My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 312 - Vampire Friend.

"Oh my god." Students were overreacting in the hotel's lobby.

"That guy is dead," two Japanese students said to each other.

"Why did the chairman take Ryan with him?" Other American students were having their own discussions.

Rigid, Rosy, Brandon, Ayami, and other American students who knew Ryan had witnessed the aggressive mode of Satoru.

Brandon glanced at Gwen from the distance. He did not say anything although he wanted to right now, he is working and hence is a Head General.

"I wonder what it was. I panicked when Mr. Chairman just dashed in the hotel like that." Sadako, the Japanese Head General let out a sigh.

"Yeah. I wonder what he will do with Ryan." Brandon muttered in a low voice to himself. 

Rigid and Rosy walked up to Gwen. she was still shocked and a little scared because of what happened with Ryan. 

Of course, Gwen was worried about Ryan too, she was worried the most about Ryan. But she believed, if it is Ryan, he would somehow pull off. 

"Gwen…" Rigid started, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, she is. What type of question is that?" Rosy walked past her soulmate, "What was it about, Gwen?" she asked in a firm voice.

"I- I am not aware. Naomi's father was very angry at Ryan for some reason… but Ryan was cool about it." Gwen replied.

"Do not worry, it will be alright." Rosy pulled Gwen into her arms, gave her a quick hug, "It is Ryan we are talking about at last…" Rosy added.

"Exactly." Rigid nodded in agreement.

'He has the power of a Pure Vampire after all…' Rigid thought.

"He is strong enough to get out of any possible life-threatening events. He has that much power." 

'...why and how do you know about it?' Gwen looked up at Rigid, then down at Rosy. 

'Professor, tell me I have at least one fricking resurrection left with me.'

'Fortunately, you do. But this will be the last.' Professor replied, 'Because you did not use your chance in the last evolution, you still have one left.' Professor confirmed.

'I still do not get this resurrection thing.'

'It is simple. You are at level 19 right now, level up to 20, after clearing the evolution tasks you will gain lumpsum Bloods, stat points, and two resurrection chances.'

'And at level 30?'

'Three chances. And life goes on.'

'Thank god.' Ryan sighed.

"Take us to the spot," Satoru ordered his driver. Yes, the one and only Nakamura Hiroshi. 

"Yes, sir," Nakamura replied. He started the car and took off at top speed. 

"Satoru-san… did I make a big mistake?"

"Duh." Satoru turned around, "You should have reached the Academy before everybody else. You are late."

"Eh, was it that urgent? Naomi told me you just had something to talk about?"

"Yes, and that is right. And that talk is urgent, important, would not take a lot of time but we got to do it." Satoru did not shout in his car.

"I- I am really sorry for my ignorance."

"What is the use of saying that right now!?" Satoru shouted, "We are already late, Ryan-Kun…"

"Mitsuda-san…" Nakamura interrupted, "Please do not shout at the little guy. Please forgive him."

Ryan's eyes filled up with tears, "N- Na… Nakamura-san…" Ryan remembered everything that happened in the parallel universe with Nakamura.

'The reason we fought was that I married Gwen, dumped Naomi, and Naomi got married to Allen Watts. Her life turned shitty, she had to quit the game of life.' 

Ryan recalled the incidents which took place in the parallel world. 'Shit, wait…' Ryan's face went pale, 'Is not what I am doing the same?' 

"You do not know, Nakamura. I trusted him so much but he had to disappoint me in this way." Nakamura and Mitsuda were sitting next to each other in the front seats.

Nakamura giggled when Satoru complained about Ryan's unpunctuality. Ryan could not help but feel ashamed.

'Everything because I got stuck in those love matters. I promise myself to stay away from this!' Ryan's lip had healed but he made another cut on it, 'I promised myself once before… how can I break it?'

"Ryan-Kun!" Satoru shouted.

"Yes!" Ryan panicked.

"The reason behind my anger is half you and half of what has happened."

