My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 36 - She's The Reason Why.

"It was not your fault," she was sitting right next to me. The infirmary's door was closed. She rubbed her eyes dry.

"But- but,"

"It really doesn't look right seeing a teacher crying in front of a student,"

"But only because I stabbed you wanting to try your healing technique, I got you-"

"No! That's what I am telling you. Actually, when you stabbed me, my Ring used all of my body's blood in healing the chest's wound. But slowly the blood in my body was sucked out, the time it happened I was fully healed. When my System wants to tell me something it throws a throbbing pain in my finger, the finger I am wearing this Ring,"


"Yep really. You are not the cause of this. Moreover, we both witnessed my technique right? This System will heal any type of wound,"

"I just wanted to insert the tip of the knife, pull it out and see if it heals but I just went too far. I am really-"

"Come on! You did give me a free service so it's all good,"

"Yeah you sure did take your time hugging me, huh, well I just-"

"Yeah haha, sorry for doing it,"

"No, it's alright. I lost my senses and hugged you too crying all over your naked body, I should keep my composure as a teacher," she coughed.

"So like this. The test is over, no more tests for now,"

"Ah, I am really sorry. Just because of my silly curiosity I had you go through this, I was really so scared, my heart was beating hard, my whole body felt hot I thought I was going to kill you, I thought I might-"

"Here. I alive," I said calmly.

"Thank god," She seemed pleased.

"So shall I rest here or?"

"Stay here. You are not going anywhere. Stay here,"

"Sure then. Imma rest," I lied down on the bed.

"Sleep well. I will wake you up after a few hours," I lost my consciousness.


Loon: [ U better get Ryan ]

Ewrites: [ I'm trying ]

[ try harder ]

[ yeah ]

[ more harder ]

[ so gl to both of us ]

[ good luck

By the way what if he asked you if I shared his DMs with you? ]

[ So I wish he never knows or never asks about it

'Cause I can't lie to him I'm that much of a simp ]

[ never lie ]

[ RIP my pride ] she said

[ he is a bigger simp than u

Don't worry bout that LMAO

Now up to u

Don't ask me anymore handle him ]

I shifted to my real account.

Rwalker: [ Oh Erin by the way I wanted to ask you about this thing ]

So as I already knew Loon (AKA me) has shared DMs with her but I still wanted to ask her and see what she says.

[ yeah what is it ]

[ did Loon shared mine and his DMs with you? Just asking cause he just asked me random things out of nowhere]

She went dead silent. I was grinning on the other side. She went to Loon for help.

Ewrites: [ He's asking if you've ever shared yours and Ryan texts with me before

You sure did

But how do I say it to him? ]

Loon: [ oops

Never thought he had asked that ]

[ IKR ]

[ deny it then ]

I did that on purpose. I wanted to see what she will do. Will she betray me by lying about it or will she be loyal, honest, and just tell me what's the truth.

[ He'll be upset if I lie ] she was talking as if I will know if she lied. Wait- I will know thought but how does she- never mind.

[ how the fuck will he know you lied to him? ]

I was telling her to lie from this account deliberately.

[ And damn it he knows it when I lie ]

'Duh, I know it, I feel like I am a god right now.'

Ewrites: [ right he just guesses it ]


Just deny



And deny

if he catches you then spill the beans ]

[ he hates liars ]

'Who doesn't unless he's a sadist or masochist or someone else. I mean who loves liars?'

Well at last she came to me and told me that Loon shared our DMs. I acted all shocked there not replying to her for a few minutes. I was feeling good, that yeah I can trust this tiny girl she won't lie to me. She is trustworthy.

She then went to Loon telling him about the situation.

Loon: [ and it went downhill? ]

[ Nah, it almost did tho ]

[ the ship of Ryan and Erie was just going to sink I guess ]

[ Pft, nope. I got it cleared up ]

[ the ship is on the waters? ]

[ at the best of waters maybe

Sailing well ]

[ Aheh~ ] I liked teasing her with my name.

[ cough ]

A few days passed we kept talking without caring about time and day. One day she just texted me:

Ewrites: [ by the way do you remember this? The first compliment you ever gave me ]

Then she attached an image down with her text. The image was like:

Ewrites: [ lol

Will miss you~ ]

Rwalker: [ and yeah

One more thing ]

[ Yeah? ]

[ can't bring me to say that


You are really pretty

Okay I go

Damn ]

[ Aw thanks! ]

Yeah, I knew her her 'Aw thanks!' was fake. On the other side, she must have been creeping out. And how lame was I man?

Rwalker: [ Such a lame first compliment right? ] I texted.

[ you were so cute lol ]

[ don't call me cute ]

When I texted it, actually she did a face reveal. I did think she was an average-looking girl. My heart was beating too fast, my body was hot I even took a few stops before texting the 'pretty' thing.

Then again time went by. She had a fight with her mother and she took her laptop away. I kept texting her but she just didn't answer. After a long time, she texted me saying her mother took her laptop so she was not able to text me. She was even crying.

I tried my best to calm her down.

Rwalker: [ but just know this

You are not alone

Oky? You are not at all alone ]

This was the time when we were not even dating. It was I guess first of February 2071. We actually started dating on the 5th or 7th of February after- uh never mind.

I had every date fixed in my mind until the first of April. After that incident with my girlfriend, everything changed after that incident.

[ I know

I have you

Right? ]

I just loved that part that time. I was sad and happy both at the same time.

[ you have me by your side ]

[ that's enough

I'll go through whatever shit is thrown at me

As long as I have you ]

"Aaaahhh!" I woke up. I woke up gasping hard for air. 'Damn, this happened again.'

I again had the same dream. 'Why am I dreaming about my girlfriend? And that too why only traumatic experiences?'

"Ryan? What is it? Why did you wake up in a panic? Why are you panicked?"

"I- I am fine, doc. Thanks," Suddenly… Erin's voice echoed in my head.

'That's enough, Ryan. I will go through whatever shit is thrown at me as long as I have you.'

'Liar...' I thought, 'You are nothing but a fucking liar. You gave up, the first of April you gave up. Fucking liar..' I thought.

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