Ryan let out a sigh. "Sir, I am not a vampire. I have been saying this to everybody since the last few months, but again, I am not a vampire."

Satoru nodded, "I see." He continued nodding. He dropped his head down and started walking around Ryan, "You say you are not a vampire."

"Yes. I am not a vampire. Why do you think I am a vampire?"

"Well… you are strong. You killed an Elite vampire like that whilst being just 16… 17 this spring." Satoru added.

"Just why do you know so much about me…?" Ryan muttered without opening his mouth.

"How can you prove that you are not a vampire?"

"There is nothing to prove. I am not a vampire, that is it." Ryan was starting to feel nervous because of Satoru getting closer to him.

Satoru lifted his hand, he landed his hand on Ryan's shoulder, "Okay. But, I still want to verify things, can I?"

"Verify what and how?" Ryan asked. He was guessing someone fishy with Satoru.

"Nothing, just…" Ryan heard some sparks from the hand Satoru had laid on Ryan's shoulder, "The fact that vampires can heal themselves?" 


"Ouch!" Ryan screamed in pain, he pushed Satoru away from him and jumped a few feet away, "What the heck are you doing?!" Ryan shouted in anger.

He looked at Satoru with an angry frown on his face, "What?" Satoru lifted his hand in the air, "I told you right, vampires heal on their own? Self-healing factor," 

Satoru pulled his eyes down, lifted his hand, pointed his finger at Ryan's shoulder. Ryan glanced back and forth at his shoulder and Satoru's finger.

Ryan slowly started removing his hand from his shoulder, a little amount of smoke came out of Ryan's shoulder. 

The cloth on his shoulder was burnt a little, his skin was exposed. The skin on his shoulder was wide open because of the severe burn.

"Healing factor," Satoru repeated himself. 

"Wait… fuck no!" Ryan shouted, 'No, no, no! Stop the healing right now!' Ryan shouted in his mind, he ordered his System to stop the healing right now.

< healed the wound by 80%. The wound is not serious, would not take a lot of blood to heal the wound. Continuing healing process >

< Completed healing the wound >

< Blood store: 180/200 >

'Not serious? It just took 20 of my blood points!'

The burnt skin was healing, at an exponential speed. Within a second, the wound had completed healed right in front of Satoru and Ryan.

"Sorry to hurt you, but not guilty for hurting you. You are alright." 

Ryan grunted, he looked at Satoru. He had a silly feeling of not being able to stop its System from healing him. That was just stupid! 

"Now do you have anything that proves you are not a vampire? Cause I already have proof that proves you are a vampire."

'But I am out in the sun." Ryan had found the best counter for Satoru, 'And vampire abilities do not work out under the sun. but I am healed.'

Of course, he did not say that out loud. How was he supposed to explain his insane healing powers? His RPG System? Not a chance in the hell. 

"Fine." Ryan let out a sigh. He pulled himself together, "You are right, Satoru-san." Ryan closed his eye, "I am a vampire." Ryan flashed his red eye at Satoru.

"I knew it!" Satoru dropped his hand down, "You are a vampire."

"Yes. I am a vampire. So now, what else do you want to hear from me?"

"Straight to the point… good, good." Satoru nodded, "Before questions, I have a request for you."

"Request? I am not in the position to accept a request from you."

"Nah, it is simple. Stay away from Naomi-chan." Satoru requested in a cold voice, "Please."

Ryan looked down, today's incidents flashed in front of his eyes. 'This is the one and only chance.'

"Of course. Who wants to date a prey anyway? No offense."

"Nah, fine." He was actually offended, but decided to keep it inside, "Now to the questions."

"Sure." I do not know what shit I have got myself into. Ryan thought, but he had to prepare himself for the questions to come.

"What family do you serve for?"

'What family…? I only know Devon's family, but I do not serve for Devon's…' Ryan took a few seconds to himself, he had to come up with an opaque excuse. 

"My own family." Ryan replied, "I run my own vampire family, Walkers."

Satoru's eyes went wide, "If you are making that up, then you will be in huge trouble with the council. Of course, you know it better than me, council eliminate fake or self-claimed families."

"It is a self-claimed family but not a fake one. Gwen Stacy, she is in with me in my family."

"I see." Satoru nodded, "Then, why is it that I can not sense the vampire inside you? Why- why can not I sense you?"

'Cause I am not.'

"Neither did I sense it from your wife?"

'W- w- w- wife?!' Ryan's eye went wide, but he had to keep things under control.

"By wife I mean-"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Ryan interrupted Satoru, "what do you sense from me?" Ryan asked in reply.

"A human. A pure human."

"Then let that be." Ryan shook his head, "I have not unlocked all of my abilities." 

"Ah. Some vampire thing," Satoru did not realize he was being fooled. He never wanted to enter the vampire world, he never did either. 

Since Naomi got in touch with Ryan, and when she told her father about Devon being thrown to the planet of Aceved, Satoru had no choice but to dive in inside the world of vampires. 

"Then your healing factor. It is still daytime,"

"Shadows." Ryan pointed at the trees around them, "I got away from you, sir, I got under the shadow to heal myself." Ryan claimed boldly.

"Okay…" Satoru nodded continuously.

"Sir, can we go back? I do not want to miss the opening ceremony."


"Sir!" Ryan had to shout to pull Satoru out of his deep thoughts, "I would like to go back, I do not want to miss the opening ceremony."

"Ah. sure," Satoru walked towards the car, "Do not worry, the ceremony does not start without me." Satoru called Nakamura to bring the car near them.

Nakamura reversed the car in their direction, with another small drift, Nakamura parked the car right against Ryan and Satoru.

The door's handle is right in Satoru's hands. He quickly pulled it and went inside. Ryan was truly impressed by Nakamura's precision, target, aim, and driving skills. 

"To the Academy, sir?" Nakamura asked. He started the car automatically without any input from his side. 

"Straight to the Academy, Nakamura." Satoru took his place on the seat. 

Ryan sat alone in the back seat. He was seating beads. But he was happy, he managed to fool Satoru, even if it was for a short time.

Satoru started thinking about it once again, 'I do not know why, Ryan-Kun….' He thought, 'But I feel like you are lying. And believe me, you can not beat this 35-year living experience with your 10-year knowledge.'




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