My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 217 - Friends Broke Up.

[ okay. Don't try changing me ]

[ seriously I would never even try that be whatever you are but if you are doing something wrong then Imma change you or at least tell you and if you want to survive in this world you need to change you need to improve every second ]

[ that is called correction not changing. ]

[ fine you get it ]

[ you seem great at mind games, Ryan ]

[ yeah I learned that new skill, but yeah now that you know I am good at mind games you should consider it before doing anything about making decisions ]

[ you're toxic, Ryan. You might feel like the world is crashing down on you now ]

[ yeah, yeah, enough hearing that ]

[ so you still think I could trust you the same? ]

[ no ]

[ Ewrites: you still think I can be that girl who always cares about how you'd feel? ]

[ it's always better to stay away from a toxic person ]

[ that stupid girl who once thought you were her everything, you think you can get her back? ]

[ I bet you and me both will be insecure if we dated again ]

[ how nice, you get it ]

[ I seriously have no hope. Just say fuck you, now fuck off out of my life. Like you did before ]

[ then what about?! What will you do?! ]

[ why do you even care lol ]

[ don't give up 'cause your first girlfriend dumped you or whatever you know what they say, when people leave you, it's a sign that they don't deserve a place in your life anymore, take it that way ]

[ just do it already ]

[ If I leave you, it'll make me carry a burden for the rest of my life that there's this one guy who still loves me when I dumped him ]

[ OKY, then I will not love you after you dump me ]

[ really? ]

[ ditch me and see my love die ]

[ what will you do if suppose I ditched you? ]

[ Study hard, get rich, live my life alone, travel the whole world ]

[ good. I mean, that's great! I just wanna hear that you'll be happy without me ]

[ I will never get to experience your love, your care, your anger anymore after you ditch me ]

[ Try finding happiness is all I wanna tell you ]

[ so… you seriously gonna dump me? ]

[ I love you ]

[ Erin? ]

[ yeah? ]

[ what's with you now? ]

[ It's time so let me say a few things]

[ okay say ]

[ how long have we dated by the way? We act like it's been years ]

[ one and a half month ]

[ whoa! Just what the fuck have we done. We can't change the past ]

[ why would you love a manipulative, toxic guy? ]

[ but we sure did change a lot of future plans. We never had a talk about the future in-depth, right? But we sure did have nipples of fantasies apart from the whole future plan ]

[ right we talked about some little things like wifi, closet, and donating money or adding interest on money ]

[ we're never gonna have great wifi in our house 

Ryan. closet, forget it ]

[ ugh why? ]

"I thought she was just saying some random stuff….."

[ A big window fame? Nope ]

[;-; okay….. ]

[ have children? Whoa, whoa, whoa, look who's being delusional ]

[ ...…

I never even said that- ]

[ I know. If it was not you then you know who else it could've been so shut up and listen no lol 

NO more future plans, not a single face time ]

"....then I realized…. She was saying this stuff cause she was about to dump me"

[ I am being dumped, are not I? 

I guess I am ]

[ Not another time we'd get to hear each other voices ]

[ I sure am ]

[ Maybe my 15th birthday sure is gonna be a great memory, the last time I ever heard you ]

[ don't bring these things, it hurts getting ditched if you say something like that ]

[ Don't ghost me after this though lol ]

[ Yeah, I'll not ]

[ I am crying and laughing at the same time I look like a manic- lol let that be ]

[ Yeh happened with me too ]

[ I once came across something that said 'If you love them, let them go' and then the protagonist who opposes and says it should be the other way around, 'If you love then let them know' 

I guess I will just do the both of them 'cause I am helpless here 

Damn it! My sister won in the end…. I never felt anything when I dumped Riz. 

Oh, and when you get rich, come meet me. I guess it's one of my last requests]

[ damn ]

[ I really wish I knew how to love you the way I did, and trust you the way I did ]

[ So it's all over isn't it, my only wish. Just to meet you? When you'll get married and have kids with some other man? 

[ no please don't use your mind games on me again…. ]

[ I am not! Please! Don't leave me! ]

[ you ask me to ditch you, and then ask me to be with you. You hurt me and then say you love me. I never knew being numb felt this miserable ]

[ no, please no ]

[ Ryan you are very good at mind games ]


[ you're trying that now ]

"I sent 20 texts and got one text from her. It continued, 20 then 1, 20 then 1. I was texting like a freak"

[ Ryan, you love me, don't you? ]

[ I do ]

[ But I feel numb…. Why? Try getting over this stupid who was once yours ]

"That happened. I pled in front of her not to dump me. She went offline. She came online the next day… I had already sent her 300+ texts. I was not able to sleep. I thought not being able to sleep due to anxiety was just something people exaggerate but that day…. I experienced it. That it was true"

"This was the fucking end, right"

"Yeah, it was the end. But we got together the next morning she just said it out of frustration. I didn't text her for days. I was losing myself I was really depressed. For help…. I had to tell my mom"

"What? You told her?"

"Yeah. she listened to it quietly. She calmed me down while I was crying. She calmed me down very well. Then she told me to talk for only 30 mins with her. But I didn't listen. That led to a big dispute, a big fight between us. We didn't talk for days, but whenever she did she did that just to scold me, shout at me. She used to give me warning that if I did something like this again, crying so pathetically over a girl she will tell my father about this. We were on bad terms with each other, we were fighting, she told me to stay away from that girl, she will only waste your time, our relationship will not work, and that I am wasting my time.

"One day, mom even cried while shouting at me… she was like how can I love someone, make someone dearer to me than my own mother. How can I make someone so important to me who just came a month ago into my life and that I am hating my mother who was with me from the start? Who has seen me walk into my underwear, who has seen me walk naked….. Then that day, she died. A few days after she did, Erin and I ended things for good. That was it guys. The story of my love life. It ended tragically."

They were silent. No one said anything. 




Yo. The Author is here. Thank you for sticking up with me, my novel, with Ryan and his friends this long. By this chapter, I officially declare the end of this novel cough cough I mean, this volume.

Okay, seriously, the first volume: The Ring System of the novel: My System & My Academy of Superpowers ends here. 

I thank my dear readers from the bottom of my heart, it has been an amazing journey here. I hope for your support in the future too.

Volume Two: Tokyo Academy of Traits, coming soon!

Just kidding, volume two will begin serializing with the next chapter. 




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