Ryan swung his body, with all of his strength and force, Ryan landed a strong strike with his elbow on Nakamura's sword. The blade split into two. 

Nakamura almost lost his balance while backing up. Ryan was holding one part of the sword. Blood was flowing from his hands nonstop. 

Gwen, "Ryan! Take this!" She shouted as she threw a sword in Ryan's direction.

Ryan dropped the blade he was holding in his hands, he raised his hand to grab Nakamura's sword. The sword landed in Ryan's hand.

Nakamura lifted his half-broken katana up in the air, in front of him once again. He charged forward, Ryan got ready to not defend but attack this time. 

From the other side, many more people were coming to back up Nakamura. Gwen threw both of the swords in her hands and got ready for the fight.

"Do not die." She muttered to herself and rushed forward. The reason she decided not to fight Nakamura was, there were tens of men coming to their side, Ryan would not be able to fight these many swordsmen. 

That seemed like Nakamura's battalion, full of swordsmen. On this side, Nakamura let out a sharp scream and struck in Ryan's direction. 


It was rather a lousy strike, Ryan was ready for the worst but when he actually experienced the first strick from Nakamura this time… it was weak.

Ryan swung his sword around, above his head, then brought it down aiming at Nakamura's shoulder. Nakamura defended the attack with his broken katana. 

He applied his strength and pushed Ryan's sword away from his shoulder. Ryan was lifting the sword again but- he was not ready for random attacks.

Nakamura had closed his eyes, he was swinging his katana without any aim or direction, "You bastard! You fucking bastard!" he screamed as he continued swinging his katana madly. 

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Ryan was having a hard time blocking Nakamura's attacks, "Is this his rage mode or something?" Ryan wondered. 

Nakamura was continuously smashing his sword against Ryan's sword without thinking anything, just throwing the sword randomly all over the place. From up to down, down to up, left to up, up to right, any and every direction.

Ryan had to match with Nakamura's new fighting style. With another strong strike, Ryan heard a cracking down from something. 

'I am not prepared for this! What the fuck is he doing?' Ryan thought, he took a step back and blocked another quick attack. 

"I can never forgive you!" Nakamura shouted, "I will never forgive you for what you did!" He continued throwing random strikes, "Because of you, just because of you, bastard!"

"Why are you so mad?" Ryan asked. He had no hopes of getting a normal reply. 

"Because of what you did! I am mad. Because you left Naomi because you married Gwen because you fucking dumped Naomi-san!" Nakamura was literally crying, there were tears forming in his closed eyes and rolling down his cheek. 

"Ah, he is talking about the future." Ryan was cool. In fact, he had nothing he could do.

"Only if you had not married Gwen, only if you had married Naomi-san, she would have not suffered through hell!"

"What is wrong with his use of tense?" Ryan jumped away from Nakamura.

"She was forcefully married to some prick, Satoru-sama, and I was not able to do anything. But you! You even had the power to oppose both of the families but you did not! You just sat in the dark and watched Naomi-san get married to some little prick!"

"Ah… I see what happened." Ryan heard another crack near his ear. 


"She suffered through hell, she suffered only because of you, she suffered! She suffered!" Nakamura kept shouting.

"No, seriously, what is wrong with his tense?" Ryan repeated.

"She had to go through hell because you dumped her, she had to marry that prick because of you, she was forced all her life, she was beaten all her life. Just because of YOU!"

'Beaten? ….forced?' Those words echoed in Ryan's head.

"You dated her, you gave her and Satoru-san, even me, a false hope. You acted as if you would save her, but in the end, you just destroyed everyone."

"I dated her? What happened to Gwen then?" Ryan asked himself.

Nakamura raised his sword high in the air, ready to land a powerful, strong hit on Ryan.

"Motherfucker, you should not have ever dated Naomi-san if you did not want to marry her!!!"


Ryan's blade snapped into two parts. His eye went wide when he saw one-half of Nakamura's katana fall in front of his eye. 

