My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 145 - Tokyo Academy Of Superpowers.

"She is not here?"

"Nope. she is not. Can I help you in any way?" Nanami asked looming over Ryan.

"No… thank you," he shook his head.

"Oh? Okay, get back to your dorm then," Ryan understood every single word she was saying. 

Although Ryan was a foreigner, she felt easy, warm, smooth to have a conversation with Ryan. she didn't hold back from using complicated Japanese words. 

Ryan doesn't have his knowledge about the Japanese language that much that he will read difficult Kanjis, or understand difficult words but his basic knowledge made it easy for him to at least get a bold idea of what the person wants to say.

"Yes." Ryan turned around. 

'She is not here. Where would she go this early in the morning? I don't have time to go around the whole campus and search for her.' 

Ryan crossed Doc's name from his emergency help list. Now there was only a single option remaining. It was Gwen. besides Doc, she was the only one who would believe Ryan.

Thankfully, Ryan was sure Gwen didn't leave the dorm and was still in her room or at least in the dorm. He rushed to the student's dorm. 

When he stepped inside the dorm, there was a rush of many Japanese students inside the dorm. They were going in one direction together with their friends. 

Ryan was confused about what was going on but he didn't stop to ask any student, he rushed right into the women's section. He was not sure which was Gwen's room. 

He asked a few girls on the way but they barely knew who Gwen was. Of course, Ryan and his classmates were new in this Academy no one probably knew them.

'Tch! Where the hell are you, Gwen?' there was no way he could go banging every door or peeking into every room of the women's section.

He disappointedly turned around to leave the dorm. He asked a student what the rush was about, he replied it was time for breakfast and everyone was going to the Cafeteria. 

A few hundred meters behind Ryan, Gwen was looking at his back hiding behind a wall.

'I am sorry, Ryan. but I still can't bring myself to face you.' she carefully kept her distance from Ryan, 'I am really sorry.'

She didn't know what made Ryan visit her, but if she knew if Ryan wanted to see her this bad, something was up.

'But…. why me? If he has some problem the first person he will look for will be her,' 

Gwen had just come out of her room when she found Ryan in the women's section. Gwen panicked and pulled herself back into her room.

She peeked through the small gap created by her door. Ryan walked to a few girls and asked them if they know where Gwen Stacy's room his. 

Gwen's heart skipped a beat, she quickly closed the door behind her. When Ryan turned around, she sneaked out of her room out of Ryan's sight. 

'Knowing how he is, he will surely look inside the rooms,' she thought. Then this is where she is. Hiding from Ryan.

Ryan took the delicious Japanese-style breakfast which helped him complete the first part of his daily Quest. To eat a healthy meal. 

He didn't see Gwen in the big cafeteria. Even if Gwen was present there, Ryan was not sure he would have spotted her in a cafeteria that huge.

Exactly at 9:30 Am, an announcement was made from the intercom set up in every corner of the building. 

The announcement was announced in the Japanese language and unfortunately, not everyone had knowledge about Japan as Ryan did. 

But fortunately, the announcement was announced once again in the English language for American students. 

|| Students are requested to assemble in the assembly hall as soon as possible after their breakfast. The assembly will start dot at 10:00 Am ||

Almost half of the students had finished their breakfast, they started moving out of the cafeteria. Ryan didn't know how the building was built. 

He didn't know about locations, where the cafeteria was, where the assembly hall was. For him, all this was like a maze. He decided to follow a few students to the assembly hall. 

He saw Devon standing alone in the assembly hall. Ryan considered telling Devon about the reality which was about to happen. 

Because Devon was with him in the previous reality from which's experience, his unit mates had formed a trust in Ryan's precognition. 

But still…. Devon was not safe at all. The Vampire incident. Although Ryan had caused that incident to happen, he did see how dangerous vampires can be. If they want, they can finish the whole of humanity in one flash.

Ryan had lost the trust of Devon over problem handling. Yes, he was brave, he had ideas, he was straightforward but after the vampire incident, Ryan could not bring himself to be friendly with Devon again. 

It hit 10 in the clock and a huge bursting sound was heard by students. Small bits of paper, same as those of confetti fell down on the students. 

Loud cheers broke out in the assembly hall. Ryan lifted his head, he saw big confetti above his head with a hanging banner saying: Welcome. 

'Now that's cringe.' Ryan sighed. 

It took the teachers and the students a few minutes to gather, assemble in the hall after the warm welcome. Finally, when everyone and everything had calmed down, someone started coming on the stage.

A female in her forties walked to the center of the stage with a few teachers beside her. She had a smile on her pretty face which still looked young.

'It's her,' Ryan thought after taking a look at the person who had climbed the stage, stood in front of the students most likely to deliver a speech, 'Sadako Tanikawa.' 

The Head general of this Academy. The one in control of everything. Beside her was an old man probably the principal of this Academy with the vice-principal on the left. 

"Hello.. I am Tanikawa Sadako, the Head General of Tokyo Academy of Traits, welcome our new students."

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