"What has happened?" Ryan ignored the first part cause he knew it already.

"You were hiding a secret from me all this time," Satoru said that much, and the car came to a stop.

"We are here," Nakamura twisted the car's steering wheel in 90 degrees around. His hand quickly went down to the car's handbrake which was below the wheel, it was nothing but a button.

The tires of the car locked, the car spun around, making a 180-degree drift. 

"Get out of the car," Satoru told Ryan. he opened the door of the car. 

Nakamura pulled his hands in between his thighs because of the cold. 

Before the car could even stop, Satoru jumped off the car through the door while it was still making a drift. Ryan gulped. He had no intentions of doing that.

He let the car stop, which took only a few seconds, then he jumped out of the car. 

"What secret?" Ryan asked, staring at Satoru's face.

"Vampire." Ryan felt his heart racing inside his chest, "You never told me your vampire friend was behind my human daughter."

"Huh?" Ryan's mouth dropped open, "Eh…?" he was confused, "hah?!" Ryan shouted. 

"Do not panic. I know that vampires exist and all that crap. Most of the Royals know. But we are not allowed to spread it out of the family. If someone knows that we are walking around exposing vampire's identity…"

Satoru looked down at Ryan, "Then you know better than me. Vampires are stronger than us. Way stronger than us if they come in a group." 

"..." Ryan did not reply.

"To compare humans versus Vampires. Compare my Royal family with your vampire friend's vampire household. We stand no chance in front of them." Satoru declared without hesitation.

"H- ho- how did you…."

"Came to know about your vampire friend and his tries to voodoo my daughter? First, tell him to stay away from Naomi."

"First. Tell me how. I might get in trouble with the councils."

"Naomi told me."

"....not possible…"

"She asked me for the portal user. A guy who has been trying to impress her, trying to date her, likes her was thrown in a planet called Aceved."

'Fuck, Devon… you made it that obvious? Well, Naomi is no stupid anyway.'

"That was enough for me to figure everything else out through my sources. Devon Bostick. Leading Canadian vampire family in Aceved. Dylan Bostick, officially the third strongest vampire in the whole Aceved after his unofficially strongest older brother Grant Bostick."

'Even I did not know this…' Ryan's eye was bulging out. 

"Devon, who is a half-human, half-vampire, hybrid vampire. His father married his mother after he was born. His mother… is anonymous, but obviously, a human."

"Stop- enough. That much information is enough."

"Then his step-brother, Darell Bostick. Darell's one and only butler, Stanley Gentry. Whom, the night after the attack on our Academy, was killed… by Ryan-Kun. Walker. Period." 

Ryan gulped, "It was an accident."

"To kill a freaking Elite vampire? Go fool someone else, Ryan-Kun." 

"I also know about your Head General, Brandon Fraser. He is a loyal man who has been serving the Bostick family for over 20 years. A strong, powerful vampire." 

'I was kept in the dark the whole time?'

"Does Naomi knows about this?"

"Of course, not. I do not want to put Naomi's life in danger. And after the attack in Disneyland? Hell no." 

'How does he know about so much?! Literally everything!'

"I was thinking you were Naomi's boyfriend but looks like you already have a girl to yourself. Gwen Stacy. The eldest daughter of the strongest Dojo master in California… or in the whole United States… and I am not qualified to take his name." Satoru bowed his head, "But you have found yourself a good match." Satoru added.

"I- I-"

"You do not have to explain anything. I still respect you the way I did before. But, I just hope you keep away from Naomi now that you are not interested in her."

Ryan closed his mouth, "Hm!" Ryan nodded. 

"But…" Satoru started walking, "I am still disappointed."

"What, sir?" Ryan raised his head.

"You kept this thing a secret from me."

"What is remaining now, sir?" Ryan turned around to look at Satoru behind him.

"You did not tell me… that you are a vampire yourself."


"Why did not you tell me, that you are a vampire yourself! And why can not I sense the vampire inside of you?!"

"Who the–" Ryan's eye went wide. 




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