My System And I

Chapter 5 - Master Of All Job Class, Jack Of None

Dezmund's mother was washing his clothes and put him in the crib. Giving him toys to play with, in the meantime. Kissing him on the cheeks then left the room. Carrying his unwashed clothes with her.

Living idly with his crib and the same table for him to eat. A nice life of being a helpless babe. Just enjoy the perks of being in a form of an infant.

Just as life was easy, Dezmund was in his crib again for some time now. Playing in his crib with wooden toys that were carved to be a human that has a shield and sword. Making it clash with the other toy that was an enemy – a wooden carved dragon.

Making the dragon flew and dived to the human.

'Clash! The human died at its fangs and the dragon ate him. The end!' Dezmund said in his mind.

Thinking of all his time, he can't help but thought that time was so slow. He threw his toys at the walls of his crib then pouted.

'Hey System! Can you give me something to do? Something good?'

[Are you sure? I don't see a problem why not]

[Goal: Sit and stand 100 times]

[Reward: Skill Conjure Handguard]

Just by seeing it, he was mystified by what kind of oblivion was that. Still, he was curious about it and started to do the task. Just like before, he was rewarded handsomely by the System. Something that a two-year-old can do was what his goal was.

Just sitting and standing up. His baby thɨġhs were aching. He can only grip the top of the crib in the pain. Biting his lower lips as he stood up and sat back and forth. Sitting and standing up for some time.

Wiping his sweat while he tucked his hand on the top of the crib. Thinking of resting first. Still, he was halfway through.

'Damn, being in a baby's body sure is a real deal. I can bȧrėly stand after reaching fifty. Maybe the system will make me have a body of a wrestler,'

'Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.....' Dezmund sings while touching what he was mumbling. Touching his head, shoulders, knees, and, toes.

He suddenly giggled when he remembered that song being sung when he was in high school. Making it an ice breaker before they will start the class.

Just from the thought of it, he was embarrassed when he performed the song in front of his classmates. But in his baby form, it was very much to his liking. It felt natural.

After a while, he stood up and sat again. What a silly task for him to do but the rewards were very much too good to be true. Still, it was true despite it was unbelievable. Kudos to the System.

Just repeating the same whole thing for a while, he mastered the same movements for a while. His muscle memory improved a lot by doing so. If he can call it himself, he will be called, "Master of standing up and sitting. Jack of none."

Seems legit for a child like him. Upon making it to the one hundred, his buŧŧ slammed to the floor of the crib. Making his buŧŧ ache in the process. Thighs were sprained like it was overstretched. Making him massage it while saying baby words.


'Ouch ouch ouch ow awie! This is hard for a babe to make it to one hundred! Even grown-ups were having difficulty in doing this silly joke!'

[You will be rewarded handsomely for completing the goal]

'Wow! Another Conjuration skill!' Dezmund said in his mind in glee. Thinking that he will be having another skill to play with. After he completed the task, he was drilled with yet another piece of info in his mind. Making him knowledgeable on just a whim.

[Another goal for the day]

[Goal: Conjure Handguard]

[Reward: +1 Weapon Mastery (Handguard)]

He used the skill [Conjure Handguard] and appeared an armour in his hands. Just the size of his hand of a babe. A cool aura was emitting from the handguard and was smoking in a warm feel.

[Conjure Handguard–a skill to protect the hands of the user. Can be used to block and attack while punching.]

[Reward for Completion: +1 Weapon mastery (Handguard)]

[Current weapon masteries: Sword(1), Handguard(1)]

His eyes glowed as the message was in his front and as well as due to be having happiness seen in his eyes. He then lifted his arms high and then shouted with glee. Disintegrating the weapon after he rested for a while. Just as he was resting, he was sent with another message.

[Goal: Punch and kick 100 times]

[Reward: Fighter Job Class]

Just after seeing, it, Dezmund can only sigh. He hasn't recovered from the tiring process of making it to one hundred. Just the thought of doing it again made him depressed. But then again, all his worries faded as soon as he saw the reward of the goal for the day.

He stood up then inhaled deeply. Readied himself into the position of punching and kicking. Squatting position and then started punched the air.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He punched the air then accidentally kicked the crib. Making him hop for a while blowing his ached legs. Massaging it for a while.

'No kicking of the crib from now on.' He said then stands up again reignited.

Punched and kicked while alternating it both from each other.








Soon after, he felt wearier and wearier, making it to one hundred. Dezmund collapsed in the crib, panting for a while. His hands and legs were limp like rotten vegetables. Gasping air as he felt light-headed. Soon, he saw the message in front of him.

[Reward for completion: Fighter Job Class]

[Current Job Classes: Warrior Job Class, Paladin Job Class, Holy Knight Job Class, Chaos Knight Job Class, Fighter Job Class]

[The skills will be handed to you at the age of four]

'Four? What will I do in two years?' He asked in a great disturbance.

[Training, you need to unlock all of the job class currently]

'All of it? Why?' He felt confused.

[To be as versatile as you could. You will thank me if you mastered them all.]

'Okay okay fine, will surely do it for sure. I mean I can be anything I can be right? Like a Master All Job Class, Jack of none?'

[Complete all of the Job Class and Weapon Conjuration first. Then all the Weapon Masteries. Let us do it step by step]

'Damn, okay! Fine!' Dezmund shouted in his mind.

'Just by the looks of it, I will be having an arc just unlocking the Job Classes, Weapon masteries and Weapon conjurations for now. I think it will take longer.' He said then stared at their ceiling.. Thinking of his pitiful life as a babe.

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