My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 183 - Never Trust A Devil Again.

"We devils, you see… we can't be nice, not even to someone who just saved my life, we Devils just can't be nice to other people." 

"Ugh!" Ryan grunted in pain when he felt a strong jab against his shoulder as sharp fangs started entering his shoulder. He almost dropped Ayami from his arms.

< You have been bitten by a Devil. The Devil will soon try eating your human flesh. >

< Activating Regenerate Skill >

Ryan was feeling dizzy suddenly. It was because of the bite or because of a strange venom Devils let out in their prey's bodies to paralyze their bodies. 

'Upgrade skill: Regeneration' Ryan took a quick decision about upgrading his skill. 

< Do you wish to upgrade your skill Regeneration Lv. 13? It will cost you 500 Bloods per level up >

< Current balance: 5,500 [5.5K] Bloods >

'Up- up-' Ryan found it hard to speak when Ayami's fangs were slowly entering deep into his shoulder. 

She didn't stop there. Suddenly, he felt a strange crawling sensation over his skin, as if his skin was moving on its own. Actually, it was moving but not on its own. Ayami activated her Trait on Ryan. 

She peeled off Ryan's shoulder's skin to a little extent, then slowly, she started eating the muscles inside, the blood inside, she cracked his shoulder bone.

'Upgrade the skill by 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9. Nine Levels!'

< Are you sure you want to upgrade your skill: Regeneration by nine levels? >

< It will cost you 4,500 [4.5K] Bloods. The skill will be upgraded to level 21. >


< Regeneration skill successfully upgraded to level 21. >

Ryan did not resist Ayami's feeding session. He stood there with her in his hands, tightly grabbing her by her thighs. He made sure he doesn't drop her on the ground. 

'Eat it…. You needed it.' Ryan thought. He gave his best to stand against the burning sensation. 

'Eh? Is his skin growing back? But… how is that possible?' at first, she didn't give the fact that much attention, she rather focused on eating Ryan. 

But when, after eating for more than a minute, she closely saw the tissues of Ryan's shoulder skin, regenerating themselves. They were moving on their own to regenerate Ryan's skin.

"W- what in the!?" she quickly threw herself away from his shoulder after seeing the disgusting scene, "Y- you- are you a vampire?!" she asked with shocked expressions. Ryan was able to shock her once more.

'The speed his body is healing itself… it's no less than the healing speed of a vampire… something is off!' she was more scared of eating Ryan anymore. No matter how much she ate, his skin was just regenerating itself.

"Just who on the earth are you!?" she shouted again. But she got no reply from Ryan. Ayami took a closer look at his face.

'His grip around my hips is still strong, he is standing still on the ground, his skin is regenerating his body and yet…. And why… why are his eyes are closed?!'

Indeed. Ryan had already lost consciousness. He was standing there with a fifty KG weight in his arms but his eyes were closed peacefully.

'H- how can someone stand and sleep at the same time?' his grip around her hips didn't loosen at all.


Devon was wandering around in the small corner of the corridor. He took a look at the unconscious zombie Pete's body with an anxious look.

'Where are you, Ryan?' Devon was fidgeting around nervously while waiting for Ryan.

He was getting nervous, anxious. He hoped that Pete doesn't gain his consciousness back, cause if he did, Devon didn't know any good way to put him back to sleep.

He was a zombie after all… zombies only die. 'Please. Please, Pete, don't wake up.' Devon wished. 

All the way out of the corridor, out of the plaza, in the open area before the main gate, Rigid, Rosy, Gwen, Naomi, Brandon, Doc, Steve, Johan were waiting for Ryan to step out of the Academy. 

"Tch, should we really be sitting here so freely while a 16-year-old is fighting some deadly creatures?" Johan asked. He was not able to calm himself either.

Others were leaning against the wall, walking freely, or sitting without care, while Johan was worried about Ryan. it was taking him long to come out after all.

"Deadly? Those mindless, dumb creatures? Hahaha, they are not deadly at all,"

"Shut up, Rigid." Rosy pinched his abs. 

"He's right, sir. Those zombies are not deadly at all, in fact, they are not even a threat to Ryan." Brandon added, " Please be carefree, Ryan's strong and zombies are nothing for him to take care of."

'Unless, of course, he meets a high-level Hitler zombie or someone from another race which is again, impossible.' Brandon thought.

"You are just overestimating Ryan. he's still a 16-year-old kid-"

"I don't know about that, sir," Doc got leaned forward from the wall as she walked forward, "By age, yeah he's just 16 but… there is something about him, I do not know what happened to him in the past but Ryan…. He mentally, physically is an adult. His strength, his agility, his courage, his determination, his maturity…. No one this is anywhere near the level of that a NORMAL 16-year-old teenager."

"Dr. Mary, it still-"

"I mean no disrespect, sir, but… have some faith in Ryan," Naomi added. 

Johan looked down with a look of defeat. 'Hah. I guess, I really can't do anything when it comes to you and your fans.' Johan shook his head.

What Doc said was true and Johan too found it hard to deny. The fact that Ryan had a sudden boost to his physical strength, his speed, his overall appearance, his thinking, his mentality was even noticed by someone who did not know Ryan before.

After fighting with his enemies for more than 2 hours, after not taking a break and continuing throwing punches, using the System skills, breaking down beads of sweat, throwing himself past his limit, use all of his stamina, Ryan finally lost his consciousness.

Up, on the first floor, Ayami got off Ryan's body. She slowly started feeling guilty about what she did to Ryan. she could not find anything to pay for her, yet another, sin. 




Yo, it's reset time. A new week with a new motivation to work!! Here are the goals for extra chapters at the end of the week:

1. Gifts: One extra ch. for 3 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above. 

2. Power Stones: 75 Power Stones = 1 extra Ch. (Let us freaking hit the goal this week!!) 

3. Golden Tickets: 10 Golden Tickets = 1 extra Ch. (We had 7 tickets last month, thanks to dear readers who voted.) 

4. Win-Win Mission: 200 Privilege chapter unlocks = 1 extra Ch. (I gotta admit. Thank you, no seriously, the score is literally doubled from the last week's score. Although there are still two days left for the month to end, there is no way we can gain 70-80 unlocks in 2 days, No one purchases privilege at the end of the month. So, guys, I hope we hit the goal for December month. I will announce the Win-Win goal on the 1st of December again.)

Note: To check the total number of privilege chapter unlocks, go to 'About this book' scroll down and you will see the number down there in the APP ONLY. 

Good luck to you. Come on! Hit the freaking goals! Let's GO!


Thank you to everyone who is voting for My System & My Academy of Traits [My Ring System] I am really grateful, glad that you are liking my work. 

We did not hit the goals last month, last week but does that matter? Not as much as long as you are enjoying reading My Ring System. Please continue reading and continue supporting!

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