Ryan looked around him. There were a lot of weapons displayed behind him. All sorts of weapons. Even his katana was being displayed on the display.

"Ryan," He heard Professor, "Now is the time for you to chose your weapon. You can use your vision skill to see the stats of a specific weapon to confirm it later."

'Amazing.' Ryan ignored Hiroshi for now, I mean, there was nothing he could do either. There was nothing to do, to be precise. 

"Of course, this will not be your final weapon but you will only get your hands on a high-class weapon if you start with the best basic weapon." Professor continued, "Use Vision to choose the best Katana for yourself and your girlfriend."

"Yes, Nohara." Hiroshi raised his hand, Satoru caught him, "What is it now?"

"How are we going to fight? How do the professional masters fight when they go on professional Quests?" 

Satoru sighed, "It really is not important but, they go in guilds. Guilds are formed of five to seven people."

"I see. Are these guild formed-"

"Chose your weapon. I thought you were here for that?"

'I will keep that for later then, Satoru-san.' Hiroshi turned around to chose his weapons.

"What guilds, professor? What is Satoru-san talking about, forming guilds?" Ryan asked as he took his first step towards a Katana.

"Students!" Satoru shouted, "Within an hour from now, you will be having your own weapon." He told them, "All the best," he sarcastically added.

The weapons, in the room, were arranged… digitally. Yes. they were displayed but when one touches the weapon, it comes out in their hands. 

To put it back, the same thing. Ryan started swiping through the digital pad to select the best color model of Katan then try wielding it. 

The room was filled with such weapons, where, Satoru gave the students one more piece of information.

"These weapons are updated according to the choices you selected in front of the dormitory." He told, "Suppose, five students selected bow then there will be no more than five bows available. Of course, there are models available of different colors but that is done on time. 

"Suppose it takes two cores of a basic tier beast to make one bow, then there are no more than 10 cores. The coloring thing is done afterward. So chose the model you like. 

"Of course, you can have two of the same kind but… I suggest you do not do that as it will only create confusion between two people. But if you really like one bow and your friend slash rival do too, you are free to go ahead and chose it."

'These designs are really simple.' Ryan muttered while looking at the Katanas which were displayed. 

"I suggest you do not look for designs but look for the quality of the weapon." Professor interrupted Ryan's thoughts.

'I will but first, answer me what I asked for.' Ryan demanded. 

"Guilds huh… okay-"

"So, if anybody wants to change their weapons, or classes can do right now. This is your chance."

'Fuck!' Ryan grunted. Satoru just did not let Professor continue… even start.

"Uh, I will ask for my swords, Ryan." Gwen left the stand and walked up to Satoru, a few more students were going near Satoru. 

"Continue, Professor…" Ryan turned his head away from Gwen. his eyes caught Hiroshi Nohara standing behind him, "What weapon is this devil going for?"

Ryan lifted his eyes to read the banner displayed above each weapon. It read, "Bows." Of course, his class is an Archer.

"Moiety Devil is a devil with a split personality disorder. Sometimes, this devil is just a normal person but sometimes, he is a real devil."

"I see… wait, no! Tell me what I asked for instead of these stupid things…"

"Just thought you should be aware of what a Moiety Devil is…"

"Well, I am now, so please!"

Ryan focused back on the katanas. He used his vision on every katana displayed. These katanas really were not beautiful.

"Uh… you do not play MMORPG games, how am I supposed to tell you…?" Professor started thinking.

"But I have watched enough MMORPG animes. I will be able to understand,"

"Ah, right. Well, then you know what a guild is? It has a guild master and a few members. They get a Quest from the town hall and a reward is kept for completing the Quest."

"Hm, I know." Ryan rejected the first Katana, cause his skill was stating it incompatible with Ryan's skills and stats.

"Well, it is somewhat the same in our world. There are private Quests, Federal Quests; to solve slash complete them, there are private and government-owned clans or guilds."

