After he entered the villa, he saw a middle-aged woman with exquisite and fashionable clothes coming out. The woman looked at Fu Shenyan with a smile and said, "Mr. Fu, long time no see."

Seeing me beside Fu Shenyan, the woman looked at Fu Shenyan with a shallow smile and said, "is this Mrs. Fu?"

the case of Muzi is more than half done.

Chen Ju spread a smile on his face and looked at Lin Wan and Fu Shenyan very happily. "This girl's mouth is really sweet. Come on, I'll have a drink with you little girl."

I didn't rush to say that. I got up and picked up the orange juice in front of me. I said with a sweet smile, "thank you Uncle Chen. Her name is Li Muzi. She is as old as me. As soon as I had a body, I used orange juice instead of wine

Chen Ju understood the meaning of it when he heard it, but his muddy eyes looked at me and said, "I can't imagine that Mrs. Fu and Mr. Lin are so close. I don't know the name of Mrs. Fu's friend. I'll go back and have a look. If there's a real misunderstanding, it's that the flood has washed the Dragon King temple. There are people in my own family I don't care

He took a look at Fu Shenyan and saw that Fu Shenyan had a pair of clear eyes and looked at Chen Ju lukewarm.

I was confused for a moment. When did I meet Lin Wan? Never been so intimate with her?

I was stunned for about two seconds before I realized that Mrs. Fu in Lin Wan's mouth meant me!

Lin Wan shook his head and said, "it's no good. Chen Bureau, you don't know. I asked Mrs. Fu about it two days ago. The girl took it in her heart and went to find a friend two days ago. As a result, there was an accident. Now she is still under custody in the Bureau."

At this time, Chen Bureau said, "I saw the case yesterday. It seems that someone has taken this thing recently. If it is used as medicine, one or two grams will be enough."

In the middle of everyone's meal, Lin Wan suddenly mentioned the recent anecdote of Jiangcheng. I don't know whether she intentionally or unintentionally talked about the blue crystal, saying that it hasn't appeared in the market for decades, and she can't find any medicine to make it.

In this way, the following are all introductions. After listening to them for a while, I found out that the people who came here tonight were either directors or bureaus. They were basically famous people in the market and officialdom.

After hearing this, Lin Wan said with a smile, "Chen Ju, what are you worried about? This is Mr. Fu, whom I mentioned to you all the time. He is young and promising. Next to him is his wife, Mrs. Fu."

"Ha ha ha, Lin Wan, don't rush to make a statement. You haven't introduced the young man who just came in?" Speaking of a middle-aged man, a little fat, laughing with a bit of dignity.

After greeting everyone to sit down, Lin Wan asked people to serve, and then said with a smile, "thank you very much for coming to me today. We are usually busy, and we don't have much time to get together. Today, it's not easy to have this time, so don't be afraid, just like at home."

After a brief introduction, Lin Wan took Fu Shenyan and me into the villa. The dining room was on the second floor. He went up to the second floor and followed Lin Wan into the dining room. There were several people on the dining table. They all looked like middle-aged men with their wives.

Why did Fu Shenyan suddenly bring me here for dinner today?

Mr. Lin? After a close look at this woman, I suddenly remembered that she was Lin Wan, Chen Xing's mother?

Fu Shenyan nodded, shook hands with her and said, "Hello, Mr. Lin, I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

The wine was drunk and the people were familiar with each other.

Chen Ju and Lin Wan may have drunk a little too much, but they talked about the past.

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