"Also beasts are something you must never forget about. But your expeditions are still far away from now, but we will give you a brief explanation the day after tomorrow," Atkinson closed the projection and dropped his pen, "For now, you are dismissed,"

After the big info dump Atkinson did, he finally dismissed the students. 

"What next?" A student asked his pal.

"I do not know, maybe weapons classes?" 

Their doubts were soon cleared when an announcement was made by Satoru.

"For American students, you have finished your first theory lesson, I want you to pass through the same portal you came through. And this will be your door to shift classes,"

All of the students talked to each other for a few seconds before getting up and moving towards the portal which was at the back of the classroom.

The students gathered in a big hall, 'I see,' Ryan thought while looking around himself, 'So Satoru-san changes the destination of the portal once we pass through it.'

"And the portals were not there, to begin with, the appeared after the announcement was made," Ryan muttered, "So that means there is no device which vampires use, but still… what was the portal which led us to this city?"

"Your next class will be… weapons allotting," Satoru continued talking, "No practice today, you will meet your classmates, your trainers, and your weapons," 

With a flash, other portals opened in front of them. Not one or two, there were six new portals of different colors. 

"There are a total of six portals of six different colors, every time you have to switch classes, use these portals which will appear at the back of your homeroom,"

"Whoa, this is like science fiction coming alive!"

"Dumbo, we are already living in a world of science fiction,"

"She is right. Traits, portals, space, planets… all this…"

"Gray portal. Students who have enrolled for the Axe and Hammer weapons will use this portal," Satoru started explaining the significance of the portal's colors.

The white portal was for dagger and sickle students. Orange for students who use the weapons- Bow, Snipper, and Guns. Long ranged weapons.

Blue, the fourth portal, halberd, spear students. Red portal- the one useful for Ryan, Scythe, Sword, and Katana [Sword and Katana come under the same category with the scythe in a different category but same class]. 

Then there was the final portal, the green portal which will teleport Magic users and Staff users to their classrooms. Satoru stopped explaining.

"Alright, get going to your respective classes," Satoru turned off the intercom and his voice disappeared. 

"Let us go!"

"Ah, I am too excited for this!"

"I feel overwhelmed. Finally, we are going to wield our weapons!"

"Yeah, a step closer to becoming a Trait Master,"

Students passed through the portals which led to their weapons class. Ryan was being followed by Gwen and Ayami. Amazing.

"Yes, girl? Oh- you are that girl…" a girl entered Satoru's cabin, "WHy are not you with your friends?" he asked.

"Sir... Actually, I was not present when weapons selection happened,"

"Oh, right, right, so… just tell me what weapon you want to use, I will enroll you in that class," Satoru pulled out his tab and looked down.

"Actually sir…" she was fidgeting.

"Eh? What is wrong?" Satoru raised his eyes.

"I- I am not sure what class I should enroll for… I do not want what weapon will be the best for me,"

"From there? Alright," Satoru leaned back in his chair and started thinking. 

What options do we have… Katana, Spear, bow… no. Her Trait? What is her Trait?

"What is your Trait, Saori-san?" He jumped forward and asked her.

"Uh, Me- Mega shield," she answered timidly, "What my Trait is, it forms an invisible shield which is hard to break, it currently is stronger than a normal intermediate Tier shield,"

"Oh?" Satoru looked down, "Trait level… three, amazing, no wonder your shield is stronger than an intermediate shield," Satoru then started thinking again.

'Hm… what weapon will she be able to use alongside a shield? A Spear, a sword, or a Katana… uhm…'

"How about you go with a Katana?" Satoru suggested, "Or a sword. Whatever weapon you like,"

"Katana… I have never held one in my hands though,"

"Oh, here you go then," suddenly a katana appeared in her hands, "It is a normal basic tier katana. Tell me if you like it or we will change it for you."

"It feels heavy,"

"Check this one then," Genin Katana, Manji Katana. She was still not satisfied with any of the katana.

