these companies in recent two years, and then screen them for me!"

Ignore his words, see Han Shuang come in, think it should be the end of the bidder, Han Shuang said all the information of the bidder together to make a comparison.

He said with a smile, "I care more about you!"

This topic, too boring, I frown, "Mr. Chen should now be concerned about the bidding results?"

He found a seat to sit down, face no frivolous, a bit more serious way, "Fu Shenyan to you is what kind of existence?"

I nodded, "much better, thank you!"

Relaxed a few minutes, he let go, looked at me and said, "how's it going?"

I didn't have much energy to toss about, so I simply followed him, not to mention that my headache was relieved soon.

"Don't be brave!" he ordered coldly

"I care about you!" With that, he came up behind me and rubbed my temples for me. The boy's hand strength was strong and moderate. I wanted to avoid and was held down by him.

I glanced at Chen Xing, rubbed her eyebrows and said, "you're not going to bid. What are you doing here?"

"Why do you want to be so absorbed?" The voice of cold not Ding rings out, tease evil spirit.

It's not easy to be a mother. I thought I was invulnerable, and I made such small mistakes on such occasions.

I've heard more than half of it, and I know more about it. I sat in the lounge for a while, and Han Shuang continued to listen.

I shook my head. After listening to most of them just now, I drank some water. I looked at her and said, "go and have a look at the bidding company in the back. If you have any suitable ones, you can leave them for reference, even if you don't have them!"

Sitting back in my seat, I didn't speak. I just kept waiting for him to go on.

He took a seat beside me and said, "Fu has been listed for one year. On the surface, Fu's development is booming, and there is no problem. But if you think about it carefully, why is the project you and President Lu are responsible for delayed for a few days, which will cause huge economic losses to Fu? Do you really think it's the loss caused by the delay of funds due to the fast development of Fu's business? "

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