

"Say something, Ryan,"

"Eh, why me?"

"Cause you are the only one who knows Japanese from both of us," Gwen hissed in his ear.

"Right." Ryan cleared his throat before beginning, "First of all, lady, we are sorry." He was still going on with that.

Saori lifted her head, "M- me too," she looked away nervously. 

Thankfully, when Ryan and Gwen entered the room, Saori had just stepped out of the bathroom too. She had to rub her whole body once again, etc. 

So she had no time for running away. It was not her intention to run away either cause this was her room after all, at the end of the day, this is where she will be sleeping and staying.

"Yes, we are really sorry for doing that in front of you," Gwen said in English, she wanted Ryan to say that for her.

"You two must be a couple?" Saori asked, "Are everyone that insane and open about doing those stuff in another person's room?" there still was a hint of fear in Saori's voice.

"No- we are not." her eyes went wide.

"You were doing it–"

"I mean, not every couple is open about that stuff. At least, we are not. I never knew you were in the room. Sorry."

"I do not get this stuff," Saori grabbed her head, "First I saw you both kissing each other, now you say you are not even couples. You enter in some other person's room and do it with your… whatever she is. Then I saw something… I should have not seen." she glanced up and down at Ryan's hips, "Then you saw something you should have never seen. I should have never-"

"Okay, Ash- Lady, please calm down first." Ryan got up from the chair he was sitting on, "Please calm yourself. And let me make a few things clear."

Ryan told Saori about his and Gwen's relationship. Saori seemed to accept the fact as time passed by. He told them they had no intentions of going any further. 

"You should… take her into your room and do whatever you want. Why risk it in someone else's room."

"Huh?" Ryan tilted his head with a frown, "...this is my room though." he opened his mouth.

Saori's mouth dropped open, "No… tell me you are lying." She raised her hand in front of her, "No."

"Oh please, I am not going to force you or something in your sleep! Do not treat me as some kind of pervert." Ryan protested against Saori.

'Oh, so Hentai means pervert.' Gwen figured out after hearing that word from both parties a few times now. 

"How can I believe you, Ryan… Walker-san?"

"Ah, it sounds weird. No need to be formal with me. Just call me Ryan or Ryan-Kun, if you want."

"....I do not want you to call me by my name, it still creeps me out."

"I would not, lady." Ryan was hurt a little by her words. He was being accused and hated for something that he was not. It would not have mattered if he was being criticized for being a virgin at the age of sixteen [Seventeen this spring, it is October currently]

"Okay…. Fine, I am sorry too, I just could not accept it but blame myself for the fact that a man, who is not my husband, just saw my naked body. I could not…"

'Whoa, where do you get that kind of modesty? I hope it is the right word.' Boyfriend would have been the word most girls would have used but to hear Husband… interesting.

"Ugh, so are we okay?"

"Yes." Saori rose up from her bed, "But, I have a problem," she raised her ticket.

"And that is?" Ryan asked.

"I do not want to sleep in the same room as you." 

'Haha… expected that.'

Knock, knock, knock. 

'You should have warned me, Professor, if you knew she was in the room.'

'Haha, I wanted some fun in my boring life. Sitting in a corner of a room and watching your life. I need something to spice your life, as well as mine.'

'Wait, then do you also know who Ashiro Saori really is?'

'If you are talking about her stats, then yes. In fact, you can even check them with your vision. But if you are talking about her family background and stuff, I will need to do some research.'

"Yeah, Gwen…. And Ryan…" Eddie opened the door of her room.

"Ah, Eddie, we need your help." Gwen started the conversation.

"Yeah, sure…" Eddie moved her purple eyes away from Ryan's face.

"Actually Ryan's roommate is a Japanese girl. She does not want to sleep in the same room as Ryan. Could you please change rooms with us?"

Eddie did not seem to like Gwen's offer. She raised her eyes and looked at Ryan. 'Damn, why does she keep looking at me?' Ryan wondered.

"Eddie," Ryan managed to say, "Please share the room with that Japanese girl. I and Gwen will share this room." Gwen request.

"Good one, Ryan." Gwen patted his thigh from behind. What the hell was she doing?

"Uh… I do not know." Eddie looked away, "Would not it be too awkward for me to sleep with her? I do not know her, I do not know Japanese either… it will be too awkward, Ryan, I am sorry. I can not share the room with her." Eddie made a sorry face.

