'W- what is this?~ This awkward-' I folded my arms across my chest. I do not wanna stay here. I guess I will just walk away~ I had that thought in my mind so I turned my body and took a turn. Safe. took my first step.....

Mr. Atkinson coughed. I felt a shiver down my spine. I took a peek from behind my shoulder. He had his eyes closed, hand in front of his mouth, other hand supporting his elbow.

'Let's ignore him- le- let us igno~re'

"How rude of you to walk away from me even after noticing me." He finally spoke. I felt another chill run down his body.

"Yes sir. Sorry."

"About your expulsion. It is...."

"Yes. My expulsion. It's my last day in here I believe." I turned finally towards Atkinson.

"I wanna talk about that topic with you, so if you please..."

"Sure sir! I will!" Atkinson coughed. I was not scared to face him anymore. I was just a little nervous.

"First let me thank you for not letting anyone die."

"No, no. It's my fault this has happened."

"You are right in a way...." He's not denying it at all-- So honest.


"Because of what you did to... Colm Feore, it was obvious his parents won't sit quite. But to send three Mafia assassins to kill a mere High Schooler that too this early...."

A... A mere high schooler just what do you mean....? Insulting me?

"I.... still. Devon is in such a state right now. All because of me, right?"

"Right." The fuck sir? "But we have the best doctor with us. He will be all right though it might take days or even months or he still might not be good as before."

I nodded. I was guilty of what happened to him. I didn't regret beating Colm Feore though. He deserved it, but my team is now...

"So. The main point. Your expulsion is canceled."

"Oh, I see..." I sighed. 'Just because of me.... is this how I will be expelled-'

"Huh?!!" I was surprised. I brought my face in front of Atkinson, my eyes were wide my mouth was huge open in surprise.

"You heard it,"

"W- what? But how?"

"Cause you didn't let anybody die. Come on do not be so surprised. it's cringe." Now that he mentioned it- it is really cringy.

I backed down. Closed my mouth, closed my eyes, and coughed a few times.

"T- thank you."

"No. I should thank you. They are my students after all. You saved my students, and I am letting you off the hook but. If you did something worth expelling you then I will forget that you saved my students with your life at stake, I will still expel you."

He was serious. His eyes told. I gulped hard, the cold liquid went down my dry throat.

"But." he opened his crossed arms, they fell down, "For now as you have saved my students I guess you should be carefree and focus on recovering yourself. That left eye looks pretty badass but it ruins your handsome face."

My hand lifted on its own, it covered my left eye. He was right, that was not something I wanted. That left eye.

"Go get it treated."

"Sorry. I think I am better off this way. I will get it treated later."

"Are you sure? We do not call a Z Grade teacher every day and Dr. Mary will only possibly be able to recover your eyesight fully."

"Hm, I will get it done later. I kinda..."

"If that's what you say." He was surprisingly friendly with me.

'I do not want someone else to heal this eye for me. I will do it myself with the help of this system.' I was determined. And hence begin my training for leveling up.

"I have lots of official things to take care of. I will take my leave. Get well soon," Johan turned.

"Yes sir." I bowed my head a little bit, he walked away without looking back.

'Well, I guess I can go back to my room too. I need to look for a way to cure this eye.' You might think it is just strange to not take specialized treatment for my eye from the Z Grade Master but no.

Like see dude, no one even knew that I had my eye injured so bad that I might have lost my eyesight forever. No one cares, all they had to look after was Devon.

'It's not an inferiority complex. No, it is not. It is just that I want to keep it low-key and cure it on myself.' I started moving.

My hand was still on my left eye. The burning sensation…. 'It hurts.' I was not able to see anything from the left eye.

< Blood level dropping >

Shit. I forgot about this thing. My eye, my blood. I need blood, but not like I can go inside the infirmary and ask for blood right away. I took some capsules and they might be there in my room.

I hurried up to my room. The laptop was lying on the table, its light was glowing brightly in that dark room.

I washed up, took the capsule which was in my back and drawer. It feels really strange to inject blood into my body when I am just fine.

I threw away the syringe. Closed my eyes and waited patiently to hear the system's voice.

< Blood level: Ten out of ten >

Good. I sighed. The laptop was already switched on. The light got my attention.

I lifted the screen up. Ah…. my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. It suddenly makes me remember about her. A tiny girl who is my girlfriend. I haven't seen her in real life but still, I love her or so I want myself to believe.

We haven't texted in a long time, since that time the frequency we text has become very low. Before we used to talk straight for hours without a gap of even a single day but now…. Do not talk for days.

All. It is fucked up. I want to text her and tell her everything going on right now. I want to tell her.

My eyes were down as I opened the messaging app. Took a deep breath.

'Come on,' My heart started beating hard, 'She is my girlfriend! I love her! I am going to marry her in the future! Why am I so afraid of facing her? I should be glad to talk with her….'

"Huh?" A text. I saw a text, it was from her. Wait, she had texted me! I gotta check it out.

I clicked it open.

Ewrites: [ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa help- Riz is bi ]

[ wtf am I even doing? ]

[ Sigh Nevermind ]




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