"Listen everybody!" Satoru banged his hand against a wall, "These are the portals which will lead you to your respective classes," he shouted, "As you can see, there are two different color portals in front of you,"

Students looked at the two portals in front of them, "Get ready, students. Details have been sent to your ID cards. Check them out and enter your respective classes."

They were standing in the dormitory's plaza. There were two big portals in front of them; one was a Blue portal other one was a Red portal.

Two men were standing near the portals, they were the one who had opened the portals and was controlling them.

Ryan looked at his ID card. Suddenly, a hologram popped out, displaying every information sent to them by Satoru.

The students were divided into two classes. American in class A, Japanese in class B. the Blue portal let the Japanese students to class B. while the red one led Americans to Class A.

It was the next morning, Ryan was barely healed cause Ayami kept eating him till it was time for them to sleep. Looks like she finally managed to satisfy her lust for Ryan's flesh. 

Ryan had to sleep with Eddie once again. Gwen was really upset with that decision, she wanted to look after Ryan the whole night while Ayami wanted to eat him the whole night. 

"Today, you will take theory lessons. No practical training today. They will start tomorrow. Of course, you will be allotted with weapons and classes but no swinging them at someone," Satoru told today's plan.

Most of the students were turned off because of the fact that they will not be beating each other's asses up today. 

"In today's theory classes you will be told about the Traits' history and our past. Traits' origin, evolution, and their present significance."

Students exchanged glances. 

"What do you think is the mystery behind Traits?"

"I am excited to learn about the 2020 pandemic,"

"Hah, I already know what its history is. My father told me, he is a General of one of the top guilds."

Guilds, in the sense, were nothing but a group of Trait masters gather together and… you know, going on adventures. Professor told you that while Ryan was choosing his weapon.

"After all," Satoru lifted his eyes with a grin, "It is important to know the history of the thing you will be investing your Time, Money, and Attention in."

Students waited for Satoru to give the signal.

He lifted his hand, "Students…" he brought his hand down, "Get moving!" he ordered.

"Seriously dad… just how cringe can you be?" Naomi thought while making her way to the blue portal. 

'Naomi-chan is half-American and Half-Japanese, should I put her in the American class A?' Satoru thought but then images of two people flashed in front of his eyes.

'Ugh. She is better off in the Japanese class B.' Devon and Ryan. they both were enough to make Satoru want to keep his daughter away from the American class.

Inside the classroom, there was a big holographic projection in the front of the room, already playing. 

It took the students a few minutes to settle down before someone appeared in front of them.

"So… it has been a long time, first of all," the man was talking in English. He went and lifted a pen that was used to manage the hologram. 

The students broke out in a cheer, "Sir Atkinson!" they started shouting.

"Haha, calm down, kids." he lifted his hands, "But still, I never thought I will go back to teaching," he chuckled, "This is not teaching though, this will be just some information dump," he changed the slide of the presentation.

"Let me start with the info dump. We go back to the year 2020 when everything on earth was… nice. Calm, peaceful. The world was still developing."

He started, a slide appeared on the screen, "But then, this happened." people dying because of a disease, death everywhere, silent streets appeared on the slides, "The pandemic kicked in. Origin from China, it wrecked chaos in the whole world, soon broke down the whole world. Deaths everywhere,"

"Sir, what really was it?"

"People who believe in fantasy started saying that some kind of magic has entered the world when the first person gained a Super Power. He was from America by the way,"

He changed the slide, "Scientists say, this virus was not a virus from the start. The Chinese were actually trying to make a supplement which would… give a particular superpower for a particular amount of time,"

Everybody gasped, "Hey, hey, hey, is that even possible?"

"What do you think we have right now? They are superpowers,"

"It was not possible, but... To have a different superpower every day,"

"It is not as good as it sounds, to take different supplements daily for a new superpower daily, your body will get destroyed after a few months of doing this." Atkinson told them, "Well, the experiment went wrong and the supplement leaked out of the labs in the form of gas." he told.

