My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 96 - Tomorrow's The Day.

"Was not he with you the whole night in your room?" 

"N- no. he was not. He said he wanted to use the restroom but never came back."

"Shit, Ryan. we might be in for big trouble." Doc got up from the chair.

"You said nothing unusual happened last night-"

"Do you think they would come in the Academy just for time-pass?" Doc went near the door, it slid open.

"Let's go to his room," Ryan locked the door behind him, "Why is the dormitory so calm today?" Ryan asked as they reached the second floor. 

"I dunno. It's been that way since the morning,"

"It's like every student has disappeared."

"Do not jinx. Students disappearing would be the worst-case scenario possible." they climbed down the stairs. Now they were on the first floor. 

The ground floor was where Pete's room was situated. Gwen was on the first floor, and that's where Ryan's used to be earlier. 

"Where is his room?" Doc asked when they reached the ground floor.

"Take right. On the right side, the fourth room. Room number 10." Ryan dashed through the hallway.

No one was present in the hallways today morning, it allowed them to run around the dorm as much they wanted. Although the floor was slippery, they did not slow down.

Doc reached his room first. She grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, "Locked!" She reported.

"Move." Ryan came running from behind and without holding back, he kicked the door. 

"You might have to pay for that,"

"Just tell them it was done by the underworld." The door jumped in the air. It fell on the ground with a loud sound. Still, no one came out of their rooms.

"That's strange," Doc muttered as Ryan entered Pete's room. 

"Oh my god. Oh MY GOD!!" Ryan shouted in happiness.

"He's there?"

"Yes, yes he's here!" Ryan told, "Thank god he's safe,"

"But is he alive?" Ryan was covered with nervousness again. He did not expect that possibility. 

To check whether Pete was alive or not, Doc grabbed his arm and checked his pulse. 

"He's alive. Looks like he's in a deep sleep." Doc moved away from Pete how was sleeping soundly on his bed.

"I wonder what happened. He did not come back to the room."

"Maybe because Gwen had locked it and slept with you?"

"Oh… no one was awake to open the door." Ryan sighed, "Anyway, I am just glad he's fine." Ryan started walking out of the room.

He was about to leave the room when Doc grabbed his arm, "Ryan," she started. He turned his eyes to her, "I think something is strange here,"

"Huh? What?"

"I dunno. It's just my gut feeling. Did you see anything in your dream?"

"I do not dream every day."

"Oh..." Doc did not move after letting go of Ryan's arm.

"Well, I will be in my room then," Ryan left the room and soon disappeared from Doc's eyes. 


"Shall I announce it today?" 

"Yes, today." 

"Okay. and tomorrow's the day, right?"

"Yes. For now, just announce it. And tell them to gather in the assembly hall." 

"Very well, General Brandon." Johan sighed sitting in his chair. 

"What happened?" Steve asked offering Johan a glass of water.

"He is planning to move tomorrow. He has ordered to gather the students in the assembly hall." Johan took a sip of water, "Work's been really heavy since the attack."

"It indeed has been."

"Can you do this for me, Mr. Steve?" 

"Sure, sir. I will need to excuse myself then," 

"Hm." Johan nodded. Steve bowed before leaving the room. He went to another room.

He sat on his chair, formed a staple with his finger, and placed his chin on the top of his staple. He slowly closed his eyes.

'Voice Teleportation. Large scale.' 

He thought in his mind, a ring started appearing on the top of his head. It was a white ring which turned black, then yellow, slowly turned orange. 

It stopped changing color. Steve took a breath and the color started changing again. It turned from orange to Blue, then to Red, it was bright green now and then finally… it turned into purple color. It stopped changing the color. 

The color change thing was about how powerful the effect of his Trait is. It starts from the weakest, white; it will allow him to talk with the person next to him. 

Likewise, it goes up. White, black, yellow, orange, blue, red, green, and purple. 

Purple was the highest form of his Trait. A purple ring on the top of his head means he can talk with the whole Academy. That's how powerful his awakened or evolved Trait is. 

"Attention everybody. Attention. I am your vice-principal, Steve Zahn. I have an announcement to make on behalf of General Brandon and Principal Mr. Atkinson." 

Everyone in the Academy was able to hear him. The range of his Trait was much, much larger than just the Academy. 

'Okay. All 100 people are listening.' his Trait allowed him to know who was listening to him and how many are listening to him. 

"Every student and teacher is requested to gather in the assembly hall for an important announcement to be made by General Brandon.

I repeat Every student and teacher is requested to gather in the assembly hall for an important announcement to be made by General Brandon." 

"What do you think it is about?"

"I dunno, maybe about the attack again?"

"Probably about moving to Japan."

Several students were chatting about the recently made announcement by Steve. They were not given any information about the announcement.

The only thing they did was make their own guesses about what the General had to talk about. Many were sure that it was regarding their shifting to Japan. 

But it was not the case with Ryan. only two things came to his mind when he heard this announcement. 

'Is it about the werewolf? Or is it about the blue portal? Did he get informed about a blue portal and events regarding it?' Ryan was nervous about it.

He looked at Gwen who was still sleeping beside Ryan. he was not sure if Gwen had heard the announcement as she was still sleeping and did not show a single sign of waking up. 

Unfortunately, Steve's Trait did not allow him to communicate with someone who's unconscious or sleeping. This means, neither Gwen nor Pete had heard this announcement. 




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