"Alright. I will make an exception for you," Satoru clicked something on his tab and a black shiny katana appeared. The same as Ryan and Gwen's, this was a "Futsuu no Katana," Satoru told her, "This is an intermediate item, just please do not tell anyone about it or I will be in trouble,"

"I- intermediate?!" she exclaimed, "I- I do not think,"

"It is fine, we already have two other students who have this sword," Satoru smiled, "You are not the only one, so be it. And you can always change your item if it is not broken," Satoru told her, "Now let me teleport you to your Katana class," 

"Why are they making us wait?"

"Have patience, idiot, they will arrive soon,"

"Hey, that Mitsuda sir said something about touching the IDs and weapons appearing on their own,"

"Attention," Satoru's voice ranked through the hall, "Settle down, I will tell you how to use your IDs for equipping your weapon," Students went silent, "Good,"

"So," He started, "For equipping your weapon, first you will have to follow this process,"

Ryan tapped his chest twice, the place where his ID card was. A holographic screen appeared in front of his eyes, just as of his System's. 

[ Ryan Walker's Weapons: ]

[1. Futsuu no Katana

Tier: Intermediate Tier 

Strength: +24

Agility: +6

Stamina: +1]

[Do you want to equip this item? Y/N ]

"Now we have to equip this," Ryan touched the yes option. Just like Satoru told him, another screen popped up.

[Would you like to set this weapon for equipping automatically? Y/N]

Yes. [Set an algorithm for auto equipping this weapon]

'We were told to use the 'Tap your ID twice' algorithm though, do I want to set a one of my own?' Ryan rejected his idea, 'Later.' 

[Done! The algorithm successfully set!]

[Tap the ID card twice to equip your weapon. Change this.]

"Good." Ryan smiled, "Are you done, Gwen?"

"Ugh, yeah, had a little trouble but done," Ryan smiled back. He turned his head forward when he heard struggling noises. 

"Aah.. just how does it go?" Ryan saw Ayami struggling with her settings. 

'Of course. She does not have a System as I do.' It was easy for Ryan cause he was already used to this thing. 'Guess I will have to help her.'

"Oh~ Thank you, Ryan-Kun!" Ayami looked at her ID card with surprise then smiled at Ryan, "It might have taken me forever, not a technology person, thank you again,"

"It is fine, Ayami." 

"Good. Looks like only one person was left and now they are also done with their setting," Ayami started feeling embarrassed to be the last one and holding others back, "Next time, equipment." Satoru disappeared.

"What now? Are we done?" students who were holding their weapons in their hands were told to un-select the weapons and but then back into the IDs.

"Why is not our trainer coming?" a few students started talking to each other… more like gossiping with each other.

Suddenly, they all heard a coughing sound. 

"What?" Everybody's attention turned to the stage in front of them.

"Hello Everybody," suddenly a man appeared on the stage, just the next second, another man appeared beside him, "I hope you all are doing well,"

Students glanced at the two men standing on the stage. They both were near the age of mid to late thirties. 

"I," he brought his hand to his chest, "Will be your sword art trainer for this and the next year. I look forward to teaching you," he bowed his head a little.

"And I," another man who had totally opposite expressions as the first man started, "I will be teaching you the techniques, skills, and strategies for mastering the weapon- Scythe. Good luck!"

Ryan glanced at the two trainers. The first man had a serious expression on his face and had two swords hanging by his belt. God knows how they were hanging as nothing seemed to be holding them. 

And the other man had mischievous expressions on his face. In his one hand, he held a long scythe that hung down from his shoulder. One hand on his waist, the other on his scythe. 

"We are your trainers!" they both shouted at once. 


Will Be Continued…!

Ryan meets his trainer Shinmen Takezo. The next day they start training the students. Before that, the trainer provides everyone with an info dump about himself and the history of the katana. 

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 354: The History of Katana

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