The dinner is over. It's nine o'clock.

Siji and Mobai are picked up. After all, I'm the host. I said I'd go to the bar, but there's no reason why I don't go.

Adults know how to weigh the pros and cons very well. Fu Shenyan's deep and steady, skill and style of conduct are beyond the reach of most adults.

Maybe because of the appearance of Fu Shenyan, Zhang Nan still takes care of me, but these care gradually become the care of my brother to my sister.

I nodded and pinched my eyebrows. "I'll go back first."

He took me to the gate of the yard and said, "Siji will live with my mother. I'll take her to school tomorrow morning."

It's a farce. It's harmless. I'm a little dizzy because of the strong aftereffect of alcohol. After paying, I left with Zhang Nan.

I shook my head, did not care, "can be said so, in fact, that I look good."

"Don't take it seriously, beautiful people are mostly similar!" Zhang Nan opened his mouth and changed my wine cup into juice.

It seems that there are many people like me. In the past, some people said that I was very similar to Lu Xinran. Later, some people said that I was very similar to Lin Wan. Now some people say that I am similar to big stars.

I smile, but I don't say much.

A group of people at the same time looked at me and coaxed, "Shen Shu, don't say that you are really similar to Nanxiang, especially the eyes. If an adult can't get to the bottom of the matter and see that I haven't answered, he won't continue to ask.

I am a Leng, turn head, see him looking at me, dun dun, smile, then did not answer.

Zhang Nan sat next to me and said, "is Siji Fu Shenyan's child?"

The passionate music and the hot men and women on the stage are lively enough.

After ordering wine and snacks, everyone sat together chatting and reminiscing. It was not noisy, but it was very lively.

English songs are playing on the big screen on the stage, and three men who look like they are in their thirties are mixing the stereo.

There are a lot of people. After finding the location on the second floor, you can see the stage performance on the first floor.

So we went to the bar in the center of the city together. It was called the bar, that is, Qingba.

While Zhang Nan respected him, he also knew how to measure his position.

His care for me, from the love between men and women at the beginning, gradually retreated to the love between brothers and sisters. In fact, this is the best result.

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