But now the credit department plans to handle Qiao's audit, and I can only give Qiao to AC in the end. Therefore, Shen Yu's information is useless.

Simply, I directly ignored it. If it wasn't for him, I didn't want to mention Shen Yu any more.

He is the one who is dedicated to Lu Xinran, and he is the one who protects Lu Xinran in his hand. But in this case, why can't I find a place to heal myself and have to run to torture me?

"Fu Shenyan, what are you doing?" I kind of broke, "what are you doing? If you want to, go to Lu Xinran and let her hide it from you. Why are you trying to embarrass a pregnant woman here? "

He grabbed my hand, took me to the bathroom, pressed me under the shower, then turned on the shower and poured cold water on me mercilessly.

I opened my mouth, but I couldn't say a word.

He frowned, with a cold light in his pupils. "No response to me?"

I don't know why this happens all of a sudden. Some things seem calm on the surface, but in fact they may be full of holes.

Seeing that he stretched out his hand to pull my clothes, I quickly pressed him, "Fu Shenyan, don't bother, I don't seem to have any reaction to you."

He slowly stretched his fingers down and noticed that I didn't seem to respond. Junlang frowned slightly, then he held me and sat on the shoe cabinet.

If it's normal, I'm afraid I'll follow him. But since last time, every time he touches me, I can hardly respond.


He held his body down and whispered, "do you think I can let go now?"

"Fu Shenyan, let me go!" I've never seen such a cheeky person. One second I held Lu Xinran in my hand, and the next I was nervous again.

"Why not go back?" Between speaking, he bit my lip, voice dry, "hide here to do?"

The thin and cool lips fell on my forehead, followed by

"Why don't you talk?" He was all over me.

No matter how thick skinned people are, they will blush!


He straightened his hip and hit me heavily. "Do you think this can help you to get rid of loneliness?"

A sharp cold light flashed in Fu Shenyan's eyes. With a hum and a smile, he came in and blocked me in the door. "How can I get rid of loneliness?"

He pushed the door and couldn't close it. I was too lazy to manage it. I said lazily, "who can I wait for in the dead of night? Naturally, I'm waiting for someone to solve my loneliness."

Blocked, Fu Shenyan calm face, "who are you waiting for?"

I pushed the door that had been opened, ready to close it.

I can't help frowning. Shouldn't he be lying on Lu Xinran's bed now? What are you doing here?

Cold not Ding see the people at the door with a black face, eyes deep, slender pestle in the door, with the door god like.

I left my hairy slippers at the door. I couldn't help looking at her without echo.

Maybe after sitting for a long time, I opened the door and looked for her slippers. My head was dazed and I said, "what did you go out and buy? So long? "

The doorbell rang. It should be Muzi who came back from shopping. I got up and felt dizzy.

After a lot of things have passed, we can only draw a few numbers and wave our hands as before.

Fu Shenyan's zipped hand stopped, and the explosion stopped suddenly. He was silent for a long time. He turned off the shower, and his slender body stepped back a few steps to distance himself from me.

I didn't look at him. I didn't have much strength. After losing his support, I slid on the ground.

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