After hanging up and nodding, I got up and went to him, pulled the door open, got on the car, leaned on the chair, and looked at him with a sigh of relief. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" He asked in an unhappy tone.

The car stopped downstairs in a luxurious European villa, and I was stunned, "is this going to someone else's house?"

Some warm, really sweet for a long time, a few years later, these sporadic memories became my only sweet.


I was silent, in a word, I was not very happy. The temperature came from the palm of my hand, the fingers were wrapped by him, and a low and pleasant voice came from my ear, "pregnant women are angry, it's not good for the fetus, less angry!"

I don't know!

Er er

Angry what?

He took a look at me, the corners of his mouth rose, his eyebrows brightened, "what's the matter with you?"

"I'm angry!" I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm just angry. Just now I thought he was taking me shopping, but

"Well?" The man always drives seriously. When I called him, he gave me a sidelong look and continued to drive.

"Fu Shenyan!" When he started the car, I choked and couldn't help shouting at him.

After he got on the bus, I realized that this man took me around the mall just to buy a dress.

My mother, three centimeter shoes, are they high heels?

But it was rejected by Fu Shenyan. The original words were, "pregnant women are not suitable for high heels!"

Finally, I finally picked out a floral dress to match with an apricot white suit, which was pretty good. I thought it would be more perfect to match with a pair of high heels.

Seeing that I've been looking for a long time, but I haven't picked out a decent dress, Fu Shenyan's patience is limited, so he let the shopping guide get started.

I am a Leng, but did not rush to ask, I this person anything good, is the vision is not so good, in collocation this piece, how much there is a little unsatisfactory.

Who do you meet?

"Walking in a daze!" Looking at me, he pulled me into the brand store and said in a low voice, "choose the right clothes and meet several people in the evening!"

He suddenly stopped, I did not pay attention, directly hit his back, I eat pain, frown at him, "why do you suddenly stop?"

Behind him, I can't help but shrivel, "it's really to harm the world."

As soon as they enter the market, many women turn their eyes on him, either reserved and coy, or generous and appreciative.

He took a look at me, then motioned me to get out of the car and went into the shopping mall with him. Fu Shen's arrogance and coldness, coupled with his damned facial features, inevitably attracted attention.

This operation is quite romantic!

Is this guy going shopping with me? And then eat?

He has always said so little indifference, I do not ask more, just to see his car parked under the mall building, I do not understand, "come to the mall to eat?"


My shoulder and spine are a little uncomfortable. I lean back with my shoulders. Seeing the wrong route, I don't understand, "where are we going?"

Well, Chen Xing and I have already signed a contract. Naturally, we just hand over Qiao's audit to AC.

After the traffic light, he looked at me and said, "are you going to break the contract?"

I am a Leng, didn't understand his meaning, doubt a way, "all give AC or just Qiao Shi?"

"Give it to AC!" He spoke and started the car.

After rubbing my eyebrows, I closed my eyes and said wearily, "Chen Xing of credit is only responsible for the audit of Fu, but he does not participate in the audit of Qiao."

He motioned for me to get out of the car, then handed the car key to the parking brother. His voice was warm and said in my ear, "see some friends!"

This man has been so mysterious. What are you doing!

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