There was water flowing in his eyes, and his voice was a little low. "During the day, he made a decision in Fu's cold and gloomy place. Once at night, he began to abuse himself. He endured day after day, sometimes with stomach bleeding, but when he was still very sober, he pulled me and asked," Chen Yi, shall I go to see her? "? It's OK to look at it from a distance, but the next day when he woke up, he began to be silent again. "

"He conceals his emotions very well, but he is a human being. No matter how well he conceals, there will be times of collapse. Madam, you don't have to go back to the past. You just need to live in the present and the future. If you love him, you can let you go on and don't need to torture each other."

After that, I went straight back to the yard. It was the end of August, and all the fruits or vegetables in the backyard were ripe. At this time, I should have sowed more seeds.

He nodded, but said with a smile, "if you have time, you can have a meal together. Mo Bai doesn't know you're leaving. The children have good feelings. At least let them say goodbye."

I smile, "you need to take care of the vegetation in the yard." I didn't plan to sell the house in Huai'an. After four seasons, I went to university and had my own life. I may still want to come back to Huai'an. This place is where I grew up and where I finally settled down.

He nodded. "I'll keep in touch."

"I don't know yet!" Shen Yu and Fu Shenyan continue to appear, I continue in the hotel, probably still can not escape the rumors.

"What are your plans for the future?" He opened his mouth, a little lonely on his face.

He was silent for a moment, nodded and signed.

"I'll tell him."

Zhang Nan took my resignation report and looked at me calmly. "Does Mr. Fu know about this?"

I resigned a week after Fu Shenyan left the hotel.

I seem to be too selfish to get to this point.

At first, I thought I loved him very much, but later, I gradually found out that I didn't. the moment I knew I was pregnant, I began to plan to leave. When I lost my child, I knew he would suffer, but I still gave him all my resentment. Even when I knew he had changed his DNA, I didn't want to listen to his explanation and left without permission.

Yes, the one I love the most is the one I love the most.

Hang up the phone, I am a little distracted, Chen Yi is not light or heavy words, in my heart planted not small ripples.


I, um, heard the radio over there urging me to board. I said, "I'll hang up first and go home to chat!"

"Take good care of yourself, eat on time and wait for me to come back." His voice was low, but clear enough.

Listening to the phone, he seems to have been ready to get on the plane, I nodded, looked up at the dark sky, "ate."

A few seconds after the message was sent, he called in a warm voice, "have you had dinner?"

I sent a message to Fu Shenyan, but there were not many words. I just told him to "pay attention to safety on the road"

and he left.

Before leaving, Chen Yi looked at me and pursed his lips. "President Fu will go back to the capital in the evening."

After four seasons, I took him back to the yard.

The past is full of frustrations, but now it is over.

Amazement, absence, all of them.

When the traffic lights are on, I am a little distracted. I never thought that one day I would hear everything about Fu Shenyan from an outsider.

But now I have to leave here, so I can't plant any more in the field.

I didn't take much of the clothes and luggage of Siji, and I didn't take any of mine, only a few of them were changed.

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