Shopping malls are crowded and noisy. I don't like it very much. After staying alone for a long time, it seems to be in a hurry.

Mofflin is a happy person. She likes to walk all the stores and buy the things she likes. She is always happy like a child.

No matter how well the design and materials are used, tens of thousands of necklaces always feel luxurious.

She was stunned. Her eyes fell on the bracelet on my wrist and said, "didn't you just ask me to have both? Why do you think it's expensive? In fact, it's not expensive. This necklace is made by a famous British designer. The moon shaped brick in the pendant is pure diamond, which is absolutely high value, so it's OK. "

"Gold is not so expensive, is it?" Even if the house price in Beijing rises to 100000 yuan, I don't think it's that expensive, but a necklace of 400000 yuan is really expensive.

She raised her eyebrows. "Four hundred thousand."

I Leng for a while, after knowing to see her, opened mouth, "how much is this necklace?"

She looked at the necklace in her hand and thought, "forget it, I want both. 400000 is 400000. Anyway, I wear them myself."

She helped her forehead and sighed, "as expected, Gao Leng's taste is all on your face."

"Reading at home!" This is a fact. In the past, when Muzi was there, I was busy working overtime, and I went out to eat something delicious with her on weekends. After Muzi left, I basically didn't have this kind of life, and my friends were basically zero.

She gave me a thumbs up and said, "it's really arrogant. Fu Shenyan really spoils you to the point of being disabled. However, as a woman, you don't like shopping or eating. What do you do for leisure?"

I nodded, "every season, Fu Shenyan basically asks Chen Yi to get the clothes at home. I seldom go shopping. I have no idea about clothes and jewelry. I wear whatever I have at home."

After saying this, I didn't react. She said, "Damn, Shen Shu, this is the first time that I feel Mrs. Fu's arrogance in you. I always think you are just a little white mouse. These accessories and clothes on you are made by Fu Shenyan, right?"

I looked at her hands tangled two necklaces, casual way, "two are very good-looking, you can have."

Seeing me in a daze, mofflin touched me with his arm and said, "is it so difficult for you to choose a necklace? What's the matter? "

But it's strange that why mofflin and I became friends somehow, which is a bit unexpected.

Some people say that similar people can be friends. Muzi is a young friend to me. Even if I have different personalities, I will come together.

Like Muzi, they will be happy and excited for a long time because they eat delicious food and buy things they like.

I can't help sighing, "you've hung a two bedroom apartment in a fourth tier city around your neck. It's a luxury."

The cupboard sister packed the necklace and swiped the card. She took the box and looked at me and said, "Shen Shu, I doubt if you don't move the goods. You put hundreds of millions of bracelets on your hands. Don't you sigh that what you are wearing on your hands is a villa in Beijing!"

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