The next time, are in accordance with the requirements of children, everything seems to be very calm and beautiful.

Back in the yard, it's a little late. After a day's walking, it's hard to avoid fatigue. Siji sleeps on Fu Shenyan.

In the hotel, there seems to be more and more rumors about Zhang Nan and me. Even some people have already heard about our cohabitation.

With the absence of Fu Shenyan, our mother and daughter's life seems to have returned to the previous calm.

I don't think about it any more. It has nothing to do with me.

Cheng Junyu or Mo family?

Now it's exploded again. It's obvious that someone is deliberately looking for trouble.

At that time, I seemed to hear it, but later I didn't know how Fu Shenyan dealt with it.

Children killed?

Four years?

It's hard to ignore the obvious title.

"Four years ago, the accident in which a child died at the construction site of Fu group was postponed for three years without any compensation to the family."

As the car went away, I went back to the yard, turned out my mobile phone, and the headlines were particularly prominent.

Didn't say goodbye, just watched him leave.

I nodded, "be safe!"

"After dealing with the capital, I'll be right back." He looked at me, eyes deep and distant, this man, always seems so charming.

The next day, Fu Shenyan, who had no intention of leaving, was urged away by several phone calls.


I stand in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside, a little distracted, this life is too long, to live so quietly, it seems not so easy.

Simply get up directly, go to the kitchen to pour a glass of water, drink a mouthful, the moonlight in the alley is extremely beautiful.

Lying in bed, I can't sleep for a long time, my head is buzzing.

Seems to think too much, some insomnia.

I love the beauty of Huai'an, but I can't delay the future of the four seasons.

I know better than anyone that she and I stay in Huai'an. I have a home, but she can't. She is a child. She has never seen the outside world. She needs to see and learn. She needs a better environment to see and enrich herself.

Is the night, the starry sky is bright, I fell asleep for a long time, the future of the four seasons I have considered.

But calmness is just an illusion. Once something happens, he still wants to go.

So, even if he now quietly into my life, and I seem to have integrated.

I'm used to eating three meals a day and dealing with the big and small things in the yard. I don't want to go back to the capital with him to make noise.

But even so, Fu's center is in the capital, and his coming here is not a long-term solution.

Counting the days carefully, he has been in Huai'an for half a month. Fu has many things to do. I know that he often holds a computer to hold a teleconference and process documents. Sometimes he is very busy.

He didn't open his mouth. He just kneaded his ankle for me.

I shook my head. "It's just a proposal."

He looked up with deep eyes. "So, you're driving away?"

Looking at him rubbing my ankle for me, I said, "there are many things in Beijing. You've been here so long. You should go back and have a look."

I can't seem to escape the entanglement with him.

While talking, his slender fingers have been put into the water, and some people's fate seems to be doomed.

He pursed his lips, eyes deep, "old wound is not completely good, a bubble, with safflower wine rub."

I was a little bit resistant and raised my hand to hold him down. "I can come myself."

It seemed that it was hot. He turned around and poured some cold water in. He untied the shoelaces for me. It was obvious that he wanted to wash my feet.

The four seasons back to the bedroom, he came out of the bedroom, saw me pouring water, took the kettle from my hand, poured water, slender body half squatting in the basin to test the water temperature.

Probably a sequela!

Maybe it's a long way to go. I don't know what happened to the place where I sprained, but it began to ache.

I don't care. If I don't care, I'm just worried. Fortunately, with Shen Changlin, most people don't have any obvious malice when they see me.

There are also flatterers, but I'm shallow, almost nothing to get close to, sometimes even close to indifference.

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