My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 161 - Bring Ryan In The Game.

"What is this shit?"

"Zombies." Gwen answered casually, "And this is my second kill for today," Gwen replied coldly. 

"Second? Who was the first?" Devon was surprised that Gwen was able to kill two zombies already.

"My roommate. Out of the blue, she was above me, her blood was dripping on my face which woke me up. I smashed her brain…. I came out in the hope of seeing Ryan somewhere." 

"Ryan… uh, he's still sleeping I guess," Devon replied.

"I knew it. Or he would have been the first one to come here,"

"Why so sure?"

"Devon, I think we should wake Ryan as soon as possible,"

"Huh…. take a look in front of you," Devon raised his hand. 

There were many undead zombies making their way down the stairs, roaming, running, causing an uproar in the corridors. 

"There are a hell lot of zombies, even Japanese students who were bitten have turned into zombies…. What if we got bit?"

"Okay, right. You stay here, I will wake Ryan," 

"Tch, wait. Let's go." Devon won't be able to use his abilities now, all he had was gotta depend on his Trait.

"I dunno what happened," she threw a zombie away, "After killing my roommate when I came out, suddenly the whole floor was in chaos.

"I realized there were many zombies coming down from the fourth floor. There were several zombies on the third floor itself. I stayed inside the room till it got clear."

"The noise from before, I guess the zombies were banging the doors of other rooms. They are full of brain lust. I never imagined I would meet a zombie."

"Yeah- even it's my first time seeing a real-life zombie,"

"First time? What do you mean?" Gwen and Devon smashed another zombie away. 

They didn't focus on finishing the zombies, they just threw enough zombies away to make their way out of the third floor. 

"And…." Gwen took a pause, "These zombies are using their Traits."

"Huh!! Never heard of it!" they both started running when a wave of fire was lit behind them, suddenly dark energy flowed in the corridors.

"The American students. I knew some of them before they turned into zombies, they can still use their Traits after turning into a zombie. It's shocking and that's what makes them stronger than the normal,  dumb zombies we see in the apocalypse movies."

"Traits… yeah, we should really bring Ryan into the scene quickly," they ran down the third floor.

"Shit. this is getting worse," the situation on the second floor was no better. 

Zombies had reached the second floor, a few with powerful Traits were easily killing students and turning them into fellow zombies.

Most of the students were scared of the unknown creatures in front of them, they didn't even know what they were facing. 

Until they realize it's a zombie, they themselves turn into a zombie. The doors were broken, lights were off, some were broken, different Traits were flowing in the corridor.

Some 'Brave' students who decided to fight the creatures without knowing what they are were quickly overpowered by the zombies. Nothing seemed to work against them.

"To think that zombies could have been really this powerful…. It's just unbelievable." Gwen muttered. Her hands were shaking, she was feeling cold. 

"I just hope they have not reached the first floor yet," Devon said with a worried expression.

"Devon, please, let's hurry up," they dashed through the corridors.

Gwen was barely able to keep up with Devon's normal speed.

"Still Gwen… as a girl, where did you gain the willpower to smash the brains of your classmates?"

"When your life's at stake, you don't need willpower or courage to crack open your classmates' head." she was still acting cold. 

"Were not you scared, grossed out at the hideous, gruesome sight of these creatures?"

"Of course I was scared. I still am. But what I am more scared of is losing my life. And grossed out? Don't think of me like other girls. I don't fear the sight of gore or guts falling out."

They reached the first floor. It was clear. Not a single zombie was out in the open. By now, almost every student was out of their rooms to look out at the chaos.

"We should warn the students,"

"Right. I will tell them, you go and wake Ryan up," Devon changed the course of his path. He turned around, pause his movements.

"Okay," Gwen took off running down to the ground floor. She spotted Ryan's room. 

"Gwen? Gwen!" she heard someone call her. In front of her, she saw other Japanese students from the top ten community and American students out of the VIP rooms.

'It's calm on the ground floor.' Gwen thought. Rosy with Rigid greeted Gwen.

"What's going on there?"

"Zombies. It's a zombie apocalypse in our Academy. Don't let them bite you, run as fast as you can. Our classmates have turned into zombies and now they are turning everyone into zombies. Please run and take those Japanese people too."

"Zombies!?" Rigid was surprised but now shocked.

"Rigid. You think we should pay them a visit,"

"Hm. we should."

"No don't. Take my advice, Devon's caught up with them, he's trying to rescue everyone alive. Please don't make thighs hard for him. And I don't think it will be easy to face those zombies… they are not the same zombies shown in the movies as dumb."

"We know," Rosy muttered under her breath.

"Okay, Gwen, we will help Devon clean up the area." 

"....yeah, that might help. You both are strong too so you won't have a problem destroying their brains. Good luck," Gwen jerked her body in order to run.

"Where are you going? The exit is this way-" Rigid interrupted her.

"I am not running away without him. I am going to Ryan's room!" she rushed away.

"See? I told you, Ryan is Gwen's." Rigid told Rosy with a big grin.

"Tch. I don't care who's whose anymore. What I think is, Ryan's a three-timer."

"Haha! No, I am pretty sure he's Gwen's."

"Argh. don't start that conversation again," they both rushed to the first floor.

Whereas, Gwen broke into Ryan's room.

"Ah!!" the loud bang of his room's door was loud enough to wake Ryan, "W- what?" he panicked and looked around frantically till a girl with a curvy body caught his attention.

"G- Gwen?" he felt nervous all of a sudden. 

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