So many things, if one day, I become a madman, I know he will take care of me, will stay with me, but the rest of his life will be devoted to love and care for a madman, in that case, I destroy him, Fu Qingyin is right, he can be better.

In Fu Shenyan's eyes, it seems that some things are broken. The black pupil is infected with the broken glass. It hurts!

I smile, close to him, in his lips under the corner of a kiss, not deep not shallow, moderate warmth.

He stopped the action in his hand, a pair of black eyes just locked me, Qingjun's face with a smile, "there is no me in the dream, to accept punishment."

Armpit was tickled by him, I laugh, turned to face him, eyes smile into a curved moon, "it's true, for a long time, I almost forget."

I shook my head. "It's been too long. I forgot."

He lowered his voice. "Am I in the dream?"

I smile, close my eyes, some greedy for such a time, "in fact, I once dreamed that I went to the north, but the dream of the north is not in winter, but in summer."

He moved his body, hot body, chin on my neck socket, some itchy, "this year I accompany you to see the snow, maybe we can go to the north, there is more beautiful."

My voice was shallow. "Winter in Huai'an comes very late, and it hardly snows. Even if it snows, it just melts when it falls to the ground. There is no way to make the world white."

He tightened the strength in his hand, put me in his arms, and said in a low voice, "well, do you like watching snow?"

Four years ago, I remember that the snow in Beijing had been coming very early, and the weather suddenly cooled down. It seemed that it was really going to snow.

"Fu Shenyan!" I opened my mouth and turned my back to him. "Is it going to snow in the capital?"

If time can be still, such a life is also a luxury. He and I both know what we have to face when we leave this bed.

Behind him was his heart, beating forcefully and rhythmically.

I wake up from the dream, body warm incomparable, open eyes into the purpose is such a big room.

The capital is even colder. Fu Shenyan didn't go to the company. His slender body wrapped me up and gave me a sense of security.

The next day.


This is like a dream. Yes, those days in Huai'an were like those I stole from the time machine.

This night, I seem to still sleep very normally, in the dim night, he kisses me, the voice is low and soft, his thin and cool lips stick to my ear, the voice is low and provocative, he said, "Shen Shu, let's go to Huai'an as a family, never come back."

There are many ways to choose from, but he chose the most difficult one.

I pursed my lips, my teeth stuck together, and my heart ached so much that I couldn't say a word.

Seems to touch his pain, his handsome brow convergence, self mocking smile, "Shen Shu, the person deep in mud foot is not you, it's me. You are right. I can get rid of Lu Xinran's debt and the Fu family's involvement and responsibility, but you alone can't, I can't get rid of it. "

The cheek is held by him, the smile in the man's eyes rippling, he has some thin and cool lips close to me, describing my lip shape, for a long time, he looked at me, black eyes infected with deep, "Shen Shu, buy Fu Shenyan's heart, it's very easy for you."

Some words, inadvertently into the heart, and then I think, people's happiness, really is the years of little warm gathered together, the so-called magnificent, but just a passing cloud.

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