"Tch, it is fine." Gwen threw her wrist, "We will find a way to manage this somehow-"

"Then how about Gwen you sleep with the girl?" Ryan proposed.

"Huh?" Gwen looked surprised.

"I mean, you know her quite well. It is okay, you do not have to talk to her, just spend the night somehow." Ryan told Gwen, "Just one night, after that I will ask Satoru-san, uh, sir Satoru to do something about this."

"...and you?" Gwen asked, "Where would you sleep?" she then glanced at Eddie, "And you will be sleeping with Eddie?" Gwen asked.

"Well…" Ryan looked at Eddie, "It is just one night, only if she does not think I will molest her in her sleep, I am okay."

"Hahaha," Eddie started laughing, "It is fine, Gwen. be rest assured, I would not steal your boyfriend."

"Gosh, Eddie, he is not my boyfriend. Try not to spread a rumor."

'....why does that hurt? It is true though.' Ryan felt his heart tighten.

'More like… I can not steal Ryan from you,' Eddie bit her lip before she shook her head, 'What am I thinking?' 

"I will be fine with it. I trust him." She glanced at Ryan, "I mean, we know each other quite well. It is only one night, we will pull the beds to the corners of the room."

Gwen sighed, "Fine. then it settles it."


"I will go to your room. Will try to get some sleep after dinner." Gwen waved. Ryan waved back.

He stepped inside the room. 'Fuck, what did I get myself into?' No point regretting that now. Eddie was already getting the beds separated.

"These beds are big…" she muttered.

"Yeah, sure are." 


"...what is she doing here?" Ryan opened his eye, he felt something soft beside his arm. When he looked down, it was no one other than Eddie.

Ryan pushed her aside and took a look at the arrangements of the beds. He let out a sigh. 

"Just what in heaven happened last night?" he let out a sigh. The beds were sticking close to each other. Those two beds paired together to form a bigger bed. They were joined together.

Ryan got up, pushed the two beds away from each other. He walked out to Gwen's room… his room.

"Gwen, hey Gwen, wake up, girl. It is time to get up~" Ryan softly shook Gwen by her thin shoulders. 

His eye went up to Saori who was sleeping peacefully on the bed beside Gwen, 'Vision.' He thought he should take a look at the woman who was his roommate. 

< Name: Ashiro Saori >

< Age: 26 [Female] >

'....okay something is fishy right at the start. This is very fishy. Hah… hahaha! What do we have here now, a 26-year-old woman trying to redo her high school Academy life? I would love to see that!' 

Ryan laughed in an evil tone in his mind, he threw his head back and laughed.

< Blood type: P+ Positive >

'Seriously, what is up with this woman? Is p positive? Is that even… does that blood type even exist?'

'Hm… it does.' Professor replied, 'But not in humans.'

'Huh, what do you mean-'

"Ryan?" he felt his hand being pulled down. Gwen used his hand as a support to pull herself up from the bed, "Morning~" she moaned as she threw herself on Ryan.

Ryan had no choice but to grab the girl bouncing on his chest. Ryan's hands went straight for Gwen's butt- but then slid back to her thighs. Thighs are thick for now, ass will be firm, voluptuous,  and juicy later. Ryan thought.

"Slept well?" Ryan asked.

"Not as good as the last time we slept together." she grinned at Ryan, "That was the best night of my life." 

'Life… now that I think about it… I know very little about Gwen's family.'

"Come on, get ready. We have the Trait level test or something today. I suggest we should be prepared for something worse."

"You are right," she pulled herself away from Ryan, "But before that," she leaned closer again, "Give me a kiss."

She rested her lips on Ryan's lips. Before it could turn all smoky and hot, she pulled her lips away. They did not go for tongues in the morning.

…heck they both have not even brushed their teeth yet. So it only made sense not to dig into someone's dirty mouth. 

In the moment of their kiss, Saori managed to take a peek from under her covers while trying to pretend to be asleep.

'Tch, that is the first thing they do in the morning?' she thought with disgust.



Chapter Preview Ahead!

Ryan somehow managed to settle the score with Ayami... or at least it seems they have. Moving forward is the most anticipated event by teachers- The Trait Level Test begins! Look forward to the si- ugh, five stages :-) 

"Alright!" Satoru shouted, "Students! Get ready for the test, it is going to be thrilling,"

Next Chapter on My Ring System: Chapter 335- Trait level Test Starts.

Tag along and enjoy reading the Test level Act. 

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