My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 354 - The History Of Katana.

"My name is Shinmen Takezo. And I am your Katana trainer." The man with a serious expression introduced himself.

"I am Sasaki Kyojiro, pleased to meet you by Scythe wielders! Give me a shout!" from the other side of the hall, students who were from the Scythe class, shouted.

'Vision.' Ryan looked straight at the older man, he had jet black hair and yellow eyes which were barely visible. His eyeballs were comparably smaller in size.

< Name: Shinmen Takezo >

< Age: 37 [Male] >

< Bloody Type: A+ Positive >

< Trait: Air Blade >

< Trait Level: Above Ten >

< Race: Top Level Ghoul > '...what the… he does not look like a ghoul at all though.' His mouth dropped open. 

< Class: Swordsmen >

< Level: …. >

'Unknown? I forgot that once was a case. I could not get information about the people stronger than me. I thought my vision skill had leveled up quite a lot but looks like this man is still out of reach.'

Then Ryan turned his eye to the man who was holding a scythe over his shoulder. He had the same mischievous smile which was annoying. 

His green hair reached his ear lobes, pretty long for an old man. His dark green eyes were making him look even more annoying. 

< Name: Sasaki Kyojiro >

< Age: 36 [Male] >

< Blood Type: A- Negative >

< Trait: Ground Movement >

< Trait Level: Above ten >

< Race: Human >

< Class: Scythemen >

< Level: …. >

'Again unknown,' Ryan sighed, 'But still,' he lifted his head, 'I can feel their power.' Ryan gulped, 'Their overwhelming aura, their overpowered vibe, I can get it.' 

"Equip your weapons, for now, students," Shinmen started, "We will give you a brief description of your weapon." 

'Okay, let us try this,' Ryan brought his hand near his chest and tapped twice. 


With a bright slight, Ryan's katana appeared in his hand. 'Oops.' the katana was heavy as it suddenly appeared. 

"Katana wielders, come this way with me," Shinmen raised his hand, "Oh, sorry. Blade wielders, come this way with me." 

Students who were holding a long sword, Katana, greatsword, Claymore, and double-edged sword followed Shimen. 

"Ah-hah, that man went ahead." Kyojiro shook his head, "Fine. Students who want to master the art of Scythe, follow me." Kyojiro took the students to another side of the hall.

'Oh-ho, the hall is divided into two parts now,' Ryan thought as he looked behind him. 'Not like we are going to practice today so…'

"The swords you hold in your hands right now," Shinmen started, "These are practice swords. They are not forged seriously." 

"Hah…" Students let out annoyed and disappointed groans. 

"What? Just what does the government take us for?" students shouted.

"This is so unfair!"

"Your swords right now, in this world, are just like the plastic swords you played with when you were kids. Basic Tier swords, which, without the wielder's skills can not even cut a basic tier beast,"

"Argh! This is so ridiculous!"

"Why would they give us such useless items?!" students started complaining.

"Calm down everybody…" Although there were no more than seven students, they were making a fuss, "Please… hear me out first,"

"We too want a powerful item!" A guy shouted.

"He is right! Why should not we get a good sword from the beginning?!"

"Yeah, yeah!" the students continued.

"Hell this! This is–"

"GET A SWORD YOURSELF, YOU LITTLE BRATS!" He broke out. Everybody went silent because of his loud shout, "If you really want a good sword for yourself, then get one yourself!" Shinmen shouted once again.

'Ah-hah… he lost it.' Kyojiro shook his head.

"Why would the government hand you a good sword? You are supposed to get it yourself! Train yourself, become stronger, kill beasts and…" 

Clang! Swing! Bang!

Shinmen grabbed the hilt of the sword hanging by his waist, with a powerful pull, he pulled out his sword from the scabbard. 

The dark light blinded everyone who looked at his katana. The katana's tip touched the ground with a little force, forming a slight crack in the ground. 

"You little brats are really hopeless," Shinmen then brought his sword near his chest, "Do you see this sword?" 

A pure black sword. Even its blade was colored black. It was very polished, not a single spot on it that would reduce its beauty.

