My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 160 - Necromancy Puppets & Zombies?

Devon's sleep was disturbed by continuous clattering sounds. Because of his senses being too sharp, maybe sharper than Ryan's, these little clatter sounds were loud for him.

'Tch, what the hell is it? It's middle of the night.' he pulled himself off his bed.

* Bang bang bang *

The sound changed, he heard a loud banging sound outside his room. 

"Is someone fighting upstairs?" he wondered. 

* Thump thump thump thump *

He opened the door of his room. There was no one in the corridor. It was a calm, empty corridor. 

"Tch. let me sleep, just how the hell is making such an uproar in the middle of the night?"

To find out, Devon headed towards the first-floor stairs. He gave out a big yawn before climbing the stairs.

* Thrum thrum thrum thrum *

The sounds of an object hitting another object many times, a dull sound of something falling or hitting the ground, then suddenly a sound of hitting something in a low loud sound continued.

To his surprise, even the first floor was silent, it was empty. 'Strange. Then who is making these noises?'

His sense made it difficult for him to guess which floor was making the banging sounds. These sounds didn't contain a single human noise, voice. 

Sounds of an object hitting another object or something hitting against the floor, the ground, wood. 

As soon as Devon reached the second floor, he noticed that he was not the only one hearing those hard banging sounds. 

A few Japanese students were out of their rooms to look at what the chaos was about. 

'Oh, this is the Japanese students' floor. Shit. I don't know Japanese.' He was going to ask someone what was going on but he could not speak Japanese.

He didn't want to use English and made the situation awkward between them. He decided to look for himself. He climbed the stairs to the third floor.

On his way, there were a few other students who wanted to check what was going on. 

A series of loud screams followed by students running all around the third floor welcomed Devon to the third floor.

"W- what the hell is this?" students rushed to the staircase. 

They didn't stop no matter who asked them what was going on, why were they running.

Devon didn't try. 'People are coming from the other end.' he figured out why they were not using the other side of the staircase. 

Again, they all were Japanese students running downstairs with frightened faces, who brought communication difficulties with them.

They pushed whoever came in between their way, Devon continued to dodge them and walk through the corridors full of Japanese students. 

Many students were shouting, screaming for help in fear of the unknown. 

'Finally.' Finally, he saw an American student. He pulled out his hand and stopped him.

"Bro, what's going on?"

"Shut up and run, Devon! Our mates have turned into some hideous creatures. Run for your life!" with that being said, that guy ran away. 

When Devon reached the other end, he saw many American students running down the fourth floor, they all were scared, their faces tell. 

Many suggested, requesting Devon to run away. But he had one reason not to run away… okay two reasons why he was not running away.

First, he wanted to kill the cat. I mean, curiosity kills the cat, right?

Second and the most important probably: Gwen. he didn't know what Ryan would end up doing if he found Gwen's in danger and Devon walked away without trying to rescue Gwen.

He didn't want to make Ryan angry. He himself has seen how brutal Ryan is when he's angry. 

"Gwen. I hope you are okay," that he took the first step, he climbed the first stair.

A shockwave flew away from Devon's second step, his eyes glowed bright red, then blood red.

'I don't care at this point. Doesn't matter if someone sees me using them I will use my Vampire abilities.'

He lifted his right leg to climb the third stair, but before his leg could even land on the stair, he disappeared. 

His speed increased tremendously, in just a few seconds, he was standing on the fourth floor. 

The smell which first entered his nostrils left him shocked on the spot. 'What the heck?' his eyes went back to normal and then widened.

"This smell..." Suddenly, a door busted open and a person jumped out from the room at Devon.

Devon disappeared inside the floor. He quickly came up behind the creature. 

"And this creature… no doubt. It's a zombie!" he clenched his fists, "I gotta end it." the zombie turned around.

Blood poured out of its mouth. Its skin was slightly green in color, its nails were all over the place, one of the feet was turned around 180 degrees.

It had open wounds all over its face. Its face was torn halfway, it's neck was open with blood constantly pouring down. Dark red blood.

Without thinking further, Devon jumped forward in order to punch the zombie, 'The only way to kill a zombie… is to smash its brain.' his eyes glowed red. 

Devon lifted his right hand, with a slight jerk, his punch was about to pass through the zombie's skull.

"J- Justin!?" Devon's eyes went back to normal, he dropped on the ground. Quickly lifted his head, in front of him was a person he knew very well.

"No way… it's Justin!" Devon moved towards Justin, "W- what happened to you…? Who- who did this?" Devon asked, finding it hard to believe.

Justin Chatwin. He's in the Academy's top 15- or was in the Academy's top 15. From the unit of the Academy's 6th place holder Light Enix's. 

Justin didn't recognize Devon. With a sudden charge, he threw his arms over Devon's body. Blood covered Devon's face.

"F- fuck! Justin! It's me!" he was not able to bring himself to smash the brain of his friend.

Justin opened his rotten mouth, those rotten teeths with green algae, fungus inside his mouth closed in. He was ready to eat Devon off. 

"No!" he shouted. He tried pushing him away, but Justin was strong.

Devon closed his eyes, "No, man!" he shouted again. 

The next second…. He felt a hot-cold liquid splashing over his face. Then he heard a thumping sound. 

Justin's grip loosened, Devon slowly opened his eyes. Gwen was standing in front of him with a chair in her hands.

She had swung the chair aimed at Justin's head with all her strength. Justin's head cracked open, the dark blood fell on Devon's face.

With anothr hard swing, Justin's body fell on the ground, Gwen didn't stop. She lifted the chair once again… aimed at Justin's head. 

"God~" Devon let out a groan after the insides of Justin's brain spread all over the floor.

Gwen lifted the chair from Justin's cracked open head.

"You've got no mercy huh… just like Ryan," 

"I am nothing like Ryan. he would not have stopped after one hit, he might still be smashing its head."

".....right." for a second, he forgot, Gwen knows more about Ryan than he does.. 'Is she spying on Ryan?' he thought. 

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