I went to my room. I opened my laptop to see if she texted me anything or not. It took few seconds for the laptop to start up, I opened the messaging app.

No. There was no text from her. I was sad. I know that a religious festival is going on there and she's busy but this is too much. First, she almost dumped me and now she has been-

"UGH! Fuck this! I don't wanna think about it! It makes me sad! Super sad!" I laid down on the bed.

I kept all of my blood supplies in my cupboard then I changed my clothes. The infirmary's door was open, I took few steps to peek inside. There was no one inside the infirmary.

I walked inside, laid down on the infirmary's bed. I stared at the ceiling. 'Why did I even came to the infirmary? I told them everything already so I don't think Doc needs to heal me, but still, I am here in the infirmary waiting for Doc to come and check my body,' I sighed, 'What is going on with me?' I sat in the bed's corner.

"Ah, Ryan you are back?"

'She's here! Doc's here- no why am I getting excited?'

"Oh, Doc. where you went to?"

"Ah, I just… uh nothing really just,"

"Where's Gwen and Pete?"

"I sent them off to uh their own rooms,"


"Now Ryan. Take your T-shirt off and lay down on the bed,"

'This kinda feels normal now,' It kinda made me happy, 'I like- I am liking this.'

I quickly took my T-shirt off and laid down on the bed, "What do you plan on doing now?" I should have asked that before stripping off.

"You said your body can heal itself right? It might turn out to be an amazing experiment to research on,"

"Oh fuck no. I don't want to be a test subject,"

"Don't worry. You are a student to me before a subject; you are a man to me before a student. I won't do anything to you, but I wanna just test one thing,"

"What is it?" Doc turned around with a knife in her hand. An operational knife.

"Are you going to kill me? Or stab me?"

"Stab you," she said it so casually just like I did. She moved towards me, "Are not you going to run away?"

"Why? I am not,"

"I mean I will stab you right in your right chest, are not you scared,"

'I have been killed by a fire blast right through my heart, a stab would be nothing,'

"My Ring will heal me, if not then you will heal me,"

"Trusting me too much are not you?"

"A teacher-student relationship needs trust to continue,"

I had no intentions of running away from her causes it will just hurt a little but my Ring will heal it right away.

I grunted while trying to endure the stabbing pain in my chest. Actually, I wanted to take this experiment myself.

What if my organs are destroyed from inside, will this System be able to heal me? The answer was straight: yes it will heal me no matter what is damaged.

"Shall I-? I am scared a little now, I don't wanna lose you. Shall I pull it out?" It has been few seconds since she stabbed me now even she was getting scared if she should pull it out and heal me or test it as it's going.

"D- do… don't. Don't pull it, D- Doc," I somehow managed to speak. My whole body was throbbing in pain.

< HP: 1/15 >

< Activated automatic healing >

The System didn't start healing my wound immediately after being stabbed.

"Ryan… it has been forty-five seconds now. It is dangerous now. I am going to pull it off," She was going to lift her hand but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

I slowly shook my head two times, "But Ryan! You might really end up dying,"

< Blood level: 1/15 >

< HP: 15/15 >

It healed my wound. But the blood didn't stop flowing from my chest. Doc and lightened her grip over the knife. The pain shot back into my body. I grunted again.

< HP: 5/15 >

"Ryan! That's it," She pulled the knife out of my chest. Blood splattered all over the bedsheet. My chest was covered with blood too.

"Doc… why did you pull it out?"

"Shut the hell up, I can't see you suffering," She moved away from the bed threw the knife on a table, she quickly went and took lots of pieces of cotton, added an antiseptic liquid over the cotton, and patted it on my chest. I was berthing heavily from the pain.

'Ring, heal.' nothing happened, 'System, heal.'

< HP: 5/15 >

< Healing >

< Blood level: 0/15 >

< HP: 6/15 >

< No blood in your body. Take blood supplement. Take blood supplements >

"AH!!" The pain in my chest disappeared but a new pain began. My left ring finger started throbbing, "Doc! Doc!"

"AH shit! I am gonna use my Trait," She leaned over me. My eyes were pinched closed, panting heavily. She touched my right chest wound. She healed it. The scar was gone. My chest's pain was totally gone.

"W- what is happening? Your wound is not allowing my Trait to flow through your body, this only happens when my energy is drained or when there's nothing to heal,"

I kept panting heavily, the pain in my finger didn't stop. Doc thought it was the chest's wound that was making me suffer.

"Doc… Doc..."

"Ryan. wh- what is it? Ah! It was so silly of me to do this! I am sorry Ryan! I am really sorry!"

"No! I grabbed her coat's sleeve, Doc." I looked straight into her green emerald eyes, "Blood! Blood! Give me… blood!" I groaned.

"Okay- okay I will bring it!" She rushed inside injected blood in a syringe then injected the syringe into my arm.

< Blood level raising >

< Blood level: 5/15 >

The pain stopped. The throbbing pain in my finger stopped. You cruel System! I controlled my breath. Doc sat there as she did over me. Over my hips, she sat there on her knees.

"D- doc..." I can't believe it! He- her eyes was teary! Shining emerald eyes! Those beautiful shining emerald eyes, "Doc?"

"I- Ryan! I am sorry. I am so sorry. I should have not done this!"

'Oh~ fuck!' She leaned down over my body, hugged me from my shoulders resting her head on my chest. She cried while apologizing to me.

She tightened her grip on my shoulder, somehow moved her hands over my back, and pressed her cheek on my chest, "I- I should have not… I made you suffer! I am still a kid, I am sorry..."

"Doc calm down. We will talk this out," I grabbed her back with my arms and pulled her down.

'This is heaven~' I thought, 'A beauty like Doc was hugging me tightly pressing her whole body all over my body.. This is what you call heaven.'

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