I was stunned. I couldn't help looking at the bracelet on my wrist. It was given to me by Shen Changlin when he asked me to join the Shen family four years ago. I seldom wore it. I saw it a few days ago and thought it was very nice. So I wore it.

I don't have any idea about these jewelry. I can only judge whether I like them or not by their good looks. I can't tell the good from the bad.

Take me to continue shopping, mofflin suddenly opened her mouth, she said, "Shen Shu, Fu Shenyan really love you."

I smile and don't say much.

She put her cell phone away, shrugged and said, "I feel like I've been forced to take a bite of dog food."

When I hung up, I returned the phone to mofflin and said, "thank you!"

I lost my smile and attracted mofflin's eyes. I couldn't help holding back and said to the phone, "OK, hang up first, I'm fine!"

He said, "OK, I'll pick you up after work later. I'll transfer money to you from my mobile phone. Don't save. I have the ability to make you lose your family."

See Mo Feilin looking at me smile, I have some face hot, can't help but way, "mobile phone no electricity, off, not cold, there is heating in the mall, very warm!"

Take time out of my busy schedule to call me to greet these, probably only Fu Shenyan's love will be so delicate.

There came a low smile, "why is the mobile phone turned off? Do you wear thick clothes when you go out? Miss Mo said that you are wearing a thin coat. Is it cold? "

"It's me!" Man voice low, very familiar voice, I Leng for a while, can't help opening, "Fu Shenyan?"

I Leng for a while, subconsciously received the phone, unknown opened a mouth, "Hello!"

Thinking of trance, mofflin put his cell phone in my ear and joked, "listen to the phone."

Lying on the railings and looking at the shops on each floor, there are no such shops in Huai'an. Many hawkers are in the alleys. When they go home through the alleys, they can take all the things they want to buy home by the way.

It's a little stuffy.

Mofflin's phone rings. She answers the phone. I stand in the mall and look around. I feel a little too noisy to breathe.

Subconsciously touched the bracelet, I didn't say much, just smile.

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. I didn't know about it at that time. Now I know it. I can't help feeling that I shouldn't take it.

"This bracelet was meant to be passed on to Shen's daughter-in-law. Shen Changlin is also generous. He gave it to you directly."

She gave me a white look, took me to walk and popularized knowledge, and said, "your bracelets came from the Tang Dynasty. Some years ago, the civil war subsided a hundred years ago. In order to survive, the last royal family bought the bracelets to old master Shen, who was still a general at that time. Old master Shen loved his wife and gave them to her. Later, the country gradually became like this bracelet The bracelet was originally sent to the museum for collection, but the Shen family has made great contributions to the founding of the people's Republic of China. The bracelet has been left in the Shen family and passed down from generation to generation. "

No matter how valuable things are, they are also objects. What can last for hundreds of millions of years are not antiques?

Now she said, I was stunned, some pressure way, "hundreds of millions of bracelets? No way

I Leng for a while, don't understand how she suddenly said so, sideways look at her, see he looked at me.

"Three years ago, I met him in the imperial city. At three o'clock in the morning, he was drunk and came out from the imperial city with a wine bottle in his hand. At that time, nanxiangxiang and you were not like each other. If you really like him, you would only have eyes. He looked at nanxiangxiang and called your name again and again. He cried like a child and begged you not to leave."

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