My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 87 - Top Priority Mission.

In the Underworld.

"Do you know what Tye's Trait is?" Jackie asked Ainz, it made him nervous cause no one knew about Tye's real Trait. Only the higher-ups in the underworld knew about this Trait not even the Masters know about his Trait. 

"No. NO sir," however Ainz was not from the higher-ups to know Tye's real Trait. 

"I was leading this attack, not Tye. Ainz you are well aware what is the priority of this mission right?" Jackie asked looking straight into Ainz's eyes under the dark blue lights.

"Yes, sir. Top priority mission."

"Not just a top priority. It's a Z-Grade priority mission,"

Just like Trait masters were ranked according to their Trait level: B-Grade or B-Class; A-Grade, Semi S-Grade, S-Grade, semi Z-Grade, Z-Grade, and the last- ZZ-Grade. 

The underworld has decided to rank its missions according to these ranks. They all were aware of the ranks. Most people in the underworld was a dropout from high school Academy so they knew about the ranking system. 

However, they did not decide to follow the ranking system totally. They threw out the semi grades and the ZZ grade. Only B, A, S, Z grades. 

"Of course, sir."

"Do you think I will give this top priority mission in Tye's hands?"

"N- No, sir. You would not." Ainz looked down.

"Look at me while I am talking to you, Ainz." Jackie raised his voice, Ainz raised his eyes, "We are finally dismissed if you do not have anything else to say. I want your plan within a day," Jackie demanded. 

He was about to stand up from his throne, everyone already stood up before him, except Sarah. 

"Sir." Ainz started once again. Everyone sighed and so did Jackie. He sat down on his throne.

"Say what?" Jackie asked scratching his forehead. 

"You do not have to wait for another day. I already have the plan ready."

"Hah?" Jackie pulled his hand away he stopped scratching his head, "Already?" Ainz nodded, "Let's hear it then,"

"Okay," Ainz nodded. He inhaled, "As this mission is a top priority mission, we need to use high-level assets too," Everyone lifted their eyes, they continued staring at Ainz. 

"Do you know what you are speaking?"

"I am very well aware, sir. I will need top-level Traits, skills, technology, and men in this mission,"

"Tell your plan. I will make everything available if it's worth it."


After the conference was over, students were told to walk out of the hall before teachers did. 

Rigid took his leave before everyone. He was in a hurry to leave the nerve-wracking hall as soon as possible. He wanted some fresh air. 

"Ryan. Fucking wait for me," he heard Naomi following behind him, Ryan slowed his pace down a little.

"Naomi," she was as beautiful as ever.

"Ryan, are you okay? We never got a chance to fucking talk later the incident," she halted near Ryan. he was finding it hard to resist Naomi's hotness. 

He moved his eyes from her head to her toes. She had her hair tied in a bun above her head, a string of her hair was falling down her neck. 

Her lavender eyes looked straight into his eyes, her jawline appeared sharper than ever because she had tied her hair up which revealed her neck and her jawline even more.

Ryan moved his eyes down to her chest. She was wearing a loose-fitting grey T-shirt, her boobs were pouting out. He brought his eye further down.

She wore black jeans, dark black jeans. Because of its perfect fitting, it relieved her thighs and the shape of her legs. The T-shirt was hanging below her waist which covered her hips. 

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Ryan came back to his sense.

"Ho, ho~ what's going on here. Did Ryan turn into-" 

"Shut up, Rigid." Devon pushed his elbow against Rigid's abdomen. Ryan turned to see others coming out of the room.

Rigid was walking hands in hands with Rosy, Devon was walking a little ahead of him. 

"Come on, Ryan, let's head to our dorms," Devon said walking towards Ryan, "You are now a member of the top ten, you will have your dorm room changed,"

"What?" Ryan did not get it.

"You've visited my dorm, did you notice something different there?" Rigid asked.

"No, I did not cause you…. I dunno, your girlfriend did not let me inside."

"Rosy. My name's Rosy," she replied quickly.

"Cause Rosy did not let me in,"

"Hahaha, okay. The top ten's dorms are located on the top floor. That is the VIP area. The top ten are supposed to live in the VIP area." Rigid explained. 

"VIP? What's the difference?"

"Bigger rooms, more convenient, you can even bring a girl to spend the night,"

"Rigid seriously," this time Rosy elbowed him but harder than Devon did.

"I am kidding. The rooms are larger, they have refrigerators, no TVs though, bigger and softer beds. Everything you can think about luxury," 

"Oh, does that means-"

"Yes, Naomi Mitsuda will also shift her dorm rooms."

"Fine," Naomi grabbed Ryan's hand at the instant, "Let's fucking go," she whispered. 

Devon's eyes caught Naomi leaping for Ryan's hand. 

"Oh, guys, we got to go. I will catch up with you later--" before Ryan could even finish Naomi started pulling him away. 

"Ho, ho~ something, something," Rigid muttered. 

"Let me finish-"

"Shut the fuck up," Naomi let go of his hand when they were out of sight.

"Devon, hey Devon!" Rigid had to shake Devon by his shoulder to wake him up from his thoughts, "what were you thinking about? You had a very lonely, sad expression on your face," Rigid giggled. 

"Ah- it's, it's nothing. Let's go,"

"Oh, okay."

"What is it, Naomi?" Ryan asked her. They were standing in a corner. 

"You answer me first," Naomi paused.

'Answer her? About what?' he thought, 'oh. That.' 

"I was just… looking at you and thought how pretty you are looking in that outfit," Ryan replied with a straight face.

Naomi's face suddenly turned bright red, "W- what are you fucking talking about?" she looked away.

"Did not you ask why I was staring at you-?" Ryan started feeling awkward. 

"What the fuck? I- I was not," her jawline appeared, even more, sharper when he turned her head away. 



It was the nighttime when Ryan dreamt about something again. He saw sparks of blue color appearing in a corner of the Academy. The sparks turned into a blue circle. 

He saw someone come out of the blue circle. He realized it was a blue portal. Before he could see anything further he woke up because of the alarm he set the previous day. 

The other day, teachers were sitting in the conference room. The hall's lights were dimmed. A hologram was in the center of the table. 

"I recommend changing the building structure and location to confuse the underworld," A teacher recommended. 

"We should change the location of this Academy far away in the US," another teacher said.

"We should relocate this Academy to another country," Brandon moved his eyes to Mary Newton, "In India, Australia, Europe, Russia…. Or Japan?" she recommended which got Brandon's attention. 




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