My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 112 - Vampire Half-ling.

After Ryan had sucked the blood out of Gwen and he healed his body fully he was, they took a city bus and reached the Academy.

Ryan was sitting in his room with a System message in front of his eye.

< Decision pending. Waiting for host's decision >

'Y- yes. Yes, I would like to turn into a vampire.' finally he took the decision that yes, he will turn into a vampire. 

< Decision is taken. >

Ryan waited patiently for something to happen. He thought he would feel strange pain in his teeth, his body, and then receive a message of being turned into a vampire. 

He found it amazing that the System was able to turn him into a vampire without being bitten by one before. There were questions in his mind but right now, he waited for further messages.

< Failed. Transformation failed. >

< You have not reached the parameters to turn into a vampire >

< Reach the following parameters and try again >

He felt hopeless and sad. It was really disappointing for him, 'Right. It is not that easy. Nothing is that easy, how can I forget?' Ryan sighed.

< Parameters to complete to turn into a: Vampire Half-ling >

< 1. Collect five Vampire Cores. Your progress 0/5 >

< 2. Meet five vampires. Your progress: 2/5 >

His eyes went wide, 'What the heck?' he thought there was some glitch within the System, 'How come?! When the hell did I even meet two vampires?!' he questioned himself. 

As long as Ryan remembered he never saw or met a vampire but soon realized that even if he saw a vampire there was no way he could tell he is a vampire. 

There was no way he could know it. The System didn't tell what race the other person is from. It just told him what is the person's gender. 

'Forget it. I will continue reading what the System has next for me.' a voice ented his mind and texts in front of his eyes. 

< 3. Drink human blood five times with the use of Vampire's Teeth skill. Your progress: 1/5 >

'Cores? What are those?' Ryan thought in his mind and suddenly the System took him to a new window.

< Vampire Cores: Small spherical balls located inside a vampire's body that act as the vampire's heart. The color of this core matters depending upon how strong the vampire is. The stronger a vampire is and the longer a vampire has lived, the bigger and darker its core will be. >

< How to obtain a vampire core? There are two options on how to obtain a vampire core >

< First: ask a vampire for its core. Remember, giving away your core means your power will be halved. >

< Second: Kill a vampire and obtain a core automatically >

'I am… speechless,' Ryan found everything hopeless once again. There was no way a normal human being like Ryan would be able to kill a vampire, who is already way too stronger than a normal human being. 

More than that, he found it surprising that the legend of vampires was not a legend. Vampires are living creatures who are living side by side with humans. 

Recently he had also met a living werewolf himself. Which made him wonder if he can turn into a werewolf too. 'Can't be helped. I am not at all motivated to become a vampire.' Ryan gave up after knowing it's not that easy. 

'I am better off as a human, why bother turning into a vampire?'


The day finally arrived. The day they will be moving to Japan. All of the students were called to the assembly hall for the last time discussion before leaving for the airport.

"So… I don't have much to say, but it has been a nice stay in his Academy, for third years it must have been a wonderful and memorable one years," Brandon started.

"For the second years, it might not have been the best few months of your Academy life but I hope it was not the worst either," he took a pause, "Finally, the time is here. We will be moving to Japan. You might face some difficulties with communication but remember, Japanese people, are nice.

"Every student has submitted their consent forms, and almost every student will be with us. Not everyone wants to come to Japan…"

There were chatters in the hall, looked like they knew who were not coming, those students who didn't want to go to Japan or their parents didn't allow them to go.

"Tickets. About your flights. You will be sent a digital copy of flight tickets to your devices to your e-mails. Our flights are scheduled for today in the afternoon. Please check your tickets for details.

"We are supposed to reach the airport two hours before the departure so you will be picked up from the Academy two hours before our departure time."

The use of portals was forbidden for high school students. Only those who are getting higher education in the university are allowed to use portals. 

"That's it for now. Let's meet you in the afternoon. You all are dismissed," Brandon started walking away from the stage, Johan and Steve followed him. 

Ryan stood in the hall alone. Gwen was not with him, Doc was not with him, Devon seemed to keep his distance from Ryan. Naomi was never close to him, just like Pete. 

He saw Pete walking away. Ryan didn't talk with Pete since the day he invited him to his room. He thought there was some misunderstanding he needs to clear with Pete.

"Hey, Pete!" Ryan called him. He was sure to raise his voice loud enough but still, Pete didn't seem to hear him, "Pete!" still no. 

'He heard me! I know he did!' Ryan was sure. He started moving towards Pete. 

Suddenly few students went past him, when they went away, Pete was not in front of Ryan's eyes anymore. 'Tch. why is he acting so weird lately?' 

Ryan walked to his room. He visited the infirmary to talk with Doc but she was not there either, he didn't see Naomi or Devon on the way, neither did they greet him since the morning.

'What is wrong? Why is everyone going away? It feels like-'

"Uh, Ryan"

His thoughts were interrupted by Gwen's voice, he quickly turned around, "Gwen..."

"I… I feel sorry. I feel guilty about taking your first kiss. I am sorry, I should have not done that, this thing just kept hunting me down so I had to tell you..."

"Gwen…? What are you saying?"

"No- nothing! I am sorry, forgive me! Bye!" 

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