"Seventy-five years ago. This katana was forged by a great Swordsmith seventy-five years ago. I am 37 right now, and this great katana is mine right now. Its age is double than mine," 

Students' faces went confused, 'How is that even possible?'

"Before all of this superhero shit, this katana was built naturally with the world's strongest metal, Titanium, at that time. How did I get my hands on this katana?"

Students had their ears, eyes, and attention focused on Shinmen.

"I was seven when I first saw this sword… on TV. This legendary sword was supposed to be a cursed sword. The creator of this sword- The Great Masamune Yoshihara, declared his own creation cursed and advised no one to wield this sword ever again.

"On the day I turned seven, a young man of age 19 appeared out of nowhere. The news spread all across Japan… that the wielder of Masamune's cursed katana has appeared.

"That was the day I decided, I want this katana. No matter what, I want this katana to be mine one day. The next process was simple. That man trained himself, I trained myself. At the age of 17, I challenged that man for a duel. Of course, I lost. But this continued till I turned 19, I finally defeated him in a duel and got the Masamune's cursed katana. I made it mine,"


"Yeah, the spirit to obtain that katana… truly amazing,"

"Later, when we humans started using beasts' cores to make weapons, I went to the current best swordsmith- Honjo Yoshino, he is still alive by the way. Being fascinated by this katana, he took this as a privilege to modify Masamune's Cursed katana."

"Sir! Is that katana really cursed though?" A student asked.

Shimen Takezo's eyes turned to that student, "You want to see? Fine, I will show you," Shimen closed his eyes.

After five seconds, black waves started coming from his katana. Pitch dark aura was being emitted by the katana, it soon covered Shimen's whole arm. He lifted the katana and made a slight swing. 

'Wait…' Ryan was about to spot something but before he could, he heard and felt a strong force of air pass from above his head.

He quickly turned his head around. Students were confused about what Ryan was doing.

"Hah~" Shimen put his katana back into his scabbard. Then slowly opened his eyes as the black waves started disappearing. 

'N- No way… what the heck is this…?' Ryan's eye was wide at the sight behind him.

"What are you looking at, Ryan?" Gwen followed his stare, "W- w- what?" soon, everyone turned around. 

"What? How is that even possible?!"

"Did sir Shinmen do that?"

"No way, he did not even move from his place!"

"Did you all see the black aura?" Takezo's voice caught everybody's attention back, "That was the effect of this katana's curse."

He looked at the blank and surprised faces of his students, "The big cut you see behind you," students again turned around to look at the fifteen to twenty feet long cut of a katana, "My Trait… would not actually be able to do that.

"My Trait is Air Blade, it is self-explanatory. This cursed katana sucks by Trait energy whenever I try using my Trait," he explained, "The effect of my attacks surely double but… it sometimes becomes hard to control the curse- that is- it sucks your Trait power or Trait energy."

Students exchanged glances, "Since humans gained superpowers, we have evolved far away from that day. The proportion of Trait cells to human cells in our body has increased to a 60 to 40 ratio. Hence we have more Trait cells in our body than our original cells.

"As my katana sucks the Trait energy, if I fail to control it, it will suck me and my body dry. Nothing but my dried corpse will be left."

Students gasped, "That… something that dangerous?" Ryan gulped.

"This legendary katana and other katanas which are either old or made with King Tier beasts' cores have a mark on their ricasso. Mine has too, the name of Masamune Yoshihara and the date this katana was completed forging."

'That is cool,' Ryan thought, 'I would want one like that…'

"The history of katanas goes back to five hundred years. Although That was not the time katanas started coming out in the market, the Edo Period of Japan, the oldest sword dates back to the seventeenth century. Of course, there were katanas in old days too." 

He took a pause before concluding today's lesson, "That is it for today. We will take our next lesson tomorrow on- Movements." He told, "Before you leave, let me tell you one thing. These training classes happen only thrice a week. The rest of the days are for self practicing and theory lessons. Good luck."

Will Be Continued…!


Chapter Preview Ahead!

Shinmen talks about katana movements while fighting or sparring in a friendly duel. He further explains to students about the footwork. Swift footwork is the key for efficient katana play. He dwells deeper into the katana training.

In the next chapter of My Ring System: Chapter 355- Swift Footwork & Movements.

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