"Gwen. hey Gwen," Ryan called Gwen. she was still sleeping peacefully on the bed. She did not react to his calls. Her face was exposed to Ryan, her body was covered under the covers.

"I am touching you," Ryan muttered to himself as his hand started moving towards Gwen's arm. He shook her arm trying to wake her up, "Gwen. wake up. Hey," but she was not waking up.

Ryan's eyes caught his laptop which was turned off, "It must have been on the whole night. The battery's dead I guess." He tapped the laptop's keys. 

He plugged his laptop and turned around to wake Gwen, to his surprise, Gwen was sleeping on her stomach, "Oh. are you awake?" 

"No." Her voice muffled between the pillow. She had dug her face in the pillow.

"Come on now wake up. We are called to the assembly hall," she muttered something under her breath. "What are you saying, Gwen? Just wake up." 

"No. No." she shook her head. 

"Huh? Why?" Ryan asked sitting beside her on the bed.

"I can not…. I just can not..."

"What's wrong, Gwen?" Ryan placed his hand on her arm but she shook it off.

"I do not know, I do not know"

"You do not know what?" Ryan was still confused because of her actions. 

"I do not know how to face you after what I did the last night," After hearing that Ryan felt hopeless and sighed. 

'Is that all this is about?' he thought.

"Well, tell me,"

"I- I- I went through your laptop, insulted your privacy; then I forced a kiss on you--" she was embarrassed when the word 'kiss.' came out of her mouth.

"Uhh… and?" 

"Then I knocked you out. I can not forgive myself. This is really embarrassing for me," her muffled voice came out. 

"See Gwen. it's alright. You do not have to feel embarrassed,"

"It's not that easy, Ryan." 

Ryan took some time to come up with a way to get her off the bed, "Is it because of the…. The kiss we shared?"

"Yes." she was shy, Ryan could feel it through her voice. 

"B- but why? It was my first kiss too but I do not feel like I regret giving you my first kiss."

"Aah~" she let out a moan of embarrassment, "Do not say it~"

"Right. It's cringe." Ryan sighed again. He could feel his ears burning up in embarrassment.

"I mean, you know, kissing each other is something only couples do…. And we, we-"

"We are not couples nor we will become one, I know."

"See? That's just embarrassing,"

"Well, okay. Gwen Stacy, do you want us to be a couple?" Ryan did not mean it when he said those words.

Gwen took some time before replying, "But you do not even like me, do you?"

"I would not let someone I do not even like take my first kiss. I like you as a person, as a friend, as a female… a lot." 

"But it's not romantically, is it?"

"It's not romantically," Ryan repeated, "But still, hypothetically speaking?"

"Then yes. Yes, yes, yes." she still did not take out her face from the pillow. 

"Hm. Do you know that couples do more than just kiss each other,"

"I- I know. What do you mean by that?" she added with a pause. 

"What I mean by that is…. Do you mind if I touch your thighs?" That took Gwen by a surprise. She choked on her own words, "I will take your silence as a yes." 

"Hm." she gave out a low hum. 

"Then do you mind if I touch your butt?"

"R- Ryan!"

"You mind?"

"I- I do not. If it's you, I do not mind."

"What if it was Devon? Or Rigid?"

"Why are you bringing those two in the middle of our thing?"

"Right, sorry." Ryan lifted his hand and placed it on Gwen's calf. Her skin tingled when his hand landed on her calf, "Do you mind if I touch your stomach? Your back?"

"I do not. I do not. Go ahead, do it already." Ryan was not planning on doing it but he was finding it hard to resist Gwen's body. 

Ryan grabbed the covers, pulled them off her body. She was wearing a T-shirt and a black legging below. 

"Well, do you mind if I touch your breasts-"

"Argh~ I do not mind at all. Just do whatever you want, stop asking me." Gwen tilted her body and turned it around on the bed.

Her top was slightly going up, revealing a little part of her stomach. She still was not showing her face.

She pressed the pillow hard on her face, both of her arms were covering her face, "Just- just go ahead. Do it," 

"Take the pillow off your face,"

"W- why? It's fine this way,"

"No, it's now. Remove the pillow,"

"I can not. I do not want you to see my face, I can not face you either,"

"Just remove it, Gwen." She did. Ryan was able to convince her. The pillow on her face was slowly falling away. 

Only a little part of the pillow now covered her face. Few strings of her hair were on her face, her eyes were tight shut. She threw the pillow away. Pulled an arm over her forehead. 

"Why? Why are you making me do this, Ryan?"

'Yes. I wonder myself why I am making you do this. Right now, I feel like a fucking sadist who's trying to gain sexual satisfaction by humiliating you.' Ryan thought, 'But this is the only way I can make things right between us.'

"Gwen. you do not have to be anxious about anything, do not be afraid of being judged. I like you a lot. Be relaxed,"

Gwen was able to feel Ryan's breath on her neck. Ryan had leaned over near her neck. Her plump lips were visible, her sharp collar bone was visible. Making it impossible for Ryan to resist Gwen anymore. 

"I love you, Ryan," Gwen said. Ryan froze on his way to Gwen's lips. He opened his eyes, "Such a fool I am. Knowing that you would not return me the same feelings, I still love you." she opened her eyes.

She gasped after seeing Ryan so close to her face. Before she could even do anything, Ryan threw his lips on her lips, "This is better," 

Ryan pushed his lips into her mouth, his tongue entered her mouth. Gwen's arms grew apart from her forehead, they started wrapping Ryan's back. 

Gwen pulled him closer to her, hugged him in her embrace while passionately kissing him. 




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