She stopped. 'I can't' she muttered while resting her chin on Ryan's broad shoulder.


"Ah. yeah." she sighed, "So I, as a Samsara Devil, a newborn, has to go from this phase. It will take somewhere near a week for my lust for human flesh to calm down."

"Calm down? Was it going to disappear?"

"No. It would take at least a month for my lust to totally disappear." 

"A month? What the hell will you feed on then?"

"I… I haven't thought about that yet. I was thinking about feeding on my own flesh and then closing the wound back but…. It is hopeless." she had already gained experience from the previous try. 

"Right. Don't even try that again,"

"....worried about me? What are you, creep?"

"Yes, yes I am," Ryan replied normally.

"Ugh. whatever." she sighed again, "Creep me out once again and I will stop-"

"Yeah, like you are the one to talk with that gross mouth and teeth of yours."

Her grip tightened around Ryan's back, she was shocked once again. "....Huh….?" her eyes were trying to pop out of their sockets.

"Continue, you devil." 

"....." Ryan climbed down the third-floor stairs, "I don't know how am I going to survive for a month…."

"Wait. what do other Samsara devils feed on then?" Ryan asked.

"Other devils…." her voice dimed, as if she was sad all of a sudden, "They live with their families…. And I don't have one."

Ryan came to a stop, "Oh…." she knew how it felt to lose one's family at this age, "...I see."

"Pfft! What? What are you being emotional for all of a sudden?" Ayami giggled.

"No…. I mean…. If you want to…."

"Hm? What?" she stopped her little laugh.

"No, never mind," Ryan concluded that his idea was not good so he gave up on the idea.

"Don't leave your sentences in between, complete them."

"Nah, likewise, continue your story."

"Okay…. Ah, so, 2 days ago…. I will tell you how I died, okay?"

"Sure." Although I won't know if you are speaking the truth or making up a story. I still don't if I should trust you or not. He thought.

"Two days ago. My parents got divorced, they were splitting and my mother got my custody, my father got my little brother's custody... So for the last time, for the sake of old times, we decided to go on a long drive as a family together.

"I, My mother, my father…. And my little brother in a car. Just like the old times. Of course, I was really sad because of their constant fights for two years which devastated my personality.

"I used to be really frustrated, stressed, aggressive, found it hard to control my anger. I started bulling weak girls in my class to take out my frustration on them…. But before I could even realize the change in my personality…. I was already a living devil. Everyone started hating me- ouch! Man, you are hurting me!" 

She suddenly shouted when Ryan's grip around her waist and legs got tighter. He didn't say anything but continued walking down the stairs. 

"I know I have such beautiful legs but you should not take advantage of this-"

"Shut up. If I want to squeeze someone's thighs they would not be yours. And besides, I have better women who will happily offer me their thighs."

Of course, Ryan didn't. Doc used to be the one, Gwen was the one that's it. But they would not really let him do such things to themselves….. RIGHT?

"Whatever just stop hurting me!" she protested.

"Do you even know how the innocent students would have felt when you bullied-"

"I know! I have realized it! I have fucking realized it and that is why I am what I am right now!" she shouted. 

"....what do you mean?" he loosened his grip.

"B- because I acted so evilly I was reborn as a devil! A Devil! Someone who's evil, destructive, always ends up…. Ends up…. Hurting someone..." her voice broke as tears fell on Ryan's bare shoulder. 

Ryan pulled her into his arms tightly, "Don't cry, Devil. Be happy you have got a second chance at life, now you will be able to repent for your sins."

"Walker-Kun!" she threw her hands around Ryan's bareback tightly.


'Huh…? What the…? This sounds…. Too…'

"You can call me by my name, Ayami-San."

"Hm." she rubbed her tears.

"Stop crying, you have got a second chance at life. Repent for your sins and become a nice person who helps others knowing that others won't help you back."

'I should not force anything on her right now. Yeh, she did bully innocents but in the end… she has understood her mistake.' Ryan thought with a slight smile on his face.

'She lost her family… she is alone in this cruel world reborn as a new being without really knowing anything about who she is…. It must be difficult.'

Ryan figured out the rest of the story by himself about her family. If she said that she doesn't have a family it meant only one thing. They must have died in an accident. 

A car accident must have been it. On the last family drive together, this family was killed. She and her family died in an accident but her mother, her father, and her little brother did not reborn after their death.

Because of her evil deeds, she impressed the leader of devils, Satan. She ended up reborn as a devil, leaving everyone behind. Without a family, without a clan, without any support or guidance, she had no other choice but to live like a devil for the rest of her life till she dies again.

After a long pause and rubbing her tears away, Ayami finally started speaking up again.

"I- I will try but with this…. I am a devil. And a devil is a devil at the end of the day. We too have some quirks…."


"We devils, you see… we can't be nice, not even to someone who just saved my life, we Devils just can't be nice to other people." 

"Ugh!" Ryan grunted in pain when he felt a strong jab against his shoulder as sharp fangs started entering his shoulder.. He almost dropped Ayami from his arms.

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