"Ryan wait!" Gwen grabbed his hand before he could reach the door, "Where are you going?!" she demanded.

"To the restroom. To get Pete. he's in danger!"


"A Blue portal, the sixth-tier portal was opened in the Academy. I saw it in my dream. Doc told me to keep my unit in my room but I had already told you both to go in my room, I never thought he might leave for my room just for washroom when it's in this freaking room too!" Ryan snapped.

"I did not know the VIP rooms had washrooms." 

"That's not the point. We got to go outside,"

"Wait. is not it dangerous outside?" Ryan did not think about that. If they can do something to Pete, they can do to Ryan too.

"But what then? We have no other choice, lemme go. You stay inside." Ryan shook her hand.

Ryan moved towards the door. Gwen did nothing. The door opened, Ryan stepped outside before he would step out of his room, he felt a hard pressure on his nape. Suddenly, it turned into pain.

Ryan's head started feeling dizzy, all of a sudden, he collapsed against the door. 

< HP: 15/30 >

< Major injury detected >

< HP: 30/30 >

< Blood level: 15/30 >

Ryan was about to fall down on the ground when he suddenly felt a stinging pain in his ring finger. He regained his consciousness. 

"W- what?! He survived my chop! That's impossible!" even though Gwen did not have that much of a fighting experience, although she did not have that much strength, because of her Trait, a single chop was all that it took to knock out anyone. Anyone, even a boxer with a big build. 

Ryan slowly started turning around, Gwen lifted herself off the ground and landed another hard hit on Ryan's nape. 

< HP: 14/30 >

< HP: 26/30 >

< Blood level: 3/30 >

Ryan regained his consciousness from losing it again. He saw Gwen right behind him, "S- stop it." 

< Blood level low. You have a low blood level. >

Gwen started sweating. She could not believe it. Even after taking two straight perfect critical hit chops from her, Ryan was still standing on his feet and even able to speak. 

Her hand was shaking. Her plan was to knock Ryan in a one-hit which will make things easier but her plan was ruined. She was not able to do it and did not know what Ryan would do after seeing her trying to knock him out.

She was nervous, scared of the consequences. But she did not give up. She went behind Ryan, for the last time she landed another hit on his nape.

Because she was trembling with fear and was already nervous this hit was not that strong. She even hurt herself because of the reckless hit without keeping her palm straight. 

< HP: 16/30 >

< HP: 19/30 >

< Blood level: 0/25 >

< Blood level dropped to zero. You will lose your consciousness. Consciousness lost. >

Ryan started feeling dizzy again. The only difference was that this time, he was not able to regain his consciousness after losing it. 


The next day when Ryan opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a girl with brown ombre hair lying next to him on the bed. 

Ryan sighed. 'Why do I wake up with girls next to me?' He thought. Ryan pushed himself off the bed without disturbing Gwen who was sleeping peacefully like a baby. 

'Ouch, ouch!' Ryan grabbed his head, 'Damn. this still hurts. She really went all out.' Ryan did not gain his consciousness back till it was morning again. 

"Wait. Pete!" He threw himself off the bed, went for the door. He did not have the time to wait for the door to slide open, Ryan quickly grabbed the doorknob and swung it open. 

"Oh!" Ryan found Doc standing in front of him, "Good morning~!" Doc caught a figure of someone behind Ryan. she went on her toe and slid her head to see behind Ryan.

"Doc? What are you doing here?"

"Who's there behind you?" she asked pointing inside still trying to get a look at who was behind Ryan on his bed, "You have got a woman sleeping on your bed..." Doc started.

"No, wait. I can explain."

"And that woman is not me," Doc sighed, "Just kidding." 

'There she goes. Trying to hide her feelings again.' Ryan shook his head. 

"Gwen knocked me out last night. When I gained my consciousness I was lying next to her," Ryan pointed at Gwen, "Who's still sleeping. Before I knew it, it was already morning."

"Fine. fine. You do not need to explain it to me, you know." She faked a smile.

'No. I need to explain it to you,'

"Well then, get going." Ryan continued closing the door.

"Wait. why being so rude?"

"You said I do not have to explain it to you, right?"

"Argh!" she was frustrated, "Just let me tell you about what happened yesterday night when you were enjoying your night with that pretty lady there." 

"See, Doc. I do not like it. Please stop it."

"Sorry…" she dropped her head down. 

"Come inside," Ryan grabbed her hand and pulled her inside closing the door behind him.

'Doc's more important to me than Pete is.'

< Low blood level. Refill your blood level. Consume blood >

"Doc… do you have some-"

"Here" she took out a purple tube from her lab coat.

"Thank you very much." Ryan accepted it and drank it in one go. Doc found herself a place to sit. 

< Blood level: 10/30 >

< HP: 21/25 >

"Okay, Doc. let's begin."

"Right." she adjusted herself in the chair. She still was not able to ignore the fact that Gwen was sleeping in Ryan's bed and she was about to talk about something important with Ryan.

"Nothing unusual happened last night. Everything just seemed normal." Doc shrugged.

"Despite the fact, a blue portal was opened last night?"

"Yes, despite that fact. Nothing happened. No invaders, no attacks, no blood, no students missing, nothing."

"Then what do you think they did? They would not just open a blue portal for kidding around, would they?"

"No. Blue portal is something not everyone can do. I am sure they had hired a blue portal user. They are not stupid. They did enter our Academy and they did something."

'Maybe the werewolf I met yesterday came from the portal?' Ryan thought. 

"What happened to Pete? Where is he?" Ryan finally asked. 

"Was not he with you the whole night in your room?" 

"N- no. he was not. He said he wanted to use the restroom but never came back."

Doc was lifting her hand to point at the washroom situated in Ryan's room, "I know. I know. He was not here when I arrived." 

"Shit, Ryan. we might be in for big trouble."




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