I was stunned for a moment. Even if there was no mo family at that time, I was ready to divorce him.

For a moment, I said, "even if I don't go back to Mo's home, I also want to get divorced, which has little to do with Mo's home."

I was stunned for a moment. I looked at him and saw that he was driving seriously. I said, "although she didn't come out of my stomach, she and I have been integrated for four years. She was injured, she hurt, and I hurt too."

I didn't open my mouth. He thought I didn't want to go back. He sighed, "madam, when Siji falls down, who is more painful for you or her?"

It seems to be sooner or later.

Go back?

He looked at me, held the steering wheel, hesitated for a moment, and said, "the capital has changed a lot in the past four years. Do you want to go back and have a look?"

"That's good!" I smile, everyone according to the road to start.

He was stunned for a moment and said, "well, I'm two years old."

I remember, he said before, he's married.

With a slight sigh, "Fu's development is at its peak now. Do you have children with your wife?"

Chen Yi seems to have something to say to me all the time. I pursed my lips and looked out of the window. I knew that what he wanted to say might be consolation.

In the car.

I want to refuse, but still shut up, after all, can't beat him, simply accept.

He smiles, but doesn't care. He says, "let Chen Yi send you!"

At the general end of the meeting, it is estimated that Fu's senior management has gone crazy.

I shook my head, raised my hand and pointed to his computer, "your meeting is not finished yet."

His black eyes sank slightly, pursed his lips and nodded, "I'll go with you!"

I didn't open my mouth to respond. I just looked at my watch and realized that it was late. I left his arms and said, "Siji is going to school. I'll pick her up."

He spoke in a deep, lingering voice.

"Come back to the capital with me, it's our wedding. I've been planning it for four years, waiting for you to go back!"

It doesn't seem that easy.

Four years can cure the wound, but is it really OK to reunite?

I sigh, looking at the blue sky outside the window, my heart is very empty. How long has it been? I almost forget myself.

All the way, they seem to be thinking about the protection of the law, but everything is happening, the death of the child, the death of the wood, are unavoidable.

So later, Shen Yucai introduced me to Shen Changlin with the help of Gu Han. The purpose is that even if I and the Mo family do recognize each other in the future, I will be sheltered by the Shen family and Fu Shenyan when the Mo family has an accident?

after a moment of silence, he said, "the water of the Mo family is too deep. It's ok if the boat doesn't capsize. If the boat capsizes, the whole army will be destroyed. There are too many people the Mo family has offended over the years How do you want to live? "

"But why is there Shen Yu in this matter?" Shen Yu's kindness to me, I know in my heart, but why does he not want me to go back to Mo's home?

He sighed, a bitter smile, "I am too headstrong, all to this step."

That's true, and I was pregnant.

He laughed at himself, "it's not easy to divorce me without Mo family."

At the red light, he stopped the car and looked at me. "So, in four years, can you imagine how someone who loves you survived these four years? Mr. Fu is afraid that you will feel pain when you see him, so he has to drink and socialize every day and devote all his energy to his work. "

"The first winter you left, he was drunk and lay in the snow all night. The next day, he had a high fever. He said that was his happiest moment, because he saw you in his dream and you laughed at him."

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