My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 325 - Choosing Unique Weapons.

"But sir, do the… Alien tech really works, what if it fails? Would not we have to end up with a used thing? It is such a boring thing." the guy continued, "Why not get a new cool item from the beast's body after killing it?"

"Cause boy, this ain't no anime or a fantasy VR game novel." Satoru smashed his hand against the board. 

"How does this system work?" he asked, "Has the Federation of Council ever tried investigating it, or are they as ignorant as Trait Masters?"

Ryan's head swung to the guy behind him. Not because he raised a question about the Trait masters [most were staring at him because of that] but because that guy knew about the Sky Table Federation aka the Federation of Councils. 

The main topic of discussion was originally weapons and equipment but, now the topic of discussion, because of a certain someone, was how the Alien tech works and why we have accepted it.

"You should show us how it works, should not you? If you can not, then at least let us see how the weapons and equipment are made." the guy demanded.

"Handsome guy," Gwen muttered in Ryan's ear.

"Tch," he got annoyed, "Who is he?" Ryan questioned.

"Weapons. Take the basic stuff, you told us to choose weapons but on what basis? Should not we wield the weapon before it becomes ours?"

The boy continued once again, "What if the weapon does not fit perfectly in a small person's hand, or what if it gets too short for a muscular person? What if you already give us a damaged piece, then ask us to pay for breaking it?"

'Seriously, who is this guy who has so much courage… or arrogance up his sleeves.' At first, Gwen was interested but then lost interest, he was getting pure annoying for her.

"Should not we, as users, check the quality of the weapon before using it? Show us the real thing first. Do not just hand us a random piece of a weapon and order us to use it till it breaks-"

"Enough!" For the first- okay, second time, Ryan saw Satoru frustrated, "Fine. I will show you what you want. Weapons? I kept that for later but since you do not believe us, let us take you to Weapons Hall."

Satoru jumped off the little stage he was standing on. A smile spread over that guy.

"But I understood nothing of what he said," Gwen sighed. Whatever that guy said… said in Japanese. NO one goy any shit except Ryan from the Americans.

Satoru came back into the room after he went out for a second, "Weapons would not be random, that is for sure," he started, "But since there are people who do not believe us and call the Federal Council ignorant, let us show you what we have got in the inventory for you." Satoru raised his hand, "Come out of this classroom and follow me." Satoru dropped his hand and walked out of the classroom. 

Satoru had calmed down a little. Students started leaving the classroom, "Let us go," Gwen pushed her hips against Ryan's shoulder.

"Right." Ryan got up, they were the second last to leave the room. 

The forty students were following Satoru down the hallway. Many Japanese students were gossiping about the… whatever his name is.

"That is the new guy who enrolled this year, right?" a Japanese kid said, Ryan, heard him talking with two girls and two more guys in front of him.

"Yeah. He is kind of hot though~" One girl was full of the thirst, "But now I think I have lost interest, he is too prideful." 

"Who is that guy anyway?" another girl asked.

"That is the point!" A guy with glasses, who seemed to be out of the group chimed in, "No one literally knows where that guy came from or what that boy's family background is."

"I heard that no one even knows what his real Trait is? All they know is… his Trait level is touching the skies." A cool dude said in his deep voice.

"Yeah…!" The guy who started the conversation said with a lot of excitement, "It is unfortunate we never were in the same class as his. I would love to go down in a leveling game against him."

'Oh. that concept exists across the Federation, I guess.' Ryan had totally forgotten that something is known as 'Leveling games' exists. 

It has been a long time since he fought with someone in a leveling game. The last time was with Robert and that time too, Tye, Gen, and Sarah interrupted the battle. 

"Well, he is in our class now, let us see what our class's president can do~" the girl full of lust on his face hissed at that muscular guy.

"Eek! Do not creep me out!" He chickened out because of that horny girl.

"Eh~ so this is our hero's weak point. He can not deal with hot girls~" 

'Tch. Girls like these.' Ryan shook his head, 'She definitely is not a virgin.' He then glanced at that girl, "She sure is hot though,"

"....tch," Crap. I said it out loud. He felt Gwen's glare on him.

"Did you see that new boy? Just how high is he on drugs?" Ryan turned his head to another group of boys talking to each other.

"Why?" His friend giggled.

"He was fucking arguing with The Mitsuda Satoru sir." He emphasized with his arms.

'Satoru-san is not that big of a deal-'

"Naomi-Sama's father."

'I see…' Ryan let out a sigh.

"Was I the only one…" one of the three said while pretending to be thinking deeply about something, "Was I the only one who saw him holding a digital pen in his hands?"

"No… I think I saw him holding something against his chin in his hand."

"Then… am I the only one who saw him taking 'notes' of what sir Mitsuda was telling us?" 

His friends turned to him with a confused face, more like a 'are you an idiot' expression. 

"NO guys, I am serious. It might be because I was sitting close to him, but I swear I saw him taking notes. His tablet was full of texts and images."

"What… is that guy?" they muttered, "He must really be high on drugs." that boy shrugged.

"Let us go forward," Ryan muttered. Now he had taken an interest in the new arrogant, prideful guy. Gwen had no choice but to go ahead with Ryan.

The line came to a stop as soon as Ryan started moving forward. He stopped in front of an entrance and let students enter the room. 

He went inside himself. Ryan's eyes were fixed on the grinning Japanese boy.

"Nohara Hiroshi, exactly what you wanted," Satoru looked at the new guy, "Welcome to the weapons hall." Satoru started explaining some ground rules about the room.

But Ryan's attention is somewhere else. He was focused on Nohara Hiroshi.

"Who are you?" Ryan activated his Vision skill.

< Name: Nohara Hiroshi >

< Age: 16 [Male] >

< Blood Type: B+ Positive >

< Trait: Superhuman strength, Resistor, Improved Bravery, Stone Heart >

Ryan's eye started going wide, 'What in the…' he could not believe his eye as the screen appeared in front of him with Hiroshi's information.

< Trait level: 6.9 >

'Fuck me… his Trait level is really touching the skies.'

< Weight: 60KGs >

< Height: 185CM >

< Level: 29 >

< HP: 140/140 >

< Race: Devil >

< Class: Ranger Archer >

"Oh. so we have two devils in the room now…"

"Students!" Satoru ended his speech, "Chose your weapon!"




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