"Stay away from me, you pervert!" Saori shouted back in Japanese. 

"Ah… hah, this is not working," Ryan let out a sigh with a little giggle of disappointment.

"As if it was going to work. Even I would have reacted the same way." Gwen, who was standing behind Ryan, let out a sigh of her own.


"Do not call me by my name! Just go away you bunch of perverts!"

"Perverts…. She says."

"I will fucking- I am not a pervert!" Gwen shouted back.

Saori panicked and continued crying inside the bathroom. 

After their worst first time meeting with each other, Saori quickly turned inside the bathroom while Gwen and Ryan were trying to have a talk with her and solve the misunderstanding.

"We will have to deal with her as soon as possible," Ryan told Gwen.

"Yes. Right now, actually. Before it elongates." She added. 

Saori had locked herself up in the bathroom.

She had tears continuously running down her eyes while she curled up into a ball, slid down in the bathtub, closed the curtains, and tried holding her tears back.

The sight of seeing Ryan's hard boner getting even harder after seeing her body made her cry. The fact she showed her naked body to a man who is not her husband made her feel bad about her. 

And, there was anger in her mind also, how dare a boy come into a girl's room, and start doing ecchi things with her? She could not suppress that sight of Ryan and Gwen kissing each other so passionately.

'This is the reason I do not like Western countries and people. They are just too open about ecchi stuff!' Saori rubbed her eyes, 'And those perverts just saw my naked body now…. I want to die!' she sobbed.

"Ashiro-San…. Can I have a word with you?" She heard Ryan calling her from the outside.

'How come this guy is able to speak so fluent Japanese?' 

"Stay away, pervert!" she shouted back in her cracking voice, "D- D- Do… not come near me…"

"Damn…" Ryan took a step back, away from the door, "She is crying hard, Gwen."

"What is there to cry about? It was not like her boyfriend was cheating on her."


"Stop calling me…." her voice faded midway, "....by my name…"

"Okay…" Ryan gulped, "Lady, we will give you fifteen minutes." Ryan started, "You have fifteen minutes to come out of the bathroom, change into your clothes, and…. Accept the facts." Ryan told Saori.

She lifted her head and looked at the door, "...."

"We will leave the room for fifteen minutes. Please do not go anywhere after you are done changing your clothes. We will come back after fifteen minutes," Ryan turned around, "Let us go, Gwen." 

He grabbed Gwen's hand and they both then walked out of the room. 

Saori did not get out of the bathroom until she heard the door slide close. She peeked through the door's gap before stepping out of the bathroom. 

"Argh! My life is ruined, no one will marry me now." she sobbed a few times before going for her clothes, "I am ruined!" 



"....what the…." Ryan's eye went wide. Gwen's face turned into a frown in anger and irritation.

"What?! Get back to your work, nothing happened here!" she shouted.

"Gwen, you are being rowdy since Saori came out of the bathroom." Ryan glanced in front of him.

Multiple pairs of eyes were staring at them from the hallway, peeking at them through their doors, standing in front of his room, and acting suspiciously.

Most of them, fortunately, were girls. There were boys too but they decided to keep their distance from American students. 

Rigid, Rosy did not mind coming out of the rooms and seeing what was going on. Their rooms were situated at the end of the corridor. 

"....Gwen…" they heard a soft voice coming from the room in front of them.

Gwen and Ryan turned their eyes in the discretion of the soft, sweet voice. 

"Yes, Eddie?" Gwen asked while looking at a girl who was peeking through her room's door. Her rosy cheeks were popping out of the door as her dark purple eyes turned to Ryan.

"W- what happened? I- we just heard loud screams from your room… a girl screamed loudly and-"

"Aah, just leave it." Gwen groaned, "Let us inside the room for now,"

"A-a-ah, sure," she leaned back, opened the door fully. 

Ryan's eye met with the orange-skinned girl standing in front of him with her mustard color hair… his eye started widening in fear.

Eddie glanced at Ryan with her dark purple eyes, "H- Hi, Ryan." she greeted Ryan with a shy smile.

Ryan's heart started beating faster, he could feel sweating flowing down his forehead, "E- Eddie. Hello." Ryan hesitated with another gulp.

