My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 86 - The Head General.

In a long bright room, there was a long table arranged in the center of the room. Ryan was feeling nervous about the meeting. Not only Ryan but Naomi was feeling nervous too. 

This was their first time attending an official meeting as an official member of the top ten community. 

Ten students which included Naomi, Devon, Ryan, Rigid, Rosy, and others were sitting on one side of the table. On the other side were sitting few teachers including Mary Newton also known as Doc, and Steve Zahn

On the teachers' side was the general of the army which fought the mafias recently. He was wearing a full military uniform.

Ryan kept looking around the big room. His legs were shaking with his hands cuddling with themselves. 

'Come on, Ryan. no need to be this nervous. You are all right.' he constantly felt like this meeting was held because of him. It made him feel even more nervous. 

There were two vacant seats on both ends of the long table. The chair on the left end was bigger than the one on the right side. The man with the higher post was supposed to sit on the left side while the second-in-command will sit on the left side.

Ryan thought about the possibilities of who would sit on the right side and who would on the left side.

As Johan is the principal he will sit on the left side but then who on the right side? The vice-principal was sitting on the teachers' side. 

The clock soon hit 6 O'clock. The main door of the conference hall opened. It was a sliding door Ryan had never seen before. It was a high-tech door. 

The students got up from their chairs, Ryan was confused before standing up. The next second, teachers stood up from their seats. Ryan kept staring at the door. He was not able to see clearly. 

"Alert! The Head General has arrived," 

From the door, a big, bulky figure appeared. Everyone gave him a salute. He started marching inside the room. 

"Hm. At rest!" The head general clad in military uniform shouted giving them an order to be at rest. Everyone let their hands.

From the door, another figure appeared behind the head general. Ryan was surprised to see Johan come inside the hall. 

The Head general marched to the left side of the hall and took his seat. Following him, Johan sat on the right side. At last, after them teachers sat, then students sat, finally.

"Welcome," his voice felt heavy and scary, "I am the head general of this Academy and in charge of this Academy's military affairs. My name is Brendan Fraser." 

'The head general, huh. Finally, I met one.' Ryan felt less nervous now, his attention was at the head general now. The Head general is the highest rank offered to someone in the military. 

Brendan looked like he was in his fifties or something. His hair was grey all over, his eyebrows were grey, his long beard was grey. There was a scar over his nose. 

"You might already know the reason for our conference." No one said anything, "Johan, I want the projections,"

"Sure." The lights started fading out. The lights in the hall were dim, it was totally different from what it was before.

Johan did something on the table and his fingers. In the next few seconds, a hologram appeared in front of him. 

Ryan was amazed to see that kind of high technology in his school. He thought holograms were just fantasy and would not come true. 

The holographic figure seemed to be the figure of the Academy. It was big with two main buildings and sub buildings on right, left, front, and behind. 

Johan gently pushed the hologram towards Brandon. The hologram slide across the table to Brandon. Ryan got curious about Brandon.

"Vision," he decided to use his skill at Brandon.

< Name: Brandon Fraser >

< Gender: ???? >

< HP: ???? >

'What's this? It happened with Ainz too. I was able to see Ainz's gender but here, I can not even see his gender. What's with this?'

Ryan opened his stats screen, went to the skills tab, and opened the skill 'Vision.'

"This is the building of our Academy. Today we were attacked by a freaking army of 200 men. They surround our Academy totally." He told them while pointing his fingers around the figure, "Johan," 

In a few seconds, Johan brought up another hologram. It looked like some kind of a report.

< Vision level 2: It allows you to get information about any person who's weaker or at the same level as you in terms of power and Trait level. You can not get access to the information of someone who's stronger than you. The stronger the person is, the less information you will see >

< Level up the skill to use the skill to the fullest. Select to know more >

He did. He selected to know more about the skill.

"No casualty from the army, not from the Academy either. No buildings were destroyed in this attack," Brandon slowly scrolled down through the report.

< Vision level 2. You can level up your skill vision by using it frequently or simply by leveling up in terms of your System level. There's no limit to how much the skill will-- >

"Ryan Walker." he quickly lifted his head off the Ryan spotted something in the mirror image which got him nervous again, "Ryan Walker." Brandon lifted his head, "Who's Ryan?" he asked. 

Ryan lifted his hand confidently; keeping his fear aside. Brandon took his time examining Ryan. They both had serious expressions on their face. 

"Well, reports say that the attack was made for you?" Ryan nodded pulling his hand down on the table, "I can not believe it. Can you explain?"

"I was attacked twice in my own house. I do not know why they are attacking me," Ryan replied.

"You do not know, okay." Brandon sighed, "I can not bring myself to believe that 200 men attacked an Academy just to kill a second-year.

"The report further says that you saw the attack with the help of your Trait and warned the principal about the arrival of Tye Sheridan." Brandon lifted his eyes once again. 

Everyone was staring at Ryan, "But we did not record Tye Sheridan's movements for years. Why would he appear now?"

'To kill me.' Ryan thought while biting his lip. He did not answer Brandon. 

"Kid if you know something, tell us right now."

"I do not have any lead, sir," Ryan replied. 

"Okay. moving onto the next topic. We will be soon attacked again. We can not take risks. I am going to increase the security here by 700 men. No one leaves the Academy. Those who stay with their parents will not leave their houses. If they live alone, bring them here, Johan.

"Next conference will be held tomorrow. Students are not supposed to come to tomorrow's conference. Tomorrow's agenda will be WN Academy's Transfer."




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