My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 113 - When Relationships Break.

"No- nothing! I am sorry, forgive me! Bye!" 

With that, she ran away. Ryan wanted to chase her but felt it was useless to chase her. He would not be able to bring Gwen to spill what's up with her. 

Gwen continued running down the empty corridors. After running far away from Ryan, she decided to stop and hide for a while. 

She turned around and got behind a wall. She tried bringing her heartbeat down. It took her a minute or so to calm down.

'I did it… I did it too… I am the worst!' She threw a punch in the wall, it was not hard enough to break her fist but it did hurt her knuckles. 

"I am the same… what difference did I make? I did the same to him what Erin did. I am the same…. But finally, I said it." she was not able to keep her words inside her thoughts she let it burst out open.

"I am sorry, Ryan but I could have not been able to keep myself with you like that…." tears started flowing through her eyes. 

Because of her sobbing, she didn't hear footsteps that were approaching her.

"So… you too huh?" 

"Hah-" she gasped as she lifted her head to see Doc standing in front of her, ","

"You too are feeling like that right?"

"Ah… if you are talking about the spark gone between us, then yes," she confessed.

"I know how it feels and I also know the reason why it is happening,"

"W- what do you mean?"

"Since the time Ryan realized my feelings for him… I was happy, to be honest. But as time passed and I realized there was a woman other than me for him, I lost the spark."

"Same. literally the same. The time I saw you were so close with Ryan, I didn't think it might interrupt my relationship with Ryan but when time passed, I was really not able to endure seeing you with Ryan."

"I see. Well, I will be keeping my distance from him too. I realized I am his teacher and not someone with who he should have a relationship."

"I feel guilty for taking his first kiss… I want to turn everything back!"

"But we can't. We can't." Doc's voice cracked, "I thought I loved him… but didn't realize it was some puppy feelings,"

"I know right, loving someone in such a short time without knowing much about them is not love… for me, it was pure lust. I wanted his-"

"Stop it. My wound is still fresh,"

"I still wanna be friends with him though,"

"Calm down. We are not breaking up with him…. We were never really his someone, to begin with."

"Right. It's not a break-up. I can still be with him,"

"But this feels like a breakup, Gwen"

"Yep. oh my god, why did things get this messed up? I wish I could forget everything about him,"

"Me too. I want to start everything new with him where I don't fall for him, and he doesn't- he never fell for me though,"

"Being friends with him after kissing him, is like, Cold coffee with hot coffee,"

"What's with that strange example?"


Time passed by with Ryan doing nothing in his room. He wasted his time thinking about what might be wrong with Gwen and Pete. 

'First Pete, now Gwen…. What else do we have?' He got up from his bed. It was time for him to leave his room. 

'My stuff's still with Doc. I gotta take it back.' He pulled a shirt on with jeans down his legs. 

He pulled his bag on his back and walked out of the room. He made sure to lock the room and log out from its System. The room once belonged to Ryan Walker and now it belongs to no one.

He saw a few students already ready to leave the Academy standing at the Academy's door. Finally, he saw Doc standing near the check-out cabin. 

"Doc." as soon she heard those words her body started getting hot, "Can you give me your dimensional cube? I will give it back to you,"

"Oh, Ryan… sure, take this." She took her hand out of the lab coat's pocket and threw a cube in Ryan's direction, it was a small black and blue cube. 

"Thanks. I will return it to you after we settle down in Japan,"

"It is fine, you can keep the cube," she turned around.

"No, it's expensive, I will return it to you-"

"O- okay. Whatever you want," she started walking.

"What is wrong?" he stepped forward to grab her hand but she started running in the opposite direction, "W- wait, Doc!" she ran away from him. 

'What the hell. Seriously what the hell is happening?!' this all frustrated Ryan to the core. 

"Alright students! Please step inside the bus carefully," Johan commanded. 

One by one, students started entering the bus. It was not Ryan's turn to enter the bus. He climbed up and sat on an empty seat. 

While he was looking outside the window, Gwen came and sat next to him with a fake smile on her face, "Yo~"

"Yo. I wanted to ask you about earlier today-"

"Don't. It will just ruin our relationship as friends. Please don't."

'F- friends? Oh…. I thought we were more than just friends...'

"Fine. friend." he sighed and looked away. 

The bus started with a jolt and went away. They reached the airport soon. Ryan didn't speak anything with Gwen or Doc. he didn't even see Naomi, Devon, and Pete. he thought they were taking a different bus. 

"Alright. Stop here. We have one and a half hours before our flight. You, students, are free to do whatever you want around the airport but. You are not allowed to leave the airport. Okay one more thing before you are dismissed, gather at this same point ten minutes before the check-in time.

"Don't mess around, be close to your friends, don't disturb the travelers here. You are dismissed!"

Many students were about to cheer in excitement few groups of students ran away to another side of the airport. There were many shops in the airport. 

Food, books, drinks, guides of different countries. Ryan hoped he could hang out with his unit but… he didn't see anyone there.

'Guess I will just check the guide section..' Ryan went into a store that read: COUNTRY GUIDES.

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