"Do not stop, continue running!" Gwen shouted. Ryan came back to his sense and started running.

"Wait, you were able to cut his arm so easily, you even got his sword, does that mean you are stronger than him," Gwen slowed down running after hearing Ryan's question.

"Listen…. What I did was just my luck."

"Huh?" Ryan was surprised to hear that.

"Seriously, that man is way stronger than I am, in fact, I am nothing in front of him."

"Are you dumb? Why would you fight him knowing this?"

"Then what else? Watch him kill you?!" Gwen shouted back, she turned away from Ryan, "He will come back for us. He definitely will." Gwen shook her head.

"How were you able to do that anyway? Would not cutting a sword take a lot of strength?"

"Nah, skills. Skills are all that takes. And yes, a little strength." Gwen nodded, "He was totally distracted by you. His focus was never me, he intended to kill you from the start. I took advantage of that and sliced through his sword, then his arm." Gwen explained.

"How will he come back? He must be losing a lot of blood,"

"He will come back. I do not know how or why, but I am sure he will come back for you. So please, keep running." 

"If he comes back, we can fight him again,"

"Obviously not! Do not take that idiotic decision, see Ryan, I have been training with martial art for years. I know how things in this field work. Please do not mess with that man and take any further risks."


"I do not know why he knows you or how he knows you, but please, please, I do not want to and I can not see you get killed in front of my eyes."

"Come on, do not say that."

"But that is the fact, Ryan. That man is insanely skillful. He must have been training a lot." Gwen concluded. 

Ryan did not argue anymore, he quietly followed Gwen. Ryan strongly disagreed with Gwen's theory for the first time. 

He firmly believed that he will be able to go heads on with Nakamura if he goes all out, which, he has never gone since the last fight with Cheryl's team. The time he smashed some eggs and faces. 

His fight with the Necromancer Ainz Gown was truly based on his emotions. Only because of his emotions he was able to win the fight. 

But why is Naomi's driver trying to kill me? Ryan thought. 'Maybe because this is the parallel universe? Or because something happened in the past?' 

Ryan was not sure. When they both were about to reach the Horrorland again, two people were already waiting for them with swords in their hands. 

"What the heck?" Ryan frowned, he turned around and saw another three people behind him.

"See… I told you," Gwen muttered to Ryan while facing the other side, "He would come back for us." Gwen completed.

In front of Ryan, from the three people coming his way, one of them was Nakamura Hiroshi. He had applied some different kinds of high-tech bandages. 

It had stopped the bleeding totally, 'Looks like humanity still has not invented regeneration technology.' Ryan thought as he took a step forward. 

Three from his side, two from another side. Five people, no one knew the power of these five people but one person's power was truly known. 

"Ryan, pass me the sword." Gwen moved closer to Ryan, she put her hand beside Ryan's waist and asked for the sword Ryan was holding.

Ryan quietly handed Gwen the sword without anybody knowing what was happening. Ryan activated his blood fists. 

"I am still scared," Gwen muttered.

"I am too," Ryan replied.

"Do not worry, I will give you two swords back." with that, Gwen bolted off from her place. 

Ryan gulped, "I told you, I would come back for you." Nakamura muttered. 

Ryan took a step back. "Shit, how do I fight him?" Ryan wondered, he had no powerful skills with him to fight swordsmen, his only strength was in hand-to-hand combat. 

Gwen on the other side was already engaged in battling the two people. Gwen moved like the wind, she swiftly cut their arms and legs without anybody knowing. So smooth. 

Gwen finished cutting the two people mercilessly. This was her first time cutting the limbs of living human beings. But for Ryan, she can do anything. This did not feel like her first time at all. 

She collected their swords and ran up to Ryan. Nakamura had advanced with his two men.

Ryan used his blood fists to fight the group of three men. His blood aura kept breaking continuously while fighting. He got no chance of attacking them, all he could do was defend. 

Gwen gripped two swords in her two hands. She put another sword down her jean's belt loop. Her dress was almost torn apart from the bottom. 

The other two men stopped fighting Ryan, the quickly turned to Gwen. Gwen swung both of her swords at the same time, they clashed with her opponent's two swords.

< Blood store: 50/250 >

< You are running out of stamina > 

The two messages flashed in front of Ryan's eyes. He ignored them and charged at Nakamura. Ryan felt exhausted but continued fighting.

'Where am I going wrong? I have not been able to land even a single hit on him.' Ryan thought with a dead eye.

Nakamura raised his sword, Ryan grabbed the sword with his palm. Ryan raised his right hand, right at that time, Nakamura pulled his sword and slashed Ryan's palm.

Blood fell all over the pavements. Gwen caught that. Her blood started to boil. He furiously charged forward at the two men in front of her.

They were nearly as skilled as Nakamura but possible for Gwen to deal with. Gwen pointed a sword at one of the men, the man raised his katana to block or to throw it.

The sword was coming in his direction, he was fully prepared when- Gwen dropped the sword. She let go of the sword, swept behind the man, and pulled Nakamura's sword. 

The next second, the sword had pierced through the man's neck. 'Thanks, dad. This is the first time, skills you taught me are coming into use.' she thought in her mind. 

The man died. He fell down on the ground heads on. His companion got angry, he charged at Gwen. Gwen still had one more sword with her, she used it to defend against the man's powerful strike.

Gwen lifted the sword above her head to defend against the strike, she pushed that man's sword down. From down, the man raised the sword straight up. 

Gwen managed to throw that strike too. The man did not let his arm go down, he quickly lifted it up and aimed for Gwen's neck.

To block the attack, she pulled the scabbard which was barely hanging from Gwen's belt loop. The man's sword clashed hard against the metal scabbard.

Gwen pulled her right hand forward with the big katana in her hand, she threw it in the man's guts, the man jerked himself up but the tip of Gwen's katana managed to pierce into his stomach.

Gwen's arms were not long enough to reach deep any further. She dropped the sword, with her hand defending her head, she went for Nakamura's sword.

She grabbed the sword, with all of her strength, she pulled the sword from the man's neck. Blood made an arc up in the air. Gwen stuck that sword in the man's shoulder. 

She pulled her scabbard back, duck down, picked up her sword, appeared from behind the man. Turned the sword in her hands, pulled the grip up in the air, and boom. The sword pierced through the man's guts. 

Gwen did it once more. She pulled the sword out, then pushed it back in his back. Gwen used her back to push the man's back. She pulled the sword out of his stomach.

Blood sprayed all over the pavement blocks and even on Gwen's body. Her dress had some cuts near her chest and stomach. Her black jeans were covered in dust. 

Gwen raised from the ground and looked at Ryan. Ryan was holding the katana in his palm again. Gwen took a step forward but stopped.

Ryan raised his right fist, he moved it with power, Nakamura was about to pull the sword from Ryan's hand one again, but this time, Ryan grabbed the katana with his right hand instead of hitting the blade.

He did not waste another second, he turned around his body, gain momentum, and smashed his elbow on the katana's blade. The blade snapped into two pieces.

< Blood store: 0/250 >

< Blood level: 100/100 >

Ryan raised his dead eyes at Nakamura, "why?" He asked. Ryan was exhausted enough already, he was gasping and panting for air.




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