I feel dizzy. This smelly boy looks at me thin and tall, but his broad shoulders are just against my stomach, and I'm pregnant again.

Did not take a few steps, I pulled him shouting, "Chen Xing, you quickly put me down, I am pregnant, you are too dangerous."

Yuntong apartment is not big. It's about 100 square meters. It's comfortable to live alone. There are too many things to worry about during the day. I'm a little irritable.

This day, everything can be done out, work things have not yet understood, emotional things come out again.

"Shen Shu, you mother..." I didn't listen to what Joe said, but hung up the phone.

After a pause, I continued, "if you really like Lu Xinran, I don't think you can tell the three of you if you discuss with Fu Shenyan Don't call me if you have nothing to do. It doesn't mean you can take it out on me if you don't feel comfortable alone

I pinched my eyebrows and said, "Mr. Qiao, what kind of heart did you call me in the middle of the night? Is it hard for Lu Xinran and Fu Shenyan to get out of bed and not call you? You don't feel well in your heart, so you asked me to take it out? "

"Shen Shu, Fu Shenyan didn't go back tonight!" This sounds like Schadenfreude, "do you really think that if you have more than one baby in your stomach, you will be more expensive? I feel very sorry for you now. Your husband is lying with other women. It's hard for you to keep an empty room by yourself, isn't it? "

"What's the matter?"

What did he call me in the middle of the night for?

"Shen Shu!" The sound Joe, be careful?

Originally did not want to pick up, but the other side has been playing, I picked up, said, "Hello!"

I went back to my apartment and looked at the time. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening. My hands vibrated several times. I had a look. It was a strange number.

Seeing that it was dark outside, I went back to my apartment. My house and Muzi were on the first floor, next door.

However, I didn't expect that I would also fall asleep. When I woke up, I saw a note on the tea table saying that I had gone out to buy something.

I haven't been here for a long time. It's a mess here. I cleaned up and washed the fruit. I sat in the living room watching the phone while waiting for the woods to wake up.

Muzi really thought about it. She probably didn't sleep well when she was in the Bureau. When I went back, she was sleeping a little deep in her bedroom.

Seeing that he looked depressed and I was in a bad mood, I was really tired and didn't want to talk to him much, so I went back to my apartment.

Looked at him, I have a little helpless way, "know, he is the baby's father, he does not know who can know."

"Does he know?" This little guy also lost his temper, blocked in front of me, a serious face.

Damn it, I didn't lose my temper until I put up with it again. Looking at him, I said seriously, "I'm his wife. Besides him, who else can I have? Go home and stay!"

"Fu Shenyan?"

It's killing.

I am a little dizzy, help forehead way, "two months, you want to hair nerve, quickly back to their own home hair, don't toss people here."

He had left in a hurry. At this time, he listened to me and stopped. He put me down. His eyes were staring at me. "When?"

I just slept for a while. I couldn't sleep and I was bored. I simply turned on the computer to read the information.

Open the mailbox, that conspicuous mail let me suddenly frozen body, this matter I almost forgot. Originally, I intended to hand over all of Fu's audits to credit, but I didn't expect that credit would dig a hole for me later, so I called Shen Yu and asked him to give me a copy of AC's situation over the years. Originally, I was going to use these things to block the trouble AC was looking for.

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