My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 146 - How’s The Academy?

Soon after everybody gathered in the assembly, Sadako started with her speech. She welcomed the foreign students, told them some basics about the Academy. 

It was resulting very difficult for everyone because of the languages. Only a few Japanese knew English while only Ryan knew Japanese. 

"You will be assigned your room numbers before noon today. Be sure to keep your things ready. Move from the current room you are staying into the room assigned to you."

Ryan continued glancing at every student, teacher in the hall. He didn't spot Doc in the crowd. He saw Gwen standing in another corner of the hall, meters away from Ryan.

His eyes fell on cute Japanese girls, serious girls, boys, Japanese teachers. Then his eyes fell on Minami. He realized how sharp her jawline was. 

"About your classes. We have decided to separate the classes of Japanese and American students." Ryan lifted his eyes. He had no problem with that but he thought it might trigger something similar to racism.

Why can't they study together? "For today, you don't have classes. You are free the whole day to do whatever you want to inside the Academy's campus.

"For those who are interested, we have the campus map on the right side of this hall." everybody's head turned to the right side. They saw a building map on the wall, displayed on a big screen, "Your classes, training will begin from tomorrow." Sadako turned around to her subordinates. They discussed something before she turned back and coughed on the mic.

"We are thinking about holding an event..." before she could even finish, students started cheering in excitement. Most were Japanese students. Guards in the corners had to raise their voices to silence the excited students' cheers. 

Finally when they were calm, "I said, we are thinking, we are not sure." Sadako continued, "We have some foreign students with us. We thought it would be a good chance for students to improve. We won't get a chance to fight with foreigners every day. Although we are thinking about an event, it will take days to decide whether or not we will organize the event."

The spirits dropped. They were happy they would get to fight foreigners, prove themselves stronger, etc. 

"Before going out of the hall, I request students to take a look at your room numbers which will be displayed on the left wall in a few seconds.

"Because of more students and fewer rooms, we had no choice but to divide the rooms between students in a pair. Yes, you will have a roommate with you.

"Fortunately, our rooms were designed for two people to stay in comfortably. Those who are in the top ten community will get VIP rooms as they always did but this time, you will have to share your rooms.

"Again, we have decided to pair Japanese students with Japanese students only. American students will stay with their classmates, unit mates.

"That's all from us today. You are dismissed." a light sparkled over students from the left side. A big screen was lit up with names on it.


"Guess we will be living together for a year then," Devon spoke while walking down the corridor.

"Yep," Ryan replied with a fake smile.

He was constantly feeling anxious, nervous with the fact that he was paired up with Devon to share his room for a year. 

If it was not for the vampire incident in the airplane, Ryan would have been happy to stay with someone as strong as Devon. He would have been able to learn many fighting techniques from Devon. 

'Good. looks like God is on my side. This is what God wants. Now I will be able to spy Ryan even more efficiently.' Devon sneered in secret. 

Pete had to share his room with another student. The normal rooms were upstairs. 

It was a big five stories dormitory. On the fifth floor… no. not the VIP rooms, but the normal rooms. Below the fourth, it was reserved for the remaining Japanese students. 

The third and the second floor was given to the foreign students to stay. Unlike the WN Academy, in this Academy, the VIP rooms were situated downstairs.

Naomi, Ryan, Rigid, Rosy, Cheryl, Devon's rooms were downstairs with fellow students. 

Students had already started unpacking their stuff, packing their stuff to change the rooms, some had even done it already and were busy unpacking their bags. 


A black car pulled over in front of the dormitory. The driver jumped out of the car dressed in a black coat. He went behind and opened the back doors. 

Naomi and Satoru climbed out of the car. Satoru took out his black shades, "Enjoy your school life. Forget about everything," he told his daughter with a pleasant smile.

"Yeah… though I wish I never graduate high school. I wish I stay like this forever," Naomi replied adjusting her dress. 

"Right. I wish you never graduate your high school too." Satoru muttered under his breath.

"Ah? What did you say?" she asked. Satoru came back to his sense. 

The memory of yesterday, the argument with her mother was still fresh inside her heart. Neither she nor her father could do anything against her mother though. 

"Ah, I just said that one-piece suits you perfectly, you look gorgeous." Satoru's compliment made Naomi blush.

"I never wanted to wear this," she mumbled. 

"Uh-huh. It suits you. Just don't let anyone fall for you in that dress, and don't fall for anyone,"

"Tch. I won't. Don't bring up that topic anywhere,"

"Right. Sorry,"

"Bye, I will get going,"

"Take care." Naomi ran inside the dormitory with a bag in her hand. 

Satoru gave out a long sigh while putting on his black shades. He dug his hands in his coat's pocket.

"I am really sorry, Naomi-chan." he kept staring at Naomi's back, "even as your father, I can't do anything when it comes to your mother…"

A smile appeared on his face, "Hm. sometimes I feel I am useless even as Japan's top master," he chuckled before sitting inside the car.

"Hiroshi-Kun, please drive,"

"Yes, sir.." the car took off. 

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