'It would need someone stronger than me to break my katana.' He remembered Nakamura's words. 

'H- how… is this possible?' Ryan was left speechless for only a second till he felt a strong sensation of pain. 

Ryan was holding the katana against his side when Nakamura slashed Ryan's sword into two and took Ryan's wrist with him too.

Ryan looked at his hand, he saw it growing back at a very, very, very slow pace. Ryan was still in pain. Usually, it does not take this land.

Boom! Boom! 

They all heard two loud explosions. Ryan saw two explosives falling on the land of Disneyland. It did not stop there, a few more explosives fell from the sky, from the spacecraft. 

"What is that…?"

"Dynamites," Professor told Ryan. Ryan sensed Nakamura beside him. 

Now they both had one arm lost, they both were in pain, they both had half part of the sword. Nakamura was stronger than Ryan in the aspect of swordsmanship. 

Ryan heard loud screams from behind and in front. They were standing on a top hill while other people were fighting down. From the headquarters, many government soldiers were out fighting the Royals. 

"We are not done yet, bastard! You messed with Naomi-san's life." Nakamura swung his sword with more sense this time. His aim was set. 

"No, wait!" Ryan shouted. Ryan had lost his right wrist so fighting with his left hand was not easy for him. Especially to handle those strong blows from Nakamura. 

"As if you waited for Naomi-san when she asked you to wait," Nakamura's katana clashed with Ryan's katana. 

"Please do not relate every shit to the stuff my alternate version did!" Ryan shouted, he lost balance and stumbled over his own feet. 

Ryan dug the sword in the ground and he somehow managed to stay on the ground without falling down. He saw Nakamura with his katana above him.

Ryan rolled on the ground and got up from the other side, he was welcomed by Nakamura's strategic attempts to kill Ryan.

"She killed herself…." Ryan's expressions fell, the frown on his face disappeared, "She had to kill herself… there is no way someone could be able to live a life of torture for 9 years."

Nakamura had a sad expression on his face. As he moved in Ryan's direction, a tear left his pink eye. "Naomi-san…. Is no more." 


Ryan's sword fell out of his hand, he was frozen because of what Nakamura had said, '...I feel guilty now.' Ryan thought although it was not him who was responsible for this.

Ryan ducked Nakamura's attack, he jumped to dodge another swing. Finally, with his blood fists, he blocked the sword near his face. 

His eye was wide open, his expressions were cold, there was a sense of guilt inside his heart. 'Watts…' Ryan thought, a frown started appearing on his face, 'Allen fucking Watts.' 

"Argh!!" Ryan swung his left arm from behind and attacked Nakamura, "Allen Fucking Watts!!" Ryan shouted aggressively. Blood spurted from his wrist, his right hand was back all of a sudden.

< The host is pushing himself far from his limits. This is not recommended, this might turn into a fatal injury or permanent damage to the body of the Host >

< Threat to Death level is high. Can not able to stop the host right now. Get out of danger. >

< Blood level: 0/100 >

< HP: 100/100 >

Ryan grabbed his sword, he held it with his right hand. For the first time, Ryan was attacking someone in a sword battle. 

"Let us end this once and for all," Nakamura said. 

He calmly raised his sword. Ryan charged at him, he raised his half-broken sword, aimed for Nakamura's neck.

Ryan changed the grip of his sword, he held it like a knife or a dagger. He pulled his arm away, ready to stab into Nakamura's neck. 

"Aaah!!" Nakamura shouted.

"Argh!" Ryan shouted.

A grin spread over Ryan's face, "Hah…" he laughed cause his katana was in Nakamura's neck. Halfway in. 

Nakamura's face was expressionless for a while, then he smiled, "You had knowledge, I had experience." He whispered in Ryan's ear. 

Ryan's grin disappeared with a mouthful of blood coming out of his mouth. The dynamite explosions got closer to them. 

Ryan was stabbed in his guts. Nakamura was stabbed in his neck. 'Hah.' Ryan scoffed and started losing his consciousness. 




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