Students exchanged glances, "In the month of December 2020, It spread across China. People got sick, some died instantly. But that was not it. The supplement took the form of a virus and started affecting other people by touch,"

It took some time for the human body to get used to the virus. Scientists from America started developing vaccines. The first few did not work at all, even more, doctors lost their lives. But in the world of technology, nothing was impossible. 

Just a year later the virus broke out of China, finally, a vaccine came. Lives were been saved, the death rate started reducing. People thought this was it. The pandemic will finally be put a stop on. Only they did not realize, this was not the end.

The virus humans had in their body, then the vaccine injected in their body… they started reacting with each other. Instead of neutralizing the virus, the vaccine collaborated with the virus, and finally… what the Chinese wanted, it happened. 

Five years later, George Adams, the first person with a strange power called Trait came forward. His Trait was as simple as super-speed and enhanced senses and reflexes. 

He offered his body as an experiment subject to the scientists. They researched and found out what was really happening. The cells were making a new kind of cell which was the reason behind the superpower. 

Finally, George died because the scientists tried an experiment on his body. Their motive was to turn his body back to normal, neutralize the newly formed Trait cells and remove his superpower. Sadly, it did not work.

That was enough for the scientists to realize that this change is an irreversible change. Once you get a Trait, you can not leave it. It becomes a part of you.

Some started using Traits as a way of helping people and some used them as a means to satisfy their greed, lust, gluttony, ego, and pride. 

The government started breaking down because of the strongest Mafias gathering together to take what they want. The government was about to disappear.

Ten years after the virus broke out of China, the first man with the knowledge of what to do with these strange powers, stepped forward, seeing that the government was collapsing. 

John Washington was the first man to build an Academy for training people, in America. Many men with the power of Traits trained together.

The government started gaining their control back, the Mafias had no option but to go underground to protect themselves. Hence they are called the Mafias of the Underworld.

People started building more and more Academies but this time… for students to train there. This was 12 years later the pandemic. 

The world had calmed down, everything had settled after the pandemic and Mafias' attack, which took 11 years to calm down. 

"And this is the place where we are living right now with our powers, called as Traits," Atkinson completed, "First ever Academy was established in 2030, first-ever Academy for students was established in 2032. Here we are, it is almost 2072, forty years since the establishment of the first Academy and 52 years since the pandemic.

"Again, students, this was not the end. I need to make you understand why we are training you to fight against the underworld. And as you all have already got a taste of the underworld not once but twice, what I will say will make more sense."

Later in the mid-2033, the Mafias appeared again out of nowhere. They started taking down public houses, they raided government facilities. A war started. The first war between the Underworld Mafias and the Masters' Organization Trait Masters. It lasted no more than ten days. But within those ten days, the mafias managed to take down the first-ever Academy. 

Students gasped again, "So if you were thinking we would take you on a nice little trip to the world's fist-ever Academy, forget it. It is impossible."

Federal of Councils. None of you must have heard about it. Also called as the Sky Table, is an organization where top Trait Masters and top Royals from every continent gather. No more than twelve people, two from one continent. It is safe to say that these six people are the world's strongest and most powerful people. 

Federal of Councils… I do not think this is the right time for you. Graduate third year, you will be told everything about this.

To where we were, six emperors from Royal families and the six Legendary Trait Masters Masters' organizations formed a council which is now known as the Federal of Councils or the Sky Table.

To still give you a light idea, six emperors of continents, who are the strongest people in the world, and six Legendary Trait Masters who represent their country and continent, I will tell you who they really are.

As we are in Asia right now, let me give you an example to make you understand. The legendary master who represents Asia in the Federal of Councils is a great man from the Indian Army. Known to have the third most powerful military power to date followed by China. 

And for the emperor of Asia who is a member of the Sky Table. Hm, it will be safe to say that the man is from Tokyo, Japan, and is the chairman of our Academy. Mr. Mitsuda Satoru sir, the man who rules over the whole Asian continent!

Will Be Continued…!


Chapter Preview Ahead.

Ryan and others have unraveled the mystery behind the world's most mysterious mystery, well not anymore. 

Students are sent to their respective training classes for allotting their weapons and meeting with their trainers.

Let us see who's the Katana trainer, keep reading!

In the next chapter of My Ring System: Chapter 353- Trainers.

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