My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 144 - Help From Whom?

Yes, after another dream about reality, Ryan was aware he gotta change the future, change the terrible reality he just dreamt about. 

It's been since he lost his left eye that he is seeing dreams like these. He noticed a pattern between them after nearly two months of this phenomenon. 

The exact night he lost his eye, he dreamt about Doc kissing him and getting laid with him on the bed, turned out that it was not a dream. 

He dreamt a few hours in the future that night, just a few hours ahead in the future. 

The next dream, he dreamt about their fight with the Blossoms. Gwen's and Naomi's clothes were torn away while fighting, their base was attacked and they lost the battle. 

He realized he dreamt of a day in the future. Just a single day in the future. That was clear enough for him to realize- he can dream about the future. 

Then the final climax, the Mafia attack. Everyone got killed in that attack. He saw the dream a day or two before the attack. It became a reality and the rest is history. 

The interval between two consecutive dreams turning into realities was constantly increasing. One was a few hours in the future, another was a day in the future, next one was two days in the future. 

There was another thing in common besides the increased time interval. He saw the future in the form of dreams while he's sleeping. He never saw a future while sitting or spacing out. He could see the future when he was sleeping, in the form of a dream. 

He did see a gruesome dream, it was for sure that the dream will turn into a reality soon, another thing was sure, the incident happened in the darkness of night under the bright light of the moon. But one thing was not sure about. When would it happen? 

Today's night? Tomorrow night? Or the day after tomorrow? There was no telling when it will happen.

Ryan constantly went through the images he saw in his dream. He saw no image where it made clear the date, no calendar, no digital screen showing the date. 

Ryan took a look at the time before leaving his room in a hurry. It was past eight in the morning. Soon it will hit nine, the time for students to get their breakfast. 

Where Ryan should have been happy to be, when Ryan should have been feeling excited, when he should be exploring the city, where he should be meeting with real-life Japanese girls; Ryan's time here was ruined on the very first day.

He got his clothes on, his shoes on, and was running down the long corridors. His goal? He had only one goal right now. Get in touch with Doc as soon as possible. 

The teachers' dorms were not situated beside or within the students' dorm in this Academy. He didn't even know Doc's room number.

He ran out of the dorm. A few meters away was the main building where the classes, training, assemblies were held. Exactly on the left was the Arena. A big stadium where the official battles were probably held. 

Ryan thought while he saw the big stadium. He ran past the stadium. That's where he saw another building with a big sign: 'Teachers' Dormitory.'

He happily took a step inside, suddenly, his body froze. 'Teachers? Wait. doesn't that include Brandon too? What the-' 

But he didn't have the time to hesitate. He pushed himself and ran inside the dormitory. Both the dormitory, the Arena, and the main building were inside the Academy's campus.

As long as the person is from the campus, entering the dorms and building was allowed by the guards. But going out off the campus or entering the campus was prohibited unless they verify your identity. 

Guards let Ryan run inside the dorm. He saw the ground floor warden's office. He knocked on the warden's door. 

'18.' after getting the room number of the room where Doc was residing, Ryan ran without stopping. 

A few Japanese teachers gave him looks when a foreigner ran around the corridors as if he's being chased by a beast; the same as the Japanese students did in the dorm. 

Ryan didn't care. He saw the room marked with 18 on the top. It was displayed digitally. The door in front of him was a VIP door. 

Ryan knocked on the door. He tried using the intercom after not receiving a response from his knock.

Nor did he receive a response from the intercom. 'Tch. where are you Doc? Are you still sleeping?' He banged the door a few times more. 

He tried connecting through the intercom which was proved useless by now. Anger, restlessness took over him, he started banging the door vigorously until a soft, deep, feminine voice interrupted him in Japanese. 

"Uhh~ Excuse me. What's wrong? Can I help you?" he turned his eyes to his left, the soft, deep, nervous voice. A beautiful Japanese woman was standing beside him. 

She had leaned down a little near Ryan's shoulder. Those deep brown eyes, those short-length light blonde hair hanging around her neck. 

Ryan was left speechless at the beautiful sight. He could not move his eyes away, he could not ignore the angelic voice he just heard.

"Oh right, you are a foreign exchange student, you won't understand Japanese." She talked to herself while pulling herself away from Ryan. 

"Beautiful," words escaped his mouth.

"Uhm. What do you want? I. Help?"

"Ah, Japanese. Japanese is okay," her eyes were left open. She was dumbfounded. 

Her cheeks turned red, "You can? Good. Uh, how can I help you then?" she asked again feeling embarrassed, "I saw you banging the door furiously-"

"Actually, I am looking for my Sensei,"

"What's their name?" she asked with a bright smile.

"Mary Newton." she started thinking while staring at the roof. 

"Ah! That beauty. She's not here though, she left her room a few hours ago and I didn't saw her since then,"

"She left? Where? Can you tell me?"

"I- I said I don't know, I am sorry."

"You don't…? Oh," he turned his head down in disappointment.

"What's your name?" she could see how sad it made Ryan feel, "I am Nanami Hinami. I am a teacher here," 

"I am Ryan Walker," He bowed, "Nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you too, Ryan-Kun."

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