I put my bag aside, went to the sofa and sat down. Han Shuang brought in the milk, then looked at me and said, "Mr. Shen, do you need me to bring all the information of Fu's audit?"

I shook my head, took a sip of milk, looked at Chen Xingdao and said, "I think Mr. Chen should have received the information. Please Mr. Chen has come here today. Since he has come, let's sign the cooperation agreement!"

He put down his chopsticks, looked at me and said, "it's Fu Shi. If I remember correctly, the company went public last year and merged with Qiao Shi. If there is no accident, you should be responsible for Qiao Shi's audit, right?"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I'll see you. Maybe you can solve a lot of problems." Chen Xing, who had a dry take out, put in his mouth and looked at me and said, "I forgot to tell you that our credit audit is only responsible for Fu's, not for others!"

I'm afraid they'll make trouble!

Last time, I'm afraid it won't be so simple. Although I held a bid, I skipped the winner. Generally speaking, I didn't like that person's idea.

I opened the mailbox to have a look, did not receive the information newly, looked to Han Shuangdao, "does not need temporarily!"

Han Shuang smile, did not say more, walked to me and said, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Lin of AC has come to you several times, do you want to see me?"

He glared at Han Shuang, not good airway, "I thank you!"

Han Shuang brought the takeout back, politely put it in front of him, respectfully said, "Mr. Chen, your lunch!"

I don't care about him. I'm busy with my own business.

The advantage of being young is that you can enter the left ear and leave the right ear, such as Chen Xing. I think what I said just now is very clear, but he is still in my office.

Pinching my eyebrows, I went back to my desk and turned over all the information of Huayu. I decided that Fu's audit and Huayu's case would be followed. This pile of things is really a headache.

I couldn't stand being quarreled by him. I looked at him and said, "Mr. Chen, from the perspective of cooperation, we have no work to talk about. From the perspective of relationship between men and women, I am married and married. Please respect and stay away."

Chen Xing is not happy on his face. He exclaimed, "I said Shen Shu, why don't you have fun? I invite you to dinner. Anyway, you should respond positively!"

Han Shuang was stunned, then nodded and went out with a smile.

I'm really fed up with this kid. Look like Han Shuangdao, "go downstairs and order a takeout for Mr. Chen."

He got up, moved to me and sat down, "let's have a meal together!"

Seeing Chen Xinglai with me, I slightly frowned, "Mr. Chen, what else

Docking well, the next thing is to arrange the docking of credit and Fu's finance and other parts, which are not within my jurisdiction.

Han Shuang hands the contract to Chen Xing. This guy looks at it foolishly. He probably doesn't think it's interesting. He just picks up the pen and signs it.

I twisted my eyebrows and felt some pain in my back. I looked at Han Shuangdao and said, "show Mr. Chen the cooperation contract!"

Chen Xing opened his eyes, half squinted at me and said, "so Mr. Shen finally decided to cooperate with us?"

I'm a little angry. "What Mr. Chen means is that you don't audit Joe's and make Fu's?"

He nodded, "Fu's audit is huge enough. If we add Qiao's audit, I'm afraid our final report will not catch up with the annual weekly of the next quarter."

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