It's already afternoon. If it wasn't for Chen Yi's phone call to learn that Fu's shares have plummeted, I'm afraid he would still be as degenerate as I am.

At the dinner table, he did not panic at all. He ate breakfast with me. He indulged and indulged in his words. "The exam is coming soon. If you are nervous, why don't I write you a letter of recommendation?"

He has been in the capital for four years, and his contacts and relations have basically been formed in Jiangcheng. It's hard for him to come to the capital now.

I understand why he came here suddenly and said, "why do you want to move the studio to Beijing?"

Psychological counseling studio?

Playing with his mobile phone, he thought, "people are at this age. The way they look at things is different. Oh, by the way, I've changed my studio to Beijing. If you have time, you can go around. The environment is very good."

"How do you..." Why does he suddenly want to go out for a walk? In my impression, Jon is a special person. If there is nothing wrong, he will never go out to play, let alone travel.

He thought, "how about going to the north? It just happened that I thought about it for a long time

I was stunned for a moment, shaking my head, "I haven't thought about it yet."

He shrugged, didn't say much, leaned on the sofa, looked at me and said, "what's the plan after the exam? Where do you want to go? "

I smile, "my science is law, why not?"

When Jon came, it was a week later. He was sitting in the living room, lazy and leisurely, looking at me and saying, "Why are you going to take the law exam again?"

It seems that Cheng Junyu has never come back to the villa, and even Fu Qingyin has never come in.

He nodded and didn't say much. He came to me and picked me up. They were both crowded on the sofa, which was not small, but it was a bit crowded compared with the couch.

I nestled on the sofa, holding the pillow, looking at Fu Shenyan, "Chen Yi's ability can really control everything independently."

Chen Yi nodded, but didn't say much. He just looked at me and then left.

Fu Shenyan didn't seem to care at all. He pulled a paper towel and wiped the rice grain at the corner of my mouth. He got up and looked at Chen Yi. "It's Gu Han who is in charge of the business. His purpose is just to make me have no time to worry about other places. He doesn't mean to shake the stock market. Just face it according to the previous way. There's no need to be nervous."

When Chen Yi came, Fu Shenyan fed me the porridge delicately. The action was too intimate, which made Chen Yi's face a bit embarrassed.

Yes, he has been in charge of Fu for many years, and he is very good at trading in the market. It's just a drop, but it's hard for him.

"Don't worry!" He said with a smile, "I'm measured."

I shook my head and laughed. What I was worried about was Fu's business. After all, I didn't calm down and said, "Fu's stock fell back and suffered heavy losses. You..."

I forget that he is an outstanding student of Beijing University. He has graduated many years. As a successful person, he has donated a lot of money to Beijing University.

He didn't care, "Chen Xing plans to take over the Chen family's industry. The capital is the headquarters, so he has to move to the capital."

Taking over the Chen family, I remember that Lin Wan was always in charge of the Chen family's business. Now Chen Xing is in charge.

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