My System And I

Chapter 6 - Rain Rain Go Away

It was night time and he was fed by his mother with milk in a cup of clay. He was on her ŀȧp and was sipping the content of it. Just in his view, he can see his mother's brėȧst. Not that he wanted to drink there instead, but it was famished with milk there.

The memories of the past owner of his body were pitifully suċkɨnġ it but it was all dried up. Dry as a desert without anything on it. Just pure nothing.

So he was resting ȧssured when the milk came, the milk of the animal called a cow. Agriculturally termed as cattle. A large ruminant that eats grass and the grass was converted to milk. So he was like sipping from said animal indirectly. Making him imagine that he was suċkɨnġ it instead.

It was not satisfying in any sense but it was his food for now. Making him want to puke but he was hungry. He didn't even have a choice but to drink it. He would rather suck the said animal than his mother's famished brėȧst.

He soon was being tapped in his ŀȧp and was being sung by the song of his mother. It was called the tales of a mighty hero that battled the great Demon king. It was none other than Durin. Durin the Great.

He was born in a haystack with his mother....

And didn't cry when he was born...

The boy who became a strong as a dragon...

Mighty as an eagle as he flew...

Sipping the brooks and dried it up...

Swinging his sword and splitting the oceans.....

His breath was uprooting trees...

He splits mountains while flicking the air....

Battling the Demon king till his last breath....

The great Hero, Durin.....

It only made Dezmund's hairs went up. He seemed strong but he was defeated by the Demon King, still unbelievable for his mind to follow. Questioning his self if he can be as strong as Durin or who was called by that name. Thinking about how he will fulfil his role as the Child Of Hope.

Thinking about it, he sipped all the content of the cup. Making him be placed on the crib with his soft blanket on his ċhėst. Kissing him then she left.

As soon as she left, it started to rain that night. The downpour of the rain was deafening. Making Dezmund cover his ears with how loud it was.

Hearing clapping thunder and the wind blew like it was never before. A whooshing sound was heard by his ears and he can't help but feel a little disturbed by its presence.

Windows were vibrating as the wind blew them. A frightening nightmare for Dezmund while being awake. He can't sleep at all and his eyes were opened wide. Seeing the lamp as he stood up and leaned to the crib.

Soon enough, a thundering clap reverberated and he felt a little shake on the ground when he heard it. It seemed that the thunderstruck a tree just near them outside.

Just as he heard it, he was startled and jumped a bit. Making him slam his but on the crib. His heart pumping rapidly and it added to his discomfort. Making him hide inside his blanket. He can't help but sing a song to calm himself.

'Jani Jani, yes papa. Eating sugar, no papa. Telling lies, no papa. Open your mouth, ah ah ah ah!!!!!' He almost screamed after he heard the thunderclap.

His song didn't help, so he sang another song in his mind.

Seems legit for the song as it calmed him a bit.

'Rain rain go away, come again another day. Little children want to play, rain rain go away.....' He sang the song to make the rain go away.

It seemed to be a chant to make the storm cool down but it didn't. The song didn't make any progress for it to go down. In fact, it only made it worst. Thinking to just sleep the night if he can. But he couldn't.

It seemed like the storm won't go down any time soon. After some time, the system made a notification sound.

[Another goal for the day]

[Goal: Sleep in the storm]

[Reward: +1 to all stats]

'Damn that was a good reaping. But I don't know if I can do it, will try it out. I will surely sleep soon, Can I? I don't know! Maybe making me squat for an hour will be easier!' He shouted in his mind.

[Do you want to squat instead?]


Dezmund jolted in surprise.

'Haha! Now I know why! You tend to make me do this and that without knowing how painful that is? I will surely get overgrown muscles of wrestlers with this! Do you know what a wrestler is? You don't, do you?'

[If you are referring to Arnold Schwarzenegger, then I know]

'Hahaha! You even have his name correct! I am impressed! You know that I can't spell his name correctly?'

[I take that as a compliment]

'Sure sure! But is there a time limit to the task? I will try to sleep but the storm is not helping. Can you stop the storm for me to sleep?'

[No, can you?]

'What the heck is that question?'

'Oh, so that explains it! Wow, this world sure is vast! I gotta know more! Can you provide me with more knowledge?'

[I am not all-knowing, you may want to ask God himself.]

'Sure! How? After I died?'

[You will not die of old age until you finish your mission. And yes, you can ask him when you died (cough) or should I say you finish the mission.]

'Wow! I won't die of old age? Seems a curse to me! I want to die already and meet some of my grandmother and grandfathers in eternal rest. Seems a hassle to save this world for who knows how long. A thousand years maybe?'


'Damn! I knew it! You schemed me!' He jolted.

[Not that you have a choice. Do you want to revoke your longevity? I will make you die of old age right now.]

'No no no! None! Time out!' He replied while making an ex with his hands.

[That is incorrect, you will get crazy if I will put Insanity negative status in your mind. Do you want Insanity?]

'Like I wanted to! Geez, you sure know how to reply. Ain't you?' Dezmund wanted to cry.

[For your info, I am created with the Creator of this world–Hearth. He is watching you so watch your mouth.]

'Aha, so no bad words?'

[No, but not that I expect for you to change in a twinkling of an eye. Maybe a bubble that popped would be a better example than you.]

'Ugh, that hurts. You surely know human morals, do you?'

[Yes, you want me to research more about yourself? I know a thing or two.]

'Nah, it would disappoint you. You know my secret vaults of videos?'


[God knows it all so it's no use. It will all be revealed too in the Judgement so be ready.]

'I wanna cry. I would just repent then. Seemed a hassle if revealed to everyone.'

[You are not the only one who will be revealed. All of the humans will.]

'Oh, really? Looking forward to it! What kind of secrets does my crush have? Did she like me? Is it a sin if she liked me?'

[Correction, she does not.]

'Oh, so I am glad I died now. I wanna have a happily ever after now here....' Dezmund said in his mind and he felt that he was sleepy.

'I will sleep now, thank you System for the talk. It was nice meeting you.'

[The pŀėȧsurė is mine]

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