My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 51 - A Little Time Skip.

** After four days **

It was in the middle of May. the sun was blazing hot up in the sky. We were standing down under the sun. No, it was not in the auditorium.

It was today, the Visitors' Event starting today. The whole Academy was decorated we were waiting for the time to come. Just a few more minutes and the school would open, that's when people will start coming inside the school.

It was just a little two days event in which there were shows, entertainment for kids, and then a serious topic where they told us about how the school manages its administration.

I was not interested in any of them. I was just trying to avoid Taylor and her unit. We were walking down the hallway, the school's gates were open, people started entering the school.

"What do to?" Devon asked.

He was healed perfectly, at least perfect enough to participate in a fight.

"I want to fucking prepare myself for the class units battles"

"But we are not allowed to do it till-"

"How about we find a place and practice?" Pete suggested.


"Somewhere in a corner?" I suggested.

"Okay, then" Devon was eager too. He had not fought since the time he was injured. He was I guess frustrated too that he let those thugs take half of his body.

The top ten community was helping teachers with the work but Devon and Naomi were here with us.

"There," I pointed at a corner under shades of dark trees. No one was there, it was a large green area with a big tree.

"Let's hit it"

We went to the place. It was cold under the shade of the tree.

"See, in this event, our teamwork is really important. If we do not work together we won't be able to win against those guys"


"We can either practice individually or just practice together"

"I do not fucking care, I just want to smash some bodies"

"Do not smash us"

"Depending on other people's Trait we will decide if we are going to defend or if we are going to attack" Devon continued.

"We have few strategies, right?" Gwen asked.

"Sure. I do. The one I made with my unit last year. Do you have any, Naomi?"

"Huh? I do not know. I do not fucking remember, I was solo"

"Okay. then listen to me carefully. You are not solo this time,"


"First, if we are going to attack we need to clear their formation from the outside. Slowly, by slowly we are going to take one, one man down. We will slowly make our way inside. We have Ryan's Trait to tell us what is happening on the other side. We are not going to be together. We will be forming teams"

"Announce them"

"I, Naomi, and Pete. Ryan and Gwen. you two, we three"

"I do not have a problem with that" I declared.

"I do not either"

"Ryan, what powers do you have?"

"Ah, clairalience, enhanced senses-"

"No, I mean what powers does your System ahs right now? I know this might be considered cheating but we have will use your System's power"

"AH, sure. Who cares if it's cheating or not, we want to win that's all. I do not have any power, the System can only heal my wounds nothing else. It can show the name of someone I want"

"That's it?"

"Yeah, my level is just one, I need to level up"

"That's bad. I thought it might help us… but okay we will use you as bait as your body will heal no matter what"

"No. It doesn't work like that. My eye, it is still not recovered by my System"

"Oh, so we ca not risk getting your organs injured"

"Yeah probably that's the calculation we can make"

"Then what about wounds? Like knife stab and stuff?"

"Wait- are knives allowed?"

"Oh, they are not. But we do not know what someone's Trait might do to us"

"It can heal a knife wound at least, but it takes a lot of blood to heal my wound, and believe it or not my wounds hurt for days. They are healed but if the wound is deep then it takes days to heal"

"What if it's in the heart?"

"Never tried that, so do not know about it"

"Okay. Naomi with electric Trait. What if someone is wearing, or clad in rubber clothes?"

"If he's stronger than I am then my fucking Trait will do nothing but if he's weaker than me then no matter how much rubber he covers his body with he will fuking get hurt"

"Fine. then Gwen. Karate right?"

"Yeah, that's my Trait. But every time I fight I end up out of the fight or knocked out just after landing a chop on someone"

"We will have to train you then. Okay, so Pete?"

"Thunderclap. It creates an immense force of air which throws the person away but… I can only use it once in a few minutes. I have low stamina so I can not use it frequently"

"That's bad too. Okay then me, I can pass through any object which is solid, but I need to hold my breath the time I am inside, that's the reason instead of depending on my Trait I prefer to use my fighting skills more"

"My Trait won't be of any use I guess"

"Ryan… you have multiple Trait but every Trait is… sorry but they are pretty useless in a fight"

"I know. I can only sense someone coming, my reflexes are strong I can run fast"

"And you are fierce" Gwen added.

"That only comes out on times. I can not beat the shit out of someone just because I want to. There must be a reason for why I have to beat that person"

"That's- we might lose this fight"

"Piss me off then. I will beat the shit of anyone who comes in my way"

"Alright. We need to piss you off, right?"

"Yeah. It's like I lose my mind, my power takes over my body and I start beating that person without thinking about anything"

"We need to keep you away from people then, cause when you start beating someone you lose your sense you are like a psychopath. When things get intense that's when we will use this option when we have only one person in front of us left. We will use your power, Ryan"





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