
Seeing him sitting gracefully on the sofa in the hall and drinking the Biluochun that sister-in-law Zhang gave him, I choked.

I nodded, looked at her and said, "help me warm up a glass of milk."

Han Shuang came out in a hurry and said to me, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Cheng of credit has been in your office all morning."

Back in the office, a great God has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that he was so angry that his face was red and his neck was thick, the unpleasantness Fu Shenyan gave me in the morning dissipated in a moment.

I took a look at him and said coldly, "I'm looking forward to the day when lick dog becomes a regular. Come on, Mr. Qiao!"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!" Joe was cautious. He didn't expect me to fight back suddenly. He turned red for a moment. When he wanted to continue to fight me, the elevator came down.

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but smile and say, "by the way, although time bar is under the name of Lu Xinran, her assets are basically from Fu Shenyan, right? You'd better not provoke me, or if I'm not happy one day, let's hire a lawyer to fight a lawsuit. As Mrs. Fu, I think it's not difficult for me to take back what my husband gave me for no reason, right! Mr. Qiao

Looking back, I gave him a cold stare. I took it from Fu Shenyan in the morning and said in a low voice, "Joe is always used to licking the dog? Say a few words are almost the same as a dog barking, how. Do you do your best to serve Lu Xinran as a dog? Does Lu Xinran always give you sweets, or occasionally show you her affectation? "

He snorted coldly, not lightly but not seriously, "good friends are in the Bureau, and still so calm, Shen Shu, you are colder than I imagined!"

"Is Mr. Qiao working in the personnel department recently?" Looking at him, I opened my mouth and pressed the elevator door.

"It's noon. Does Shen always go there for meetings?" Qiao Jinyan is not a common nuisance. He doesn't want to pay attention to him, but he still faces up.

A light look at him, I did not intend to pay attention to this talkative man, simply pretended not to see.

When I entered the company, I met Qiao Jinyan who was just going out. Sometimes, the more annoying people I was, the easier I met them.

After taking a breath, I stopped talking. When I got to the company, Fu Shenyan put me under the Fu's building, and then drove away directly with my car.

But it seems that I have no choice but to listen to him.

"I'll take care of Muzi. You can stay in the company. Don't make trouble!" It sounds like a joke to children.

"Fu Shenyan, you..."

I couldn't figure out what he was going to do. I got into the car, but for a long time, I found that the car didn't go to the police station, but to the company.

See his low eyebrow, as if thinking about something, then directly on my car, sat in the driver's seat, looking at me. "Get in the car!"

I don't think he's trying to help me at all.

"Police station!"

But if I really want to be too naive, Fu Shenyan leaned against me and said gracefully, "where are you going?"

Simply, I went upstairs to pick up my bag and drove to the bar.

After looking at the time, it's one o'clock in the afternoon. Fu Shenyan doesn't go to the company or the police station. It's too much for his mother.

The warmth and beauty of the morning has long gone.

Into the office, Chen Xingqiao with two legs, very leisurely lying in the office chair, closed his eyes.

When he heard the news, he didn't open his eyes. He just lengthened his voice and said, "is Mr. Shen always so casual?"

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