"Hm." Ryan rejected the second katana.

"There are Quests assigned to a particular class of guilds. Z Grade Trait masters then Z Grade Quests for them. Likewise. There are, of course, rewards for completing the Quests."

"How are the Quests most likely? What the Quests are usually?"

"Sometimes, the Federation sends guilds on other planets to clear it, explore it. This is a high-grade quest, by the way. Sometimes, Private people like the Underworld and people like Mitsuda Satou, the Royals, hire private guilds to go on a specific planet, kill a specific beast or beasts and bring their cores back to them. In return, they receive either money or a part of the cores they collected. These are the most common Quests. The rewards depend upon the planet they have to go to, the beast they have to kill, and how much do they have to kill. And one more factor, time duration."

"So, if the Quest is to kill five King-Tier beasts on an unexplored, or on an unknown planet, or on a planet with dangerous climate conditions, the guilds receive a good reward. In argument, if the Quest is to kill 100 Intermediate beasts on a scary planet, what would their reward be?"

"Now this goes further deep into what type of, or should I say, which beast they are told to get. Even if they are intermediate tier, there are levels in the Tiers too." 

"What if, 1000 Basic level beasts on a normal planet?"

"Nothing. Anyone can get it,"

"1000 Advance Tier beasts on a normal planet?"

"Not possible. If there are 1000 advanced beasts on a planet then that planet will never be a normal planet."

"Fuck, how do they even evaluate the Quest rewards?"

"It is already listed, they do not have to evaluate. It is already listed on the website portal of the Sky Table Federation."

"Really?" Ryan frowned.

"Yes. Just look through the planets, chose one, chose the tier, chose which beast is to be killed, chose the number of beasts to be killed, time duration. Boom, you get your results."

"I would like to try that,"

"Yeah? Then first select your god damn weapon."

"Oh, do they have stuff like magic?"

"Only people with Magic Triat do. And yes, these guilds sometimes are told to explore a dungeon, find a hidden treasure. And all that RPG stuff."

"Might be interesting."

"Interesting? Yeah, to lose your life while walking down a fucking dark cave. The irony for people who lost their lives insides these dungeons and on Quests."

"Sorry. Forgot people die too."

"Just because you do not, cause you get resurrected, does not mean nobody does."

"No, Ms. Gwen, we can not." Satoru said, "First show us your swordsman skills then I will decide whether to or not accept your request."

"Thank you, I will have a hard time fighting with one sword."

"Then prove us your skills. You will definitely get another Katana before going on Hunting Quests. I promise." Satoru smiled.

"Okay, thank you, sir." Gwen turned around. She went near the Katana section.

Without disturbing Ryan, she got down on her own business of choosing the best Katana… for now. 

She wanted to tell Ryan that she got her request rejected about wielding two weapons, two katanas at the same time. But when she noticed how deep Ryan was confused about choosing a weapon when he knows nothing about Katanas.

Gwen got determined to quickly select the best katana and then help Ryan with it. 

Gwen had no vision skills, but she had her own knowledge, experience, and skills. 

Picking up a katana, a sword was enough for her to judge the value of a katana. And how long would it take to lift a few ten swords?




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Weekly Goals for this week:

1. Gifts: One extra ch. for 2 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above. 

2. Power Stones: 50 Power Stones = 1 extra Ch. [We reached 42 last week, just a little more!]

3. Golden Tickets: 5 Golden Ticket = 1 extra Ch. [Can not believe it. Four tickets in one week but still, one ticket away from the goal.]

4. Win-Win Mission: 7 Privilege chapter unlocks = 1 extra Ch. [Zero]

Monthly Goals for this Month:

Gifts: 17 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above = Two chapters. (This is monthly.)

Golden Tickets: 20 Golden tickets = 1 extra ch. [Four done. Sixteen remains.]

Win-Win Mission: 200 Privilege chapter unlocks = 2 extra Ch.

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