Gwen entered the room and sat down on her bed. Yes, Eddie Cibrian and Gwen Stacy share the same room. 

"Come inside, Ryan," Gwen called him. She pattered her bed beside her. Gesturing Ryan to sit beside her. 

"Yeah, come inside." Eddie offered. Ryan glanced at her, then ran up to Gwen and sat beside her.

'Damn. Fuck, crap. This is bad…' Ryan felt his ear getting hot, 'I can not believe we had such a fateful encounter.' Ryan gulped.

"What is going on, if you do not mind telling me, Ryan." Eddie smiled at Ryan. 

"Ah, do not ask, please." Gwen groaned, "Things just- just are too messed up."

"Oh, I see." Ryan did not reply to her.

'I wonder if she wants revenge. She- she is the same girl…' the same girl Ryan fought a leveling game with, 'Ruber Bones.' Ryan remembered exactly who she was. 

They sat there for a few minutes without saying anything. Gwen continuously kept checking her watch.

"Do you think she will run away?" Gwen asked Ryan but did not receive a reply from him.

'Fuck, I am scared. I should not have kicked her crotch.' Ryan's hand started shaking, 'Now I am… scared to face her.' Ryan could not look right into Eddie's eyes.

'Is she acting as she has forgotten about everything?' Ryan wondered, 'Has she forgiven me?' Ryan continued overthinking.

"Ryan!" Gwen's voice snapped Ryan out of his overthinking, "Do you think Saori will run away?" 

"Huh?" Ryan glanced at Eddie before looking at Gwen, "No, I hope she would not, at least." Ryan looked down.

'Fuck.' Ryan bit his lip, 'Eddie Cibrian.' Ryan lifted his eye at Eddie.

Yeah. yes, the same girl whose crotch was smashed continuously by Ryan till she broke down. There were chances it would end up in permanent damage to her vagina. 

Since that day, no one talked about it, Ryan did not hear about it. He did not saw Eddie since then. They all forgot about the intense, insulting fight between Cheryl, Eddie, and Ryan. 

But only Eddie and Cheryl knew what pain Eddie had to go through. Throughout her whole gynecology surgery. That pain, that insult, that embarrassment… 

"Only a few minutes," Gwen got up from the bed, Ryan looked up at her, "I will use the washroom. I will be back."

'No. No!' Ryan panicked, 'Do not go!' Ryan did not say it out loud. He could not. 

Gwen opened the washroom door and went inside. Ryan was left alone with Eddie. That one minute felt like one hour, sitting in front of Eddie. 

'I should ask him.' Eddie grabbed the shirt she was wearing. 'I should talk to him, I should tell him.' She was not nervous but was having a hard time gathering her courage.

"Heh," Ryan panicked, his body jumped as soon as Eddie let out a small scoff, "So…" she started, "I actually would not be–"

Before she could continue, Ryan got up from the bed, "Ah, it is time to go." he pretended as if he did not hear Eddie. 

'Although it was just a leveling game, I still can not get it out of my mind.'

'Was I talking that softly?' Eddie questioned her own voice's volume. 

The washroom's door unlocked and Gwens stepped out, "Ah, it is time," she glanced at her mobile, "Let us go, Ryan," she was surprised to see Ryan standing in front of her.

"Oh, right," he walked near the door, "I hope she is still there though," Ryan let out a fake giggle.

"Thanks, Eddie." Gwen thanked her, "I will be back in a few minutes." he waved her hand to Eddie before going out of the room.

"When did you two get so close?" Ryan asked.

"When we became roommates."

Ryan grabbed the door of his room and pulled open the door. Hoping nothing more than Saori to be present in there. 


Chapter Preview Ahead!

After Ryan's mysterious roommate appeared out of nowhere and turned their relationship awkward, Ryan now must settle this misunderstanding as quickly as possible.  Also, Ryan is aiming to figure out what and who Ayami really is. 'Vision' he called.

Comment what you think is Ayami's real identity. 

Next chapter on My Ring System: Ch. 334- Settle. 

Stay tuned and continue reading!

Will be continued…

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