In the middle of August, the payday.

Zhang Nan handed me the salary slip and said with a smile, "you should treat!"

People in small counties and cities are pure and kind, but because they are idle, they have a lot of right and wrong.

I don't like to talk about other people's gossip, and I don't like to be talked about by others. What's more, Zhang Xinxin deliberately talked about this topic.

I sipped my lips and took a sip of the wine. Seeing the waiter serving, I looked at you and said, "we've been chatting for so long. We should be hungry. Let's eat!"

For a moment, people all looked at me one after another during the dinner. Someone was curious and said, "Shen Shu, it seems that your daughter's father has never seen you mention it."

This topic is quite gossip.

Looking at everyone, he said, "what's the point of talking about this? I remember that Miss Shen's daughter is four years old. Why do you say that you are rich and have a child hiding in this remote county

After all, Zhang Xinxin has always been a high-profile person. Now without her father, she is not willing to be ignored.

A group of people sat together, not only gossip, but also gossip. I laughed and said, "I've been in Beijing for three years, and I don't know much about Beijing."

"It's said that Fu's and Gu's young owners in the capital are fighting in a terrible battle in the shopping mall. They both want to win over the Shen family. Shen Shu is convenient to disclose. Can we gossip?"

I said, "I don't know yet!"

Someone looked at me and said, "Shen Shu, are you coming to Huai'an to live here all the time? I'm going to stay for a while and go back. "

They are all acquaintances. They don't have to introduce each other when they sit down. They all start chatting.

It's Zhang Xinxin who is talking. I smile. I don't say much. I'm entertaining you to order.

Someone answered, "what are you afraid of? Miss Shen doesn't rely on the salary of several thousand yuan. What do you care about?"

"Yes, after this meal, you will lose most of your salary."

Several colleagues asked to order, someone began to tease, "Shen Shu selected this place is estimated to be the best restaurant in Huai'an, the per capita consumption is more than 200, big money!"

Huai'an restaurant, the consumption is not high, I found a relatively large restaurant, location in the second floor box, a box can not sit down, naturally two.

I nodded.

"Well, Siji and Mobai let my mother pick them up in the evening. Let's go back later. It's OK, OK?"

I smile, "it's OK, there's no cost now, we can't use money, everyone is happy, let's play together!"

Zhang Nan looked at me and couldn't help laughing. "The total salary is only 8000. There are more than 20 people in the company. After a meal, you need one or two thousand. If you go to the bar again, you won't have much left."

They are all young girls. Eating and playing are the theme songs of their youth.

"Wow, good, good!"

I smile, opening a way, "that evening we eat together, eat together to the bar, how?"

Zhang Nan looks at me, smiles and doesn't express his opinion.

"Yes! I've been moldy for two months. I haven't played for a long time. "

Some people heard the conversation and said, "since it's a treat, you can't just invite one person. Shen Shu, you've got to take us to celebrate when you get promoted and get a raise."

Looking at the double pay, I nodded, "what do you want to eat, please!"

This kind of topic, either do not mention, or make it clear, but make it clear is certainly not enough, so can only not mention.

When you see what I said, you don't ask me any more questions for a while. After a meal, it's